11.5 First Green Star - [Past] What happened after Ye Xiajie's Death? (3)

The voice came out of nowhere and Hei Anjing could hear it from all sides. It left Hei Anjing bewildered yet shocked at the same time. As he could pinpoint where it was coming from. Thinking of this he couldn't be helped but lean more on his uncle as in face of such unknown existence he could only ask for help from his family.

"Please do not waste time. Do you wish to lose your Original Supreme God of Darkness this way?" said Mo Baojun.

{At yond timeth i hadst already given those folk the chance to chooseth which those gents did want.  But both chooseth to giveth up their p'rmanent existences f'r the sake of reviving thee.  This one nay longeth'r cares which of which wouldst becometh the new supreme l'rd.  As longeth as one can possesseth such a position to holp me stabilize this origin then aught 'r anyone couldst has't the roles}