12.84 Unknown Star - Modern ABO World: Second Case - Unexpected Visitor

Ye Xiajie continues to watch the scene before him. He saw his figure dig his own heart into his own body when he rejected the command of Ye Mo to kill his beloved. He could never kill his love and the curse of his bloodline had killed him. Ye Mo watches his most powerful son die before him. He indirectly killed him by making his life mission something he could never do. Asking Ye Xiajie to kill his beloved is impossible.

The despair and grief from Hei Anjing affected everyone in the area, his destructive aura spreading in the world of Inferno slowly turning everything. Until his grief turned to murderous intent, he looked at Ye Mo like a prey he wanted to kill regardless of anything. His hatred blinded him causing so many innocent deaths of beings in that world. Even his own people were sacrificed in his despair.