[Chapter 9#]

"I'd like to start an emergency meeting to deal with your ex-girlfriend."

As we sat face to face over a cup of tea, Kurusu-san said.

We are starting a countermeasure meeting against my ex-girlfriend, Sarasa-san.

"That being said, what am I going to do?"

"First of all, you can't rely on the police. Since no real harm has been done to you. Even if you consulted them, they would just tell you to be careful or strengthen their patrols."

Then I don't know what the Anti-Stalking Law is for.

It's too late after real harm.

Well, it's certainly more unusual for a man to be stalked by a woman, so I guess it can't be helped.

"So, I have a plan for you."

"Oh, what's that?"

The other party is a girl like Sarasa-san, so she must have come up with a great solution that I, a man, would never have thought of.

When I asked her excitedly, Kurusu-san sniffed and replied with a puff of her chest.

"What about me going out with you?"


Huh? Is there something wrong with my ears?

Going out? Me and Kurusu-san? Why?

The proposal was so unusual that all I could do was tilt my head.

I wondered what kind of proposal it would be, but I felt my expectations had been betrayed.

"Hmm, no wonder you're surprised. If you and I go out, maybe you can make your ex-girlfriend give up."

"No, I don't think so."

Wouldn't that just make her angrier and be dangerous?

I was so stupid of me to get my hopes up.


"'No. I rather wonder why it would work."

I sipped my tea and let out a sigh.

Then Kurusu-san clapped her hands as if she had come up with another idea and said, "That's it!"

Her cheeks were tinged with red, but I had a bad feeling about this.

"If I conceive your child, we might be able to get rid of her."


I instinctively blew my tea at the astonishing statement.

"Geez, that's dirty."

"What the hell are you talking about? You're an idiot!"

"Mmm, I'm sorry. I thought if I had your baby, she would give up."

"That's why I'm saying that you are an idiot!"

First of all, why would she want to do that?

I mean, she's having a baby with me? No way!

I'm not going to have a baby just for the sake of it.

I don't want to be a father yet, and if I have a baby, I might end up in an even worse situation.

I don't want a bad ending like that...

(He thought,  If he really did that, his ex-girlfriend would chop off his head for cheating on her,.)

"Rejected, rejected! I don't want to get my head chopped off!"

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

"No, I'm talking to you."

Anyway, I can't rely on this woman anymore.

She's been coming up with nothing but bad ideas.

While I was wondering what to do, the doorbell rang unexpectedly.

"No way… is it Sarasa-san?"

I don't know how she found out, but if it's Sarasa-san, it's not surprising that she would come.

I had a bad feeling and was sweating profusely, Kurusu-san got up and headed for the door.

"Oh, don't worry. It's probably not your ex-girlfriend."


So, does Kurusu-san know who is visiting?

When I rolled my eyes, Kurusu-san checked the doorbell and opened the door.

"Welcome, I've been waiting for you."

"Damn it, I'm busy and you're calling my people. I wouldn't have come if it wasn't for you."

"I'm sorry. You'll have to forgive me."

The person who came to see me was a blonde-haired man who looked very flirtatious.

I'm sure he's not a bad guy, but the way he looked at Kurusu-san made him seem kind.

When he saw me, he walked in and approached me with a smile on his face.

"Is this the boy?"

"Yeah, get to know him, will you? Kakeru-kun, let me introduce you. My brother, Reiya Kurusu. He's a term older than us."

"Nice to meet you, Kakeru-kun."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Shoryu Kiryu."

We responded with a handshake and exchanged greetings with a slight bow.

He might be a pretty good guy, after all.

You should not judge a person by their looks.

"Kurusu-san, I didn't know you had a brother."

"Well, it's nothing to hide, but it's not something to talk about."

"Hey, that's rude!"

But from what I've heard, it seems that Kurusu-san is the one who called her brother.

"He's always been good with women. That's why I thought he could help you."

Well, he certainly seems to be very good with women.

He seems to have a lot more experience with women than I do, and he may be more promising than Kurusu-san.

"I'm sorry, I got you involved in my problems..."

"No, no, no, don't worry about it. If it's her best friend's problem, it's natural for me to lend a hand".

Then, he smiled again.

I see, he certainly seems to be popular.

He's a handsome guy that any girl would fall for with just a smile.

"For now, I'll be guarding your surroundings for a while. I'm not going to let your ex-girlfriend get close to you. I'm on the football team, after all."

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Don't worry, you're in good hands."

I'm not sure if it's my imagination or not, but I feel like I've been raising a lot of flags.

It's true that he has a good physique, but I can't shake my uneasiness.

"While my brother is on guard duty, I'll come up with another plan."

"I'll be waiting ...but I have no expectations."

I'm confident that her idea wasn't a good one.

But still, I decided to at least listen to it.

This is a relief for now.

No matter how much Sarasa-san tries, I don't think she'll be able to break through this big guy.

Huh? Could this be another flag?

"If that's the case, I'm going to show off some of my homemade dishes tonight. Look forward to it, Kakeru-kun."


"Hey,! You're ignoring me!"

"Well, I'll feed you if you come with me to the grocery store to carry my shopping bags."

"Why are you talking about? I don't care."

"Okay then, we're going to go shopping, so you stay at home."

"Yes, I understand."

Kurusu-san said, "Well then," and left the entrance with her brother.

Somehow, it's like a typhoon when these siblings are together.

I'm a little tired, but it's a fun feeling for someone like me who never had any friends.

I wondered what they were having for dinner, but decided to wait for them to come home.







"So? What's the real reason you called me?"

"What, did you notice?"

"Yeah, I did. So? What do you want me to do?""

"I want you to make his ex-girlfriend Sarasa Ashizawa yours. Can you do it?"

"Who the f*ck do you think I am?"

"Once you've embraced her. Then, you've got to treat her as badly as you can and finally break her down ."

"So you're saying you want me to f*ck her and throw her away. I get it."

"I'm lucky to have Kakeru-kun in my life, but I'll never forgive her for not appreciating that, and for hitting him so coldly. I'll never forgive her…"

"Good grief, women are scary."