[Chapter 13#] (Side story )Reunion of him and the stalker Part 1

Damn, that was a mistake.

I never thought I'd have to run away!

If I hadn't been interrupted, I could have taken care of that b*tch right there.

"... No, I should've killed the b*tch along with that woman who had gotten in my way before the police got here."

It doesn't take more than a minute to kill a person.

It can be done in the blink of an eye.

Killing one or two people would be an easy task for me.

But such thoughts quickly faded away.

"No, I can't. That b*tch had a knife."

And she thinks the same way I do.

So, she can't tolerate me being around Shoryu-kun and she may be planning to kill me if she had the chance.

I'm sure that was the reason why she was carrying a knife in her bag.

"Fufu, this is so funny."

I'm surprised that I was trying to kill the same type of person as me, this makes me laugh.

Well, it's okay. There's nothing I could do about what's happened.

It's true that I couldn't kill her right there, but I still have a chance.

I have to get rid of her in a way that she can't even imagine.

"Well, that b*tch got away, now let's get back to my original purpose.:"

I almost forgot my original purpose.

Of course, killing that woman is also my goal, but my ultimate goal is to live with Shoryu-kun again.

In order to do that, I need to know where he lives.

So, I'd better get moving.

Late at night, I was keeping an eye in front of the bar where Shoryu-kun worked while keeping myself hidden.

My goal, of course, is to follow Shoryu-kun.

To be honest, I was annoyed to have that b*tch in my sight, but I didn't have time to worry about that.

"Oh, he's coming out!"

He came out of the store after finishing his part-time job, but when I saw him I was so shocked.

"... WHO thE hELL IS ThAT WomAN??"

Not only was that b*tch standing next to Shoryu-kun but there was another woman standing there as well.

She's a whole different type of woman than me and Moe Kurusu.

(TL: She means that person is not a yandere like her and Moe Kurusu)

That woman is talking to Shoryu-kun with anger, but she seemed to be enjoying herself.

"... HAHA!"

Suddenly, I couldn't help but keep laughing

So he's actually enjoying a harem with two women serving him while I'm not around.

Oh, I see.

That woman is also seducing Shoryu-kun, and Shoryu-kun is falling in love with her, right?

Oh, my poor Shoryu-kun.

He's so lonely because I'm not there so he's lusting after other women...

"It looks like I will have to increase my punishment for Shoryu-kun."

I followed the three of them, trying not to get caught myself.

Moe Kurusu left them halfway through, but that b*tch doesn't matter now.

I can take care of her later.

Shoryu-kun and the new girl were both heading to the same apartment.

Oh my god? Don't tell me they're living together?

"He can't do that. I will never allow it. "

When I was thinking about it, the woman went into her room, while Shoryu-kun went into the next room.

Oh, thank God. They're not living together.

Anyway, I was able to find out where Shoryu lived.

"Now, let's go say hello to him, shall we?"

I went to the apartment and pressed the doorbell of Shoryu-kun's room.

"Yes? Who might it be?"

Then the door opens, although through a chain, and Shoryu-kun peeks out from inside.

Ah, it's Shoryu-kun! The man I love so much is right here in front of me.

I can't help but feel overwhelmed, but let's talk calmly for now.

"Good evening, Shoryu-kun."

"EH? How?"

(Side story)

Chapter 13: Reunion of him and the stalker Part 1


When Shoryu-kun saw my face, he gasped and closed the door with a pale face.

Moo..you don't have to be embarrassed anymore.

You are such a cute guy.

"Hey, can you open this up? You don't have to be so shy, okay? Please, listen to me."

I knocked on the door, but there was no reply.

But this apartment is old, so he must be able to hear me.

Then I have to talk to him and ask him to open the door.

"I've been thinking about what I've done and how I've behaved. I know that I'm a horrible woman, but I was doing it for the best. Now I'm sorry for going too far. I'm sorry. So, you know what? Why don't you come back to me instead of staying in this apartment? And let's live together again. Come on, please."

I kept knocking on the door and turning the doorknob, but there was no response.

He really is a shy person.

I can't believe that he made me say this much, and then didn't even respond.

I can't help it, I guess I have to try to put more of my feelings into it.

"I'll do anything for you. I don't care what you do to me, even if it's s*x. So please open the door."

Even after I said that there was no response.

It's a little disappointing that he's too shy. Having no choice, I continued.

"If you don't open the door, I'm going to kiLL THaT MOne kuruSU GirL RiGHT nOW."

As soon as I said that, there was a noise from inside.

Oh, he finally reacted. He's cute, really.

But I'm a little dissatisfied. Is she really that important to him?

After all, I knew that I had to get rid of that woman.

"If I KILL Her AND Bring YOU heR HEAd, THEN wiLL YOu OpeN tHE Door? oR, IF thAT DoeSN't WOrk, I'LL gO aND GeT RId oF The GIrL NExT tO YOur RoOM"

"Don't do that!"

Shoryu-kun screamed and finally opened the door.

But the chain was not taken off so there was only a small gap, but I still felt affection for him for opening the door like this.

"You finally opened the door. You really are a shy person."

"...I don't know what you're talking about, but you need to leave. You and I are strangers now."

"Oh, you think that's funny, don't you? No, you can't lie to your girlfriend and say I'm a stranger. I'll be very upset if you do."

"...What are you talking about?"

Eh? What am I talking about?

It's not April Fool's Day, and I don't want him to make bad jokes like that.

"Well, okay. Why don't you take off this chain and open it? It's been a while since we've shared a hug."

"No, are you ...Serious? What are you really talking about? Why should I open it? You're a crazy one, aren't you?"

"It's so annoying when you get so shy. Alright, I've said all this and you still won't open the door. So I'm going home today."





"...I hope you never come back."

"I'll be back, okay? And when I do, make sure you pick me up, okay?"

"Hey, listen to me."

"Well, good night."

That was all I had to say, and I left.

"Hey! Wait!"





I heard Shoryu-kun shouting something behind me, but I wasn't going to look back now.

I decided not to hear him. This is my payback for him being mean to me.

"Fufu, Baka."

(TL: Baka = idiot)

I wish he had been honest from the start.

Now that I've found Shoryu-kun, the next thing I need to do is make a duplicate key to his room, send him my belongings, and get ready to move in with him.

Then, we will be able to be happy just like before.

After that, I have to get rid of that b*tch before it's too late, right?

Oh, I have a lot of work to do! But I'm satisfied.

Just thinking of living together with him like before makes my heart throb hard with excitement.

"Fufu... this is going to be fun."