================================================================Warning some of the violence in this chapter may be displeasing to certain readers


As Jacob and Nathan climbed up the tree the bear attempted to follow them but ultimately failed. 

This gave the two boys the chance to regroup and replan as it as they were facing a real possibility of dying.

The bear having decided on revenge for having entered its territory did not let them rest for a minute with its constant threat looming over them.

After about an hour, the boys had devised a plan that they believed would work first Jacob would Jump down and distract the bear while Nathan shot at -

Before they could finish their plan the bear had had enough and decided to use its massive strength to cut down the tree in one enormous sweep of its claws.

As Jacob and Nathan fell down the tree, the bear managed to catch Nathan within his maw and in one swing of its massive head managed to destroy his spinal cord, eventually leading to his death.

Jacob, witnessing this felt no emotions in his heart which truly confused him; Nathan and him had been through these trying two days together, so why didn't he think anything even as he saw his close companion being torn to shreds?

The bear, not letting Jacob have his moment, headed straight for him and decided to ram at full speed; this led to him being thrown at a nearby tree and losing his breath.

Jacob not having been prepared for it, was slowly falling unconscious, but before it happened he saw a hunter who quickly dispatched the creature as if it were prey.

In Jacobs's last moments, he saw the man approaching him and pulling out a knife; then passed out. 

Once Jacob had woken up again he noticed he was in what could only be considered a jar, but how did he fit in it?

As Jacob was debating what was happening, he saw the man come into the room that seemed to be a simple hotel room with a table full of jars similar to the one he was in.

The man then headed straight for the jars only glancing at them for a minute before leaving for the restroom.

Jacob then realized that he needed to escape no matter what was happening, but he knew he wouldn't be able to run using his current strength.

He had no idea how to escape until he realized that Athens and Nosirin were located in larger glass containers near him; noticing this, he willed them to quickly break the glass before grabbing the jar he was in and escaping through a window, which was luckily open.

As Nosirin and Athens left through the window they slowly crawled through the wall as the room had been placed on the third floor.

Once they had arrived on the floor Jacob decided their best course of action was to head to Edward as he would, at the very least, offer protection while he was shrunk down. 

Jacob then ordered the two insects to hide in the shadows while heading towards the Restaurant the Bastard Children owned.

After a few hours of extended travel, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and in the front was Issac vaping. 

Nosirin then quickly attempted to grab his attention at Jacobs's order, which seemed to work well as Issac recognized the giant centipede before looking around for Jacob.

After not finding him, he noticed the centipede was trying to enter the restaurant. Once he opened the door the giant centipede beelined for Edwards's office, ignoring the shocked guests.

Once Nosirin arrived at the office, he noticed that Edward looked at it confused. Without waiting for a second nostril, he placed the jar on the desk before crawling around the pot as if to protect it.

Edward, confused, looked at the centipede before asking Issac, who had run behind the centipede, where Jacob was.

Issac then explained the events that had transpired

Jacob, who lay in the jar, was confused about why no one had noticed him yet, so he forcedly ordered Nosirin to open the jar.

Once Jacob had been freed, he decided to head towards Edward, who was confused as Jacob walked over to him. Edward then picked him up and placed him on the table once again. 

Edward then picked up a phone and attempted to call someone who seemed to not pick up much, to Jacob's annoyance of being ignored.

Jacobn then attempted to communicate with Edward but all that came out of his mouth was what seemed to be the chatter of an insect.

Jacob, realizing he couldn't speak, tried using the parasite inside of Edwards's brain to talk to him.

This shocked Edward as he could hear Jacob but not see where he was. So he asked him where he was and why his centipede wasn't with him.

This confused Jacob thoroughly as he stood before him, even though he had to admit he had become as small as one of the insects in his swarm. So he said as much to Edward, which led to an apparent confusion on his face. 

Jacob then quickly told Edward to stop playing games and start trying to figure out what had happened to make him this tiny.

Edward then asked if he was playing some elaborate prank on him before letting out a small chuckle.

This made Jacon annoyed and told him this wasn't a prank and that he should quickly get to it before he ordered the parasite in him and its offspring to kill him from the inside painfully.

This sent a shiver down his spine before he started barking orders at Issac, who reacted quickly and left the officed before going to who knows where.

After Jacob and Edward were left in the room alone, Jacob seemed to finally rest easy before apologizing to Edward for his prior outburst. 

Edward accepted the apology and asked him something that shook Jacob to the very core.

"Sir, if I may ask, you said you shrunk, but before me is not you but a rhinoceros beetle."