The Mission

Jacob, having cleared his mind, realized that he needed to take an unconventional approach to complete his task. He decided to leave his own body at the pet shop, and instead, inhabit the body of a mammal that was filled with insects. By doing so, he hoped to infiltrate the mansion unnoticed and complete the job. It was a risky move, but Jacob knew that it was his best chance for success.

As Jacob took over the body of a squirrel he found he headed for the Lutherdrop estate.

As Jacob approached the mansion, he was struck by its grandeur. The building appeared to be made entirely of polished marble, with intricate magical markings etched into the walls. The carvings of animals that adorned the walls were so lifelike that they almost seemed to move The mansion was surrounded by lush green grass, tall trees, and bushes that were carefully manicured. The occasional pond added to the beauty of the landscape. Large statues of mythical creatures were positioned throughout the property, adding to the grandeur and mystique of the estate.

As Jacob surveyed the estate, he noticed a few small structures that seemed to be homes for some of the larger animals. It was clear that the owners of the mansion took great care in maintaining the estate. The ponds were filled with fish, and birds chirped around the whole place. People and servants ran around the entire place, seemingly maintaining the greenery and taking care of the animals. Jacob was impressed by the attention to detail and the effort put into maintaining the estate.

As Jacob continued to observe the estate, he noticed that the perimeter was enclosed by a large fence made of stone and metal. The fence was adorned with intricate magical carvings that seemed to glow in the sunlight. The fence seemed to be designed to keep intruders out, and Jacob could only imagine the power that had gone into creating such a structure. At the center of the fence, stood a massive gate with a giant golden dragon face drawn on it. The gate was the only entrance to the estate, and it was clear that it was heavily guarded. Jacob felt a sense of apprehension wash over him as he realized the enormity of the task ahead of him.

As Jacob sneaked past the gate and the guards, he noticed a large stone path that seemed to shine under the bright sun. The path wound its way around a few massive trees and crossed over the largest pond with a red bridge adorned with gems and a pagoda in the center. Jacob followed the path to the front door, which appeared to be made of very expensive metals and had a scarab on the door. The intricacies of the door's design were awe-inspiring. Jacob couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer wealth and extravagance of the mansion's owners.

He headed towards a nearby tree and climbed it. Then, he abandoned the squirrel he was controlling and let his swarm slowly spread over the property. Before that, he used a fly to enter the mansion through an open window.

The mansion was just as luxurious inside as it was outside. The walls were adorned with drawings, and the people in them appeared to be the owners of the mansion. This was confirmed when he saw a picture of Genesis as he exited the hallway where he was located.

He continued wandering the halls until he stumbled upon a staircase.

Jacob contemplated whether he should continue exploring the first floor or head up to the second floor. Still, as he had finally decided to continue exploring the first floor he felt something.

Jacob felt like a bug in front of a beast. The terror he experienced started at his spine and spread throughout his entire body. At that moment, something inside him screamed to get out and run for his life. Even transferring his consciousness wouldn't work in this situation.

He could only see a shadowy figure walking down the stairs, seemingly unaffected by light, Making it hard to make out the figure.

With each step it took, Jacob felt an increasing sense of fear. This fear was then communicated to the swarm of insects that followed him, which quickly spread throughout the city. As the Swarm sensed the fear, its instincts led it to swiftly head towards Jacob's location. Within minutes, thousands of bugs formed a mass that slowly transformed into a human-like shape. As if by divine intervention, the insects slowly died and were reborn as flesh, bones, and blood.

After nearly a minute and a few more steps the creature which had now stopped to look at Jacob.

"The swarm had taken the shape of a young man who stood about 6 feet tall, with a chiseled face. Despite being made of bugs, the swarm managed to form facial features that were strikingly human-like, including a defined jawline and high cheekbones. He had black, longish hair that reached his shoulders, which, at a glance, seemed like wriggling bugs. The youth's eyes looked like a bug, but it was hard to pinpoint which bug as they constantly shifted from one to another in a second. The swarm had managed to form hands, fingers, legs, and feet that were also remarkably human-like, with clearly defined muscles and curves. Although the swarm's body was made of bugs, they moved with the grace and fluidity of a human being. The swarm's clear porcelain skin quickly turned lightly tanned as more and more bugs disappeared, turning into actual flesh and finally turning into a real body made of flesh and bones.

As the swarm covered the youth's naked body he quickly became dressed in entomancer gear.

This youth was Jacob.

Tough a screen appeared in front of his eyes he chose to ignore it and focus on the creature in front of it.

"Interesting," said the creature as its raspy voice spread through the empty mansion

Jacob readied himself for a battle that could very much place the mansion as his final resting place.