Growing Up

Patch Notes: All status values are now rounded up instead of showing decimal values.


Quest Received!

[Quest: Noble's Education]

You are now old enough by this world's standards to learn. Time to start school in home!

[] Follow instructions of your teacher

[] Finish 1 year of education

Bonus Objective:

[] Impress your teacher

Rewards: 1500 exp, 500 Legans, [Elemental Manipulation] magic

Bonus Reward: 2500 exp, 1500 Legans, [Gentleman] perk

As the quest stated, I am now old enough to learn, and the pesos I had were switched to Legans which has roughly the same value. Currently, I am 4 and half years old. I still can't use magic haphazardly though because even though the [Newborn] perk was gone, I'm still afflicted with a negative perk.

Toddler – You may have gone passed infancy, but you still lack in all departments. Decrease all stats by 75% except Luck.

A massive increase from my previous 95% debuff. Now that the debuff is gone, I can think clearly than before. If I had to compare it in my past life, it was like I have the mentality of a 10-year old instead of a 4 year old.


Name: Sethsamm Colinus

Title: N/A

Age: 4 Male Human

Level: 11

Class: Rogue 1

Job: Thief 11

HP: 200 / 200

MP: 525 / 525

SP: 225 / 225

HP Regen: 16 /min

MP Regen: 52 /min

SP Regen: 19 /min

EXP: 890 / 1100

Str: 25 = 8

Vit: 14 = 4

End: 16 = 5

Agi: 63 = 28

Dex: 51 = 22

Int: 45 = 17

Wis: 31 = 12

Luck: 23 = 23

So yeah, at least I'm stronger than I was before the I had the game.

At the moment, I was sitting on a chair listening to the private tutor my parents hired to teach us common with my sister who was sitting right beside me. If her face is any indicator, she was both bored and happy. Happy because I'm apparently with her, and bored because of our instructor drawling out his words instead of going straight to the point.

We could've covered more topics if he just went straight to the point instead of going on tangents and talking about why etiquette is so important as a noble… For the 6th time this session…

"… Now then, Lord Colinus, may I see how you greet a lady?" the instructor asked with a drawl. Taking that as cue, Lyra and I got off the seats and faced each other. I approached my twin with a stoic face and bowed like a gentleman.

Lyra giggled and I can tell she was happy with the attention. She returned the gesture with a curtsey of her own. It took her a bit of effort until our instructor was satisfied with our performance.

"Perfect, you'll make fine nobles once you two grow," he said with a smile. "I'm afraid that's all the time I can have with you for today. Practice your greetings, and I'll see you next session. Good day, Lord and Lady Colinus."

Our instructor bowed before heading out of the room with the gait of a respected nobleman, even if he wasn't a noble. When he was out of sight and out of mind, Lyra quickly glomped me with her tiny body.

"Ahhh… Finally, no more boring teacher," she sighed happily. "Ah~, brother…"

Ah right, I forgot to mention this, but it seems that Lyra has gotten very, VERY, attached to me. It's like she can't stay separated from me for more than an hour! My parents did try to separate us one time for an experiment, what happened next wasn't pretty.

Lyra got her mother's magic reserves.

Basically, she has high magic potential, and a high mana pool inside her body. Let's just say the estate was attacked by an earthquake at about 4.5 intensity for a few minutes. Thank the heavens the Colinus Estate was reinforced with magic.

I shudder to think of the future if Lyra ever harnesses her magic to its fullest potential.

Ah right, this is mother's status.

Name: Susane Colinus

Title: Witch of the Legant Kingdom

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Level: ?

Str: ?

Vit: ?

End: ?

Agi: ?

Dex: ?

Int: ?

Wis: ?

Luc: ?

Bio: Susane is a mage of tremendous power. She is of commoner origin. During one of Maximillos drunken rage which she was forced to stop lest it got too out of hand, the both of them got acquainted and the next morning, decided to party up because of an urgent quest. It wasn't until 4 years later they had their first fling and became a couple.

Too bad the bio won't say anything about the heights of her power. But I still learned from gossip that she could apparently cause a ravine to form permanently if she got serious.

And Lyra here has the same, if not, more potential than dear mother in the magic department. Yep, I ain't pissing her off… ever…

Name: Lyra Colinus

Title: N/A

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Level: 2

Str: 2

Vit: 2

End: 3

Agi: 4

Dex: 4

Int: 3

Wis: 5

Luc: 10

Bio: Second daughter of Maximillos and Susane Colinus, as well as the twin sister of Sethsamm Colinus. She inherited the vast magic potential of her mother, possibly making her a future mage of legendary proportions.

Thoughts about you: Excitement, joy, familial love

I have a question though, Int and Wis doesn't correlate to her episode a few weeks back. If that's the case, then it's probably one of her perks which I can't view cause the game likes nerfing me, like what it did with [Identify].

"Alright, you had your time," I said, trying to pry her off of me while she clung desperately with a smile. "… Haah… Fine, I'll let you watch me practice."

She perked happily and quickly released me, following me like a puppy would a master. I rolled my eyes and smirked. I may not need her needless display of over affection, but that didn't mean I didn't like it. The both of us went out of the room and were instantly flanked by maids designated to be our caretaker for the day.

"Young master, are you going out to play again?" the brunette maid beside me asked with a servile tone. I sweatdropped. If what they meant play also equal magic training, then yes, I was going to play.

"No, Lyra and I are a bit tired from our studies, so we are going to our room to rest," I said with a straight face, feigning a yawn while I'm at it. Lyra followed up on my actions and drooped a bit.

"Of course, Young Master," the maid bowed then followed us quietly. It was early afternoon, a perfect time for an afternoon nap. A few minutes of silent walking later, the both of us arrived in our room, located in the 2nd floor of the east wing of the estate. The two of us entered while the maids stayed outside in case one of us wanted something.

Once the door closed, we silently headed towards the window, grabbing a makeshift ladder we made from my inventory. Yes, Lyra knows of my inventory. She's always by my side and never leave anyways, so what the heck.

Stars twinkling in her eyes once again from witnessing my strange magic. I managed to make her promise not to reveal my 'Unique' brand of magic a few months earlier. She nodded with fervent glee.

We opened the windows, and with my strength rivaling that of a child, I used great effort in order to not fall out the window while lowering the ladder slowly to not make noise. Once the ladder was in place, the both of us descended, and I placed the ladder back into my inventory.

If you're asking how we made the ladder, there's one simple explanation, Magic. That's it. It was simple really. Apparently, [Mana Manipulation] does not limit my magic to those four basics; Arrow, Spear, Bomb, and Shield. [Mana Manipulation] makes me able to properly and efficiently use the Mana stored inside my body. So, using that Mana, I made something that made me grin from ear to ear.

Crystallized Mana.

Crystallized Mana – Mana so dense and compact, it formed into a solid crystal.

Rarity – varies depending on size and color. Current Rarity – C

Making one of these drains my MP tremendously that I could only make a few at a time. Probably 5-6 times per hour, and that was just the lowest rating. So anyway, I used some Crystallized Mana as nails since they're hard as iron, and gathered wood during my strolls when we have free time using my Lightning Scythe while Lyra distracts the maids.

[Stealth] for the win!

Anyway, now that we're on the ground, it's time to sneak. I activated [Stealth] while grabbing Lyra's arm. I found out about this a few weeks earlier, that I can share the effects of [Stealth] when grabbing someone with my hands.

We made our way through the east garden while hiding from the gardeners. A few minutes later, we found ourselves at a tiny hole that was hard to spot that led to the forest east of here.

"Come on, I know you want to see my magic," I said dryly as Lyra hopped in excitement. She never gets tired of seeing my magic, no matter what it is.

"Yes, brother!"

We ducked through the hole and made our way through the thickets and shrubbery. A few more minutes we entered a clearing with a huge garden of flowers of different colors.

"Finally, we're here!" Lyra said in a high-pitched squeal. I shook my head and sighed at her childishness, though she still is a child. "Let's go, Seth!"

Aha, there it is. Whenever she gets over-excited, she slips out my nickname every now and then. I don't know why she sticks to brother though even if we are in private, but that's her business, not mine.

I followed her and got into a jog as we frolicked and played at the patch of wild flowers in the clearing. After a few minutes of playing, we were now resting under a tree, Lyra's head leaning onto my shoulder.

"I had fun…" Lyra sighed sleepily. "Too much fun…"

"I thought you wanted to see my magic?" I asked her with a smirk.

"I do, but… sleepy…" it wasn't long before she lulled herself to sleep by her own antics. I chuckled and stroke her golden-blonde hair, garnering a cute sigh from her tiny lips. We stayed like that for about half an hour. During that time, I also felt getting sleepy. Not being able to fight against drowsiness, I fell asleep laying my head on top of my twin's.

I had never regretted an action so much in my life at that moment.


I woke up with a start.

"Wha!?" I felt cold, and it wasn't because of the temperature. I was drenched in ice-cold water. My eyes quickly adjusted thanks to my [Video Game Body] perk. Once my vision cleared, my blood ran cold.

There my sister stood, blood dripping from open wounds, tied onto a pole with a blindfold on, crying out in pain. Engraved chains bound her ankles and wrists.

I saw red, but pain registered at my right cheek and I crashed onto the floor.

"Normally I dislike doing these types of jobs, but the pay is good, and at the same time, I get back at that cocksucker of a noble," I heard a husky voice come from beside me, but a boot crashing into my face prevented me from seeing the figure.

"But how interestin' kid, you ain't bleedin'. We tried knives earlier, but they just pass through yer skin!" the husky voice cackled madly. "Just what kind of monster did that cocksucker give birth to?"

I grit my teeth. Even if there was no display physically, I still felt pain inflicted to me. Lyra must've heard me because she was thrashing about right now without care of her wounds.

What the hell… Why did this happen? We're still kids for fucks sake!

"Oh, you'll make a great present," the voice said with mad laughter. "Oi! Jackal! Get monster boy over here into his cage! We set off ASAP!"

Shit shit shit… I messed up, I messed up, I FUCKING MESSED UP! I shouldn't have gone out! I forgot that noble children are closely guarded for a reason! And my stupid ego got my twin sister involved! Fuck, fuck, MOTHERFUCKING FUCK!

I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. For some reason, I felt very, very weak, and was unable to struggle against the grip of the man hoisting me like a sack of potatoes and throwing me carelessly into an iron cage.

My head bumped into an iron pole and I felt myself blackout for a second before I was back up and running. I stood up and ran towards the cage door.

"Now now, little kids like you should just behave," a man in a dark cloak said with a creepy voice, his face obscured by the shadow under his hood. "Don't worry, you'll be safe, well, until you get sold to some sick fucker who wants to bang kids, but I wouldn't worry about that if I were you, hehehehe…"

He left and I quickly scanned my surroundings. This is no time to panic and regret my actions. That comes later. Right now, I need all information I can get to escape this attempted kidnapping.