Friend of the Goblins

I was sitting on the floor with the Goblins, I had the meat of the Giant Beetle in my hand. Seeing the Goblins eat so eagerly, I decided to eat a piece.

Putting the piece of Giant Beetle in my mouth I take a bite ... It is not particularly bad but it is also not good, if I were to compare it is better than the bad bread they gave at the beginning of the game. If I cook something with it it should be much better.

As I was eating this meat of Giant Beetle, I noticed another detail from LLILI Online.

Materials can be collected from dead bodies, but it is strange, the meat that the Goblin gave me was not considered an item, it is like taking a branch from a tree even though you can use it it is not counted as an item.

Maybe it's because I didn't get the meat? After clearing my name, I will try to find some type of cuisine to see if I can cook the meat of cut animals and if it will be counted as an item.

While I ate and thought, the Goblins continued to talk, I didn't understand anything about their conversation and one of the Goblins even tried to talk to me, I just stood there without responding and without reaction.

The Goblin seemed irritated by this and snorted, the other Goblins followed.

The Goblin with a sword also got up to leave and when he saw that I was still standing he waved at me. This was the first time I understood what a Goblin said, he was asking me to follow them.

I will not miss such an opportunity, so I got up quickly and followed the Goblin with a sword. The Goblin who led the way was not the leader of this group, he is actually just agitated and I practically agitated him even more.

The real leader of the group is actually the Goblin with the sword. After we reached these Goblin he took over commanding walking ahead.

As what was happening is interesting, I decided to follow and understand everything. I don't know if it was really this stone that allowed me to be "friends" with the Goblins, but I won't waste such a good opportunity to have fun.

"You joined a Monster Party."

An announcement sounded when I started walking with the Goblins... A Monster Party?

"Monster Party is a team system used by monsters, it is not very different from a Players Party, it is just that Monsters Party are made automatically by the system and not initiated by a Player." A simple explanation came up after I clicked on doubts. LLILI Online has an explanation system for most things, so it was simple to find out what the Monster Party is for.

What happened here, was that the system considered that because I was following these Goblin I joined their team / Party.

This is interesting, as Party are made up mainly of groups of players who want to hunt down some stronger monsters or speed up their hunting.

This means that the Goblins are continuing to hunt and that I am now with them.

The Goblins seem to know the forest, as we walk without stopping until we reach a forest with more trees than normal. When we arrived in this area the Goblins began to be on the lookout, seeing their reaction also keeping stay eye on the surroundings.

This was the furthest I have ever come in the forest, the monsters here must be of higher levels than all of us. Everyone at Monster Party is level 5.

At least being at Party gave me confidence that I can make better use of the Mage class.

We continued to walk a little more and soon a sense of danger came over me. Looking around I can see red eyes staring at us.

Knowing that we were already within reach of this monster and that it could attack us at any time. I tried the one thing that might get the Goblins' attention, snarled and pointed my staff in combat position.

Three of the Goblins were confused, but the sword Goblin realized what I meant by my action and said something to the other Goblins. Soon we were all in combat position.

Growling sounded around us and soon a gray wolf appeared from behind one of the trees.

Hungry Wolf: Lv 7.

I frown a little at the level of the wolf. I didn't think the wolves would be stronger than the Goblins, I remember Satoru saying that there were Level 10 Goblins in the starting village.

Anyway now that our enemy has appeared, we just have to defeat him. If it were just me against the Wolf I might not be able to, but now I am with 4 Goblins we must be enough to face a single Wolf.

One of the Goblins that carried a tree trunk in his hand took a step forward, he made a roaring and ran towards the wolf. I couldn't help frowning at what Goblin did, I hope more wolves don't show up.

This Goblin's next action was even worse than I expected. He's the same Goblin who got mad at me, but what he's doing now is the worst nonsense, this Goblin just ran towards the Wolf with his Log in hand.

The Goblin with the sword tried to stop him from going, but it was too late. The Goblin made the same attack he had made against the Giant Beetle, trying to crush the Wolf, but the difference between the Wolf and the Giant Beetle is the fact that the Wolf is several times faster. The wolf only ran to the side and this caused the Goblin to attack the ground and leaving an opening for the Wolf to attack.

The Goblin with the sword was running, but it would not arrive in time to stop the wolf's attack towards his friend Goblin.

It was then that my turn entered ... From the moment the Goblin ran towards the Wolf, I was already preparing my magic "Mana Ball", it was loaded and was fired at the moment the Wolf was about to attack the Goblin.

My magic came faster than the Goblin with the sword, the Wolf who was in the middle of his attack had no chance to deflect so my attack hit his belly.


Giant damage appeared on the wolf's head but this was only the beginning, because of the "Mana Ball" the wolf's body flew with the impact hitting a tree a little further away.


The damage I did was greater than I imagined, I didn't think that magic damage would be that strong, this wolf that had 1,100 health now has less than half with a single attack.

The Goblins froze, as they looked at me with shock. The wolf was standing still, barely able to get up. I walked towards the wolf carrying a second attack, this time it was a smaller and normal mana ball.

"Behold the Mage's power, Wolf."

I say aiming at the wolf and then hitting it with my attack.

"Congratulations, you killed a Hungry Wolf Lv 7. Reward 1,100 XP, 35 Bronze coins. XP reward divided among Monster Party members, those with the best contributions received more XP."

"880 XP received."

The warning that rang made me happy, knowing that the XP is divided by contribution to combat makes things better. After finishing with everything I turn to look at the Goblins, they were shocked and paralyzed.

I hit the ground with my stick pulling them out of their stupor, my gaze was serious, I don't know what they are going to do now, they can feel threatened and attack me.

"Congratulations, your show of strength showed your superiority over those by your side. You received recognition from the Goblins who saw your show of strength, friendship with them increased."

Another surprise that I did not expect, now not only am I not attacked but I even have their friendship.

The Goblins had an animated face as they danced around me, especially the Goblin from whom I saved the life.

And even funnier was the Goblin who uses a sword, he is in front of me with a single knee on the floor, speaking unknown Goblins words.

Not wanting to be boring, but I interrupted Goblin while he was talking, putting my hand on his shoulder, Goblin stopped talking and looked at me in shock. I pointed to a place, what I meant is that we must get out of here before other wolves arrive.

The Goblin seemed to understand, but I didn't understand his face of joy and even a bit of tears.

After we left, we finally stopped to breathe. The Goblins were still looking at me with excitement, I was thinking about what I should do now, but the voice of the system was heard again.

"You have received enough recognition to change your race to Green Goblin, you accept. Yes, No." This warning caught me off guard ... I did not expect that receiving recognition would allow me to change my race ...

I thought for a few seconds, but still chose No. As much as I am hunting with Goblins now it does not mean that I want to be a Goblin. Besides that something caught my attention in the message, "enough recognition", does this mean that if I receive more recognition I can change my race to any monster?

I found it unlikely, I feel that everything that has happened so far is thanks to the stone I received from Lynch, so I will not change my race for now we will gain more recognition and see what changes.

While I am standing, the Goblin looked at me ... Are they waiting for me to make my move? .... I don't even understand your language, how will I command? ...

Sighing, I hit the Goblin with the sword on the shoulder and pointed forward. I am surprised at how this Goblin can understand my intentions without needing words.

The sword-goblin with a smile-filled face, stood beside me when commanding the Goblins to move on.

This time I was in the front, next to the Goblin with a sword, while the Goblin that attacked the wolf stayed in the bottom part.

It didn't take long to find a second wolf this was again a Hungry Wolf, we were out of sight of him, although we had a clear view of this wolf, he is eating a second wolf ... This is strange.

Anyway I approached the suicidal Goblin, he was a little surprised and scared, I made a gesture of inhaling and exhaling for him to calm down. The sword goblin again understood my action and started talking to the goblin.

Leaning on his shoulder, I pointed towards the Hungry Wolf who was in the middle of his meal.

The Goblin with a sword said something, but this time even I feel like I understand.

He said. "Attack."

The Goblin got up differently than before and taking a deep breath he went towards the Wolf. The Wolf reacted the second this Goblin got too close. The wolf snarled and attacked towards Goblin, he is very fast for Goblin, but he must be enough to attract this wolf.

I aimed my staff at the Wolf and was ready to throw a normal Mana Boll towards the Wolf. The skill costs 50 Mana, while using a normal attack costs 5 ~ 10 mana.

The wolf noticed my attack coming so he can only forget to attack the Goblin and look out for Mana Boll, he did exactly what I wanted, my attack was just a lure to leave him open to the attack of these monsters called Goblins.

3 Goblins next and to the Goblin that was in front of the Wolf attacked at the same time, the wolf barely had a chance to dodge the attacks and with me throwing magic to the wolf hindered him a lot.

The wolf however strong, needs space for its speed, we eliminated half of the Wolf's strength by not letting it run in the end. The Wolf could not stand our continuous attack and soon died.

My XP was much smaller this time compared to another, I received 220 XP after distribution. One thing I saw is the fact that the Goblins don't care much about money like bronze coins, so I took them all.

What Goblins like most is to celebrate meat.

It is good to hunt with the Goblin so I remove my red name and finish the missions I have in Vila.

In the end, after they ate the Wolf we decided to continue hunting in the same strategy.

I managed to level up to Lv 6 and we killed several wolves, I finished my mission after killing around 30 wolves, my XP is now.


My friendship with these 4 Goblin increased with each successful hunt and each time I showed my "Mana Ball" skill they were cheerful.

My red name statuses cleared up a little, but it was still counted as PK.

This time we were going to the part with the lowest level, we had almost been killed when we found a Level 10 Black Wolf. There are not many black wolves and we were lucky to find him. Lucky that he had no vision in us at that time.

As we walked towards our destination, screams from Players were heard and in a very familiar voice ..... Goblins.

The 4 Goblins I have been following looked at me with anxiety ... In the end I couldn't stand this plea and we went towards where the sound came from with fast steps ... Anyway, after the system's warning I decided to gain enough recognition see what happens.

I just hope I don't have to kill a lot of players ... I feel a sigh leave me ... I don't know when I'll be able to deliver these missions in the village.