"You see that there's no fate now?"
"No, it was just just my fate to lose it seems."He said pissing me off, and in the words of a certain pirate spy.
"MotherFocka!"I cursed before chopping him on the head at the end.
"Ow, what was that for? Haven't you beaten me enough, or is this just my fate?"
'Deep breaths, Ryu, deep breaths. This is obviously gonna be a long process now.'I thought to myself.
"Ryu, Neji, Father, what happened?"I hear a voice that brings me out my thoughts, turning to it I see Hinata with a worried expression.
"Hinata, did I not tell you to go away?"He said with a harsh look and as I'm about to stand up for her she speaks first.
"You did but we are in the courtyard now and how can I not get concerned when I hear smashing nearby."Hinata said firmly and I noticed Hiashi faltered a bit before sighing.
"It doesn't matter now anyway, Ryu beat Neji so I approve of your relationship."HIashi said snd was about to leave but I spoke up.
"Lord Hiashi, wait"
"Hmm, what is it Ryu?"He asked while turning to me.
"I have an offer that I think we both can benefit from."I said and I noticed a look of contemplation on his face before nodding.
"Hmm, very well, follow me."He said before walking off while I followed and told Hinata to wait for me to come back. We then arrived in a room like before which didn't surprise me much from how big the place is. sitting down at the table across from each other Hiashi speaks up first.
"So what did you want to speak about?"He asked.
"I wanted to talk about me taking revenge on the person who tried to kidnap Hinata, for it I'm going to need help, and I thought who better to go to than the biggest clan in Konoha currently, who the Clan Head is the Father of the same person I'm trying to get revenge for."I said and I noticed a look of contemplation on his face before speaking.
"Do you know who did it?"He asked, and while he kept a stoic expression on his face I could hear the anger in his voice.
"Yes, it was Danzo which I'm 100 percent certain about, but we have no evidence currently so no matter how much either of us want to kill him we can't without Hiruzen getting the entirety of Konoha on us, and that's why I wanted to offer my plan."I said and I noticed a frustrated look on his face when I said we can't get revenge currently but calmed down when I said I had a plan.
"What is your plan then, Ryu?"He said and I smirked, and proceeded to tell him my plan.
(Next Day)
Waking up back home , I go to the kitchen and start to cook for myself along with Naruto and Sasuke since neither Naruto or Sasuke would and I didn't want to eat out all day, so I learned how to cook, and it's become a hobby of mine at this point and it's nice hearing the praise of people when they enjoy your food. 30 Minutes later I had the food ready and laid out, and luckily enough Naruto and Sasuke walked in.
"Good Morning."They say at the same time groggily.
"Good morning."I respond with a smile. Sitting around the table we start to eat while I start to think about my training.
'I need to develop Seismic vision like Toph soon, and find away to make water akin to Spirit water cause from what I remember Katara was able to revive Aang with it even though she herself doesn't have that ablity, just incase I or someone close to me gets fatally wounded, I only got saved from what I know is the Avatar state last time, I can't be gambling on that to save me each time. But first I need to take Hinata on a date.'I thought and I finished my food before realizing it.
"Thank for the food Ryu, it was delicious as always!"Naruto said while running off.
"What Naruto said."Sasuke said following after Naruto quickly.
"Why would they... oh, they stuck cleaning on me, wait till I get my hands on you guys!"I said to myself realizing they ran because they didn't want to clean up after themselves. Sighing in defeat I wash the plates before doing my hygiene and going to see Hinata. Arriving in front of the compound I see the two guards from before.
"Hey guys!"I said with a friendly wave but what they did next surprised.
"Hello. master Ryu."They said with a full 90 degree bow.
"Uh, why are you bowing?"I said with a sweat drop.
"Everyone has heard you are with our mistress, so we must obviously treat you with the proper respect."The same guard from before explained and I just nodded not wanting to think about what this may result in.
"Ehem, anyway I came to see Hinata soo..."
"Ah, yes, please follow me."The guard said before guiding me to the main compound. He then showed me the way to Hinata's room before going away. Walking up to the Shoji panel I slide it open and step in with a smile.
"Hey Hina.ta."I said faltering a bit seeing Hinata in front of me, in the middle of of pulling her panties up.
"Kyaa!"Bringing me out my thoughts I hear her scream and quickly step back out and close the panel.
"I'm sorry!"I scream from the other side.
'What the hell was that?! What the fuck am I! A damn Hentai protagonist?!'