Chapter 1: The Departure, part 4

About this time, they neared the shack that is a secret entrance to Aperture Science.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why are you out in the middle of absolutely nowhere wearing all that orange armor and carrying a powerful physics gun. It's not like there's anything out here that's really dangerous. Wait, hold that thought, umm, actually the only animals I know of are crows and deer. Crows can be pretty aggressive attackers, but I've only heard of deer. GLaDOS – that's the robot I mentioned earlier - never mentioned whether they are dangerous or not. Not to mention you can't really trust her, she's rather shifty. Except when she tells you that you are going to die, then you know you're going to be facing life-threatening hazards like neurotoxin or incinerators or having to be stuck while having insane bots screaming at you – wait, that last one's not fatal."

"I'm guessing I'm just going to need to look around and… heh, heh, you've got to be kidding me. What bloke puts a tools shack with warning signs on it out in the middle of nowhere. Unless it's you, you seem to be the kind of guy who would do that. Although, you seem to have a confused look on your face right now, so now I'm guessing that it's not yours. Maybe, it's your coworker's or a rival's or a rival coworker's. If that's the case, maybe it's booby-trapped. I would know because I, uhh, you know, booby-trapped my lair. No one died from it, but my person did get hurt. Hmm, wonder if she was your coworker. I keep seeing that shade of orange around Aperture Science. Either way, you should probably check to be safe."

At the shack door, Gordon aims a gravity gun to pull it open despite Wheatley's warning.

"Great, so the door is not booby-trapped; that's one mystery solved. We still need to check the inside of the shack. The best way to do that would probably be to throw something inside with that gun of yours and see if it blows up. The test object I mean. Well, technically the shack might blow up as well. I don't know which one would be more pertinent to the experiment – even though I designed some test chambers myself."

"Alright, let's go inside the shed. *looks around* Hey, there's a port I can interface with. Well, seeing that there's nothing left in here, I guess I will give it a go. Just place me on that panel and I'll see what I can do with it."

Gordon did what Wheatley had requested. The floor of the shack started descending.

"Alright, so this appears to be an open elevator. I don't suppose you happen to know where we are going? Well, I guess we will both find out – for better or worse."