How are You?

"The sky is blue and the sun is shining

So my tears are even more noticeable

Why is it you? Why did it have to be you?

Why can't I leave you?

I need you girl

Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone

I need you girl

Why do I keep needing you when I know I'll get hurt?"

-BTS - I need you (english translation)


Yoona sat quietly at the desk in her work place, she was waiting for a patient named Park Jimin to be examined. she leaned back on the chair with her face staring at the ceiling in her room. without realizing it flashed past memories of the two of them.

* flashback on

"how can you injure your leg like this !!?" Yoona grumbled while continuing to bandage Jimin leg, which was swollen from a sprain

Jimin who saw that smiled while grimacing in pain, "It can't be helped that my training is getting more intense when the debut time is getting closer I don't want to disappoint the others"

with an annoyed face Yoona looked up at Jimin above her, "then what about me !? You think I'm not worr ..."

Jimin quickly peck Yoona lips briefly and then he laughed at the surprised expression on her face.

"What was that !? You attacked me?" Yoona babbled but this time she lowered her head to hide her flushed face with embarrassment.

"hahaha you're so cute" Jimin hugged Yoona who was still squatting in front of him. they laugh happily together

* flashback off

Yoona closed her eyes again to expel the puddle of tears that nearly fell and sighed to calm herself down. a second later the door to her office opened and a nurse entered carrying a patient she was waiting for.

"doctor this is the patient you are waiting for." The nurse invited Jimin to come in. Jimin appearance is very closed, he wears a black mask, hat and army green bomber jacket. if the hospital residents knew that a famous IDOL was coming here maybe the office would be full of teenage girls.

"OK, you can go," said Yoona friendly after she took the medical records from the nurse.

the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent. Jimin, who was confused about what to do, could only sit silently looking at Yoona who was seriously reading his medical records.

Yoona did not change at all, she was still beautiful with her white skin, her lips were red like cherry and her cheeks still looked chubby to Jimin. maybe now what changed was her cold-looking demeanor and sharp eyes that looked indifferent to him.

but Jimin with all his courage he began to ask Yoona "how are you?"

"good" Yoona replied briefly then she immediately closed her medical records and stood over to Jimin.

"let's go to the X-Ray room I have to look at your shoulder," she said then immediately went out.

15 minutes Yoona waited for Jimin X-Ray results and that's how long Jimin waited in the patient's bed without doing anything. his shoulder hurt coupled with Yoona indifference made him sick even more. Yoona who observed the x-rays immediately called her friend and several nurses. then she spoke to Jimin about her diagnosis.

"You have a subluxation, which means there is a shift in the bone joint even though it doesn't cause a dislocation, which means that the shoulder joint is loose from its place. The subluxation is still relatively light, it is only slightly moved from its place so I will do the action to return the joint on your shoulder, then I will give it," explained Yoona after that she prepared to take action.

"take off your clothes, I hope you can endure the pain"

after that Jimin took off his top then with one quick movement Yoona grabbed Jimin wrist and shoulder and then she pushed Jimin hand backwards until he heard a 'crack' sound in his hand. Jimin who felt it couldn't help screaming.

"arrghh !!"

when finished Yoona returned to bandaging Jimin hand with a cast and wrote him a prescription.

"You are prohibited from doing strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects and so on so as not to aggravate your injury. Make sure you get enough rest and I make sure your hands will heal maybe around one month depending on the routine check" Yoona explained then handed the prescription to Jimin.

Jimin took the recipe then looked back at Yoona, "do you hate me now?"

☜ ☆ ☞

"Wow, I never thought you would be injured like this Jimin-ah," said the manager looking at Jimin hand which was wrapped in a cast.

"hmm" replied Jimin discouraged, he stared at the road beside the car window while leaning his head with a blank gaze.

* flashback on

15 minutes before Jimin got into the car ...

"do you hate me now?" asked Jimin

Yoona just stared at Jimin face, and said "isn't it too late to ask questions like that?"

* flashback off

"hahhh" Jimin sighed again, it must be admitted that Jimin was again fascinated by Yoona figure. After 10 years of not hearing from her, it doesn't make Jimin forget the figure who accompanied him to fight together before he destroyed everything and broke someone's heart and that has turned her into a person who is so cold towards him.

The manager who saw Jimin gloomy face thought that Jimin couldn't train together with the members, then confidently he could only pat his shoulder lightly and encouragingly, "it's okay maybe this is a sign that you get enough rest. So far, you've been working so hard Jimin-ah"

Jimin who realized the manager misunderstanding of his gloomy attitude just smiled soothingly so that his manager didn't have to worry about him. "hyung during healing I will live in my apartment"

the manager was surprised by Jimin statement "what about your hands? Can you do activities with your hands wrapped like that !?"

"I always call people to clean the apartment, take it easy hyung," said Jimin once again trying to convince his manager.

"hahhh... alright if you need something call me understand?"


his manager drove back to Jimin private apartment. after arriving at his apartment, Jimin sat himself on the edge of the bed. he looked around his room. This apartment is Jimin escape when he is hit by stress or a serious problem so that he can calm himself better. Likewise with the other members, they have their own place to live. but sometimes they sleep more in the dorm because their schedule is so busy and it is also useful for shortening the time.

After being satisfied looking at the ceiling in his room, Jimin starts to take out his cellphone and dial Seokjin number. he waited for the line to connect while humming a little.

"Eoh Jimin-ah!!!? why did you come back to your apartment when your hand was in a cast?!?. How can you do activities with one hand huh???" Seokjin grumbles when he finds Jimin calling him.

"hahaha don't worry hyung I'll be fine. But, hyung can I ask your help?" Jimin asked with a tone of slight doubt.

"Eoh what?"

"Can you ask Yoona contact from your cousin?" said Jimin

Seokjin is a little surprised by Jimin request "Are you trying to get back to her Jim?"

Jimin sighed "maybe hyung even though now what I think about is apologizing now"

Seokjin closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, "OK I'll try to ask Bora and you better rest, after work we will go there to see you and bring food for you"

Jimin nods even though he knows Seokjin can't see him, "alright hyung thanks" and hangs up the phone.

Jimin fell on the bed and looked back at the ceiling of his room. After meeting Yoona again lately, he often daydreams that he carelessly injures his own hand. But a little smile was printed on Jimin face. On the positive side, he could see the woman he loved again even with a very cold attitude now.

Jimin thought again to find a way so he could apologize to Yoona even though he realized that he was too late now. Jimin also tried to close his eyes trying to sleep and let his mind wander to remember his memories with Yoona as his bedmate tonight.