
"I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love, I did

And you were strong and I was not

My illusion, my mistake

I was careless, I forgot, I did"

-James Arthur - Imposible-


Yoona glared at Jimin in front of her. Even though she was currently trapped in Jimin hand, it didn't make her tremble even though a second ago she felt a flutter.


Jimin was surprised and stretched his hands and took a step back at Yoona, "what should I do? that you want to forgive me Yoona??"

Yoona said "I have forgiven you but that doesn't make me believe in you anymore Jimin"

Jimin could only look down he never felt this regret. If at that time he didn't believe what Manager Park said before, he would be with Yoona now.

"You know? Your actions made me think what happened to you? It seems you know the truth because I didn't see your old manager at the backstage" said Yoona.

Jimin looked back at Yoona "he was fired for embezzling company funds at the same time I know that you are innocent. Since then I am sorry and looking for you but you've disappeared"

Yoona could only be silent to hear Jimin explanation. The day that their relationship ended at that time she also received a scholarship to study overseas doctors with Hyun Ri. without stalling for time she immediately left Jimin and his wound in Korea. but unexpectedly BTS became so famous that Yoona again heard the name she missed but also avoided where she studied.

10 years until now Yoona is trying to live her life happily like Jimin who looks happy on television. isn't it great? during that time she was still thinking about Jimim. Yoona just smiled faintly laughing at herself who looked pathetic.

"I still have the shoes you gave me," said Jimin, awakening Yoona from her own thoughts.

"shoes?" Yoona frowned faintly trying to remember her memories back.

* flashback on

"Jimin-ah I have something for you," said Yoona with a big smile and her hands were holding an object that she hid behind her small back.

Jimin just chuckled at the cute behavior of Yoona, "hmm what?"

Yoona cheerfully gave a pair of white shoes to Jimin. "This is for you so that you are excited to practice dancing"

Jimin was stunned by the pair of shoes, he was sure that Yoona was trying hard to buy him shoes considering she was an orphan.

"thi... this !?"

Yoona looked down embarrassed, "sorry I can only buy you a cheap one. My part time salary is not enough to buy you a good one" she whispered.

Jimin hugged Yoona tightly "It's not that good. I like it. It must be difficult for you to raise money"

Yoona just smiled and shook her head in Jimin arms which always made her feel comfortable. The warmth given by Jimin made Yoona tighten her arms and drown her head in Jimin broad chest.

"I promise after I succeed, I will give all the best for you" said Jimin while continuing to caress Yoona black hair.

"promise?" Yoona looked up at Jimin while pointing her little finger in front of Jimin. and was replied by Jimin small nod and the hook of his little finger to Yoona.

* flashback off

Yoona remembered it and also the sweet promise that was said by Jimin. yes a promise that happened 10 years ago and maybe it was a promise that was in vain for Yoona. I don't know what Yoona is feeling now, because at this time she needs to think about everything by herself. she closed her eyes briefly with one hand that held her forehead as if she were having a bad headache.

Jimin could only look at Yoona who seemed to be bearing a very heavy burden of thought. Jimin knew that his position this time would not be in his favor especially Yoona still couldn't open her heart to him. and he knew he had to give Yoona time to think about everything.

Jimin tried to give her understanding and started to sigh softly, "then I'll leave you alone" then he moved from where he walked out to the door.

while Jimin was still in the doorway, he turned to face Yoona. "Yoona ..?"

felt herself called Yoona opened her eyes and looked at Jimin who called her.

"For the first time I fell in love with you again. I hope you can see my changes to you and start to believe in me"

After saying that sweet sentence, Jimin closed the door to the room accompanied by distant footsteps. while Yoona just stared at the closed door with a look of disbelief, even now she was holding her chest to feel whether her heart was still beating or not. Yoona sat down with her face heated up and her heart beating wildly.

☜ ☆ ☞

"tiit ... tiit ... tiit ... tiit cklek ... blam"

the sound of the door diverted Taehyung attention from the night television program staring at the apartment door and finding Jimin back from the hospital.

"Eoh Jimin-ah" Taehyung got up from his seat and approached Jimin who was taking off his shoes.

"How?" asked Taehyung.

Jimin, who was confused by what Taehyung meant, turned to his friend "what?"

"Your conversation with Yoona of course. You deliberately drove to the hospital to meet her right? otherwise you would not have probably told me to go home first"

Jimin only sighed as an answer then he stood up and meant to go to his kitchen to get a glass of water. he needed something to wet his throat before telling the story but he was surprised to find Jungkook sitting on a chair near the pantry eating a slice of pizza and pouring cola in a glass.

"Jungkook-ah what are you doing here?" asked Jimin

"Eoh hyung, are you back? Taehyung hyung called me to come here he said hyung needed a friend to tell a story" said Jungkook, still enjoying the second slice of pizza.

Jimin looked down for a moment while sighing softly before continuing his activities to take a drink in the refrigerator. He quickly grabbed the drinking bottle there and walked into the living room followed by Taehyung behind him and Jungkook who was carrying a box of pizza in his right hand and a bottle of cola in his left hand and his mouth that was holding a slice of pizza.

"So how?" asked Taehyung again.

Jimin leaned his back on the sofa "she said she was not sure of me and she was actually afraid of me"

Taehyung who frowned and looked at Jimin with a confused look "scared?"

Jimin nodded and stared at his drinking bottle blankly, "I don't know what it means to be afraid of me"

Jungkook who was actually watching while busy chewing answered, "Of course noona is afraid, we are now global artists. Everyone doesn't know us except the deepening person."

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other and looked at Jungkook who was sitting on the floor. Jungkook who noticed his hyung still confused gaze put his pizza back on and started explaining.

"I mean I understand what noona means because we have become famous artists with millions of fans around the world. I understand that Bang PD doesn't forbid us from dating but what about the views of the whole world? the views of the fans? maybe some are supportive but some are there must be someone who disagrees "

"Don't you know? A fan can also be dangerous for us, even those closest to us who are usually called 'Sasaeng Fans'. What if that happens? Hyung can't possibly be beside her for 24 hours right? I'm sure noona thought carefully. about this problem "explained Jungkook and resumed his eating activities.

Taehyung looked at Jimin who started daydreaming after listening to Jungkook explanation earlier. then he let his best friend lost in his own thoughts to decide what the next step he would take after knowing the meaning of Yoona fear of him.