Wishing on a Star

"The story that we paint

I'll be wishing on a star so that it comes true

I'll continue to hope

Like tracing the stars

I'll wish again and again, I can't wait

Because I want to catch it

Wishing on a star"

- BTS - Wishing on a star (english trans) -


the next morning ...

Yoona arrived at the airport with Hyun ri. they had left early in the morning to return to korea, a few hours earlier a staff member had given them a plane ticket to return. Yoona sat on the bench, waiting for their plane while burying herself into Jimin scarf.

She was very sleepy because she had to go to the airport when it was still 5 o'clock in the morning. she almost closed her eyes when she felt the slight shock of her shoulder. She sees Hyun Ri who woke her up.

"Come on, the plane is ready," said Hyun Ri grabbed Yoona hand and took her to the terminal.

☜ ☆ ☞

9am ...

Jimin was standing in the hotel corridor, more precisely one floor below the floor of his room waiting for someone, who else but Yoona. yesterday he smartly asked which room the medical officer used to his manager with the excuse of asking for fever medicine even though the intention and goal was only to see Yoona. but unfortunately Jimin did not know what room number Yoona used so he could only wait in the hotel corridor hoping that one of the staff saw him or at least Yoona saw him.

lucky Jimin didn't have to wait long when he saw a staff he knew then he called the staff, "Eoh Yuri noona !?"

Yuri who just came out of her room was surprised to see Jimin who was standing in the corridor calling her, "hmm Jimin ??? what are you doing here ?? you need something ??"

Jimin rubbed the back of his head while laughing awkwardly, "ah yeah I... I'm looking for a medic here to ask for fever medicine"

Yuri raised her eyebrows, "Are you looking for medics ??! They've come home Jimin-ah"

Jimin surprised to hear Yuri explanation, "come home !?"

Yuri nodded, "they already left at 5 this morning maybe now they are already on the plane"

Jimin could not help feeling disappointed and a little sad just yesterday he realized Yoona presence and hoped to have more time to be together but it turns out that she has returned to Korea after the concert ended and that means there is not much time for them both because surely he will be very busy with schedules it works as well as with Yoona.

Jimin just sighed softly and looked back at Yuri who was still looking at him with a questioning look, "Noona,who I have to ask the fever medicine is?"

Jimin did not forget to keep asking for medicine as proof that he was really looking for medics.

"ah wait a minute" Yuri went back into her room and came out with a medicine box. She searched for a while after which she gave it directly to Jimin.

"Here, they left this medicine box to me until your schedule is over"

Jimin took the medicine, "Thank you noona" then he turned to the elevator to go down to the lobby following the members to a restaurant for breakfast together.

☜ ☆ ☞

9pm Friday night Seoul ...

Yoona dragged her suitcase into the living room of her apartment tiredly and dropped herself on the couch. she is holding her stomach and feels hungry but she is also too tired to cook or just take delivery. she took her cellphone and started turning it on and at that moment a message came insistently from Jimin.

"Whoa what is this?" she muttered as she began to open messages from Jimin that felt like spam messages. Yoona chose to ignore it and began to move from her seat into the room, she would choose to sleep rather than fill her stomach. Yoona began to take off her clothes intending to clean herself before going to sleep. when she heard her cell phone ring, she checked her cell phone and found Jimin calling her then she dragged the green button on her cell phone aside.

"hello" said Yoona

"ah finally you answered my phone. why don't you reply to my message? even though you've read it" asked Jimin on the other side.

"I intend to reply after I take a shower" Yoona replied, trying to unbutton her shirt.

"oh really?!? then take a shower I'll call you again when finished" then Jimin hung up. Yoona looked at her cellphone for a while and immediately put it on the nightstand then went into the bathroom.

15 minutes after that Yoona was already on her bed, positioning herself comfortably she was just about to close her eyes, when her cell phone rang again and she just remembered that Jimin had called her. Yoona also took her cellphone on the nightstand and found Jimin calling her on a video call.

when Yoona answered her cellphone screen changed to Jimin face, which seemed like he was already in a hotel room.

"hey" said Jimin with a warm smile.

"hmm hey" said Yoona, hiding her face a little behind the blanket because suddenly she remembered the drug incident at the hotel.

"I didn't know you would be back sooner"

"Well, the president of the hospital doesn't seem to want to give us both free time" said Yoona and she gave a little yawn.

Jimin saw it and of course Yoona must be tired because of the long journey on the air, "you must be tired. i will let you rest then" Jimin almost hung up his phone when he heard a small voice from Yoona.

"um ... actually I can't sleep"

Jimin raised his eyebrows when he saw Yoona with a face that blushed because she was embarrassed. remind him of the past memories of the two of them when Yoona couldn't sleep he would sing until Yoona fell asleep.

"You want me to sing you a song? So you can sleep?"

Yoona almost covered herself with a blanket because Jimin guessed her desire correctly. and Yoona can only nod faintly covering part of her face with a blanket trying to hide her blush. and Jimin just laughed at the expression Yoona showed to him, sooooo cute.

"hahaha alright I'll sing for you, but ..."

Yoona looked at him confusedly waiting for Jimin to finish his sentence, "Don't cover your face. I'll sing while watching you fall asleep"

Yoona was seen considering Jimin offer. she was too embarrassed to show her face in front of Jimin but she also wanted to hear Jimin singing voice because honestly she really missed Jimin sweet voice. With a little reluctance she nodded slowly and began to lower the blanket slightly covering her face.

Jimin smiled broadly when he saw Yoona face, "Okay, what song do you want me to sing?"

"what ... whatever" said Yoona shyly

Jimin also seemed to think for a moment before he sang a song of his.

"All this is no coincidence

Just, just I could feel that

The whole world is different than yesterday

Just, just with your joy

When you called me, I become your flower

As if we were waiting, we bloom until we ache

Maybe it's the providence of the universe

It just had to be that, you know I know

You are me, and I am you ... "

"Ah Serendepity" Yoona thought was still enjoying Jimin singing voice, without realizing it, a smile appeared on her lips.

Jimin smiled as he saw Yoona enjoying it then he continued singing,

"As much as my heart flutters, I'm worried

The destiny is jealous of us, just like you I'm so scared

When you see me

When you touch me

The universe has moved for us

There wasn't even a little miss

Our happiness was meant to be

Cause you love me and I love you ... "

"You are my blue mold, saving me

My angel, my world

I'm your calico cat, here to see you

Love me now

Touch me now ... "

"Just let me love you

Just let me love you

Since the creation of the universe

Everything was destined

Just let me love you

Let me love, let me love you

Let me love, let me love you ... "

Jimin ended his singing when he saw Yoona asleep. he smiled and took a portrait of Yoona who fell asleep before saying, "good night Yoona" then he hung up