
"Once in a lifetime

Means there's no second chance

So I believe that you and me

Should grab it while we can

Make it last forever

And never give it back

It's our turn, and I'm loving' where we're at

Because this moment's really all we have"

- Troy & Gabriella - Everyday (HSM 2) -


Yoona winced as she felt the sun piercing her eyes and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she realized was that she was in Jimin room, Yoona got up from her sleep and sat on the bed trying to get herself out of her sleep. She remembers that last night she fell asleep in the middle of a movie and she guessed that Jimin brought her here.

After realizing Yoona came out of Jimin room and meant to look for him, when she saw Jimin fast asleep on the couch. Yoona approached him and sat squatting in front of Jimin who was still asleep.

Her fingers gently brush Jimin hair that covers his face. Yoona smiled when she saw the peaceful face of Jimin who was sleeping and very cute. Yoona took her cellphone and started taking photos of Jimin who was sleeping. when she was satisfied looking at Jimin face, Yoona immediately got up, she intended to make coffee. but unfortunately one foot stepped on the edge of Jimin blanket which fell down and made the other leg tripped due to loss of balance, Yoona, who was shocked by reflex, dropped herself in front of Jimin, making her fall on Jimin body suddenly.

Jimin, who was still asleep, flinch when he felt the weight of his body, he slowly opened his eyes and found Yoona face looking at him in surprise. Jimin couldn't digest what happened but he didn't want to miss this opportunity when Yoona face was very close to him. Jimin quickly pulled Yoona into the arms covering them both with Jimin who caressed Yoona small back.

Yoona who was still surprised could not hold her heartbeat, quickly she tried to free herself from Jimin embrace, "Jim ... Jimin Let go !!?"

Jimin ignored Yoona request and returned to tighten his arms, "just leave it like this for a while. I'm trying to fill my energy"

Yoona did not answer, she finally gave up and allowed herself to be in Jimin arms. unexpectedly Jimin hug made her feel warm and comfortable, "are you sleeping again ?!" asked Jimin when he felt Yoona silent.

Yoona shook her head, "no, just enjoy the moment here"

"you like it ?? hugged by me ??"

Yoona was silent for a moment then looked up at Jimin who was staring at her, "Jimin?"


"Are you serious about your statement last month? About you wanting me back?"

Jimin nodded, "I'm serious with what I say. I realize I've been so selfish that I hurt you."

Yoona started to get up and sit, followed by Jimin who also woke up from his sleep. her face clearly showed doubt and fear.

"I ... I'm confused Jimin"

Jimin, could see Yoona confused and fear expression, could only sigh and hug her again, "It's okay. You don't need to worry," he said trying to calm Yoona in his arms.

Yoona was silent and didn't answer anything and hugged Jimin tightly back. she had decided to trust Jimin again and would try to open her heart again. She will think about future risks because now she just wants to enjoy the calm and comfort of Jimin hug.

"I miss you" said Yoona in a low voice, but it was enough to make Jimin who heard it surprised. he tried to let go of his hug to stare at Yoona face but couldn't because Yoona hugged him tightly and hid her face in Jimin chest in embarrassment.

Jimin just laughed at Yoona adorable behavior, "You're cheating, I'm supposed to say that" he said and returned to careses Yoona narrow back with affection.

Their long hug made them forget their surroundings until the sound of falling objects broke their sweet moment and turned towards the sound with a shocked face. Jimin and Yoona saw the six BTS members standing with their faces in shock and some groceries fell on the floor. Unwittingly red appeared Yoona cheeks and she covered her face with her hands.

"Ah ... uhm sorry we should have pressed the bell before entering earlier" said Namjoon clumsily and confusedly followed by the other members who felt the awkward atmosphere that was happening. but one that is not, namely Jungkook, he ran over to Yoona and grabbed Yoona two hands that covered her face and began to shake excitedly.

"waaah Yoona noona and hyung finally come back !!!! I'm happy with you guys !!!" he said happily and the rabbit smile appears on his face.

Jimin laughed and started to stand up, he took Yoona hand and pulled her slowly to stand beside him, "I better introduce you officially ..."

"guys introduce her Min Yoona my girlfriend"

Yoona immediately bowed her body and began to greet the six BTS members, "hello nice to meet you all officially"

Seeing that the members also bowed respectfully and introduced themselves to each other starting from Jungkook who was near Yoona.

"hello Noona I'm Jeon Jungkook you must have known me right 😁😁 I hope we can be close friends" said Jungkook excitedly.

"hello I'm Kim Namjoon nice to meet you Yoona-ssi"

"Hey Yoona, let's just talk formally, I'm Suga," said Yoongi briefly.

"You're so cold Min Suga ... oh your name its same with her..." Seokjin said with a surprised face, "oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. hello Yoona I'm WWH stands for World Wide Handsome Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you"

"If I'm Sunshine in BTS my name is J-hope. Hello Yoona" Hoseok waved his hand with a big smile.

then Taehyung came over to Yoona and began to hold Yoona hand and kiss it briefly. make Yoona surprised and blushed embarrassed because his action.

"hello Yoona I'm Kim Taehyung. If you have a problem with Jimin you can come to me ..."

quickly a blow to the back of the head flew from Jimin hand who was getting annoyed with Taehyung behavior, "Don't mess with me Tae!!!" he hissed and only Tae peers smiled back.

"ehm are we interrupting your time ?? actually we came here to spend time off with Jimin but it looks like we have to go" said Namjoon breaking up Jimin and Taehyung little fight.

Yoona shook her head quickly, "oh no, it's okay I will go so you can spend your time together" Yoona had started to move away when Jungkook grabbed her wrist.

"What if Noona stay here with us ??? we bring ingredients. We can cook together ..."

"oooh good idea the more people is better" said Seokjin who is also excited

Yoona looked confused when she saw Jimin began to nod a little as a sign that he agreed with his members' suggestions. Yoona who saw that just sighed and nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Yesss hyung let's play a game while Noona and also Jin hyung are cooking" Jungkook started running and sat in the living room while turning on his video games.

Seokjin heard Jungkook conversation just stared at him dumbfoundedly, "that boy ... I can't even speak" he complained when he was beside Yoona.

Yoona just laughed and turned to Seokjin, "let's start cooking oppa" she asked which Seokjin nod replied.

when all the members are busy playing games and Seokjin who is busy washing the chicken and fish. Jimin started to approach Yoona who was busy cutting some vegetables.

"Is there anything I need to help ??"

Yoona just shook her head a little and began to smile at him, "no, just have fun with the others when it's finished I will call you"

Jimin began to nod and slowly approached Yoona and began to whisper, "don't get too close to Jin hyung I'll be jealous"

Yoona started hitting Jimin's shoulder slowly and glared at him, "Don't be crazy !!" she hissed in a low voice.

Jimin chuckled and started to go to the living room after rubbing Yoona hair fondly.

when the two of them were busy cooking, Seokjin opened the conversation to break the silent.

"I'm glad you can open your heart again Yoona. After the news of your breakup, Jimin didn't stop practicing for a day. He kept practicing hard to get rid of his guilt towards you, even he often daydreams when we got together and that happened for 2 years. Do you know?"

"We even tried hard to make him forget your memories and it worked until he met you again at the backstage when he was injured and after that he even asked for your number from my younger cousin Bora"

"I never thought that he was still thinking about you all this time ..." Seokjin smiled and looked back at Yoona who was silent as if thinking of something.

"You don't hate him again, do you ???" Seokjin asked once again when he touched Yoona shoulder slowly.

Yoona just blinked and smiled at Seokjin, a smile that is very difficult to explain. then Yoona returned to continue cooking.

1 hour later they both finished cooking. now Yoona and the members sat in a circle at the living room with various dishes filling the table. they ate their food while continuing to praise Yoona and Seokjin cooking. After eating and cleaning their cutlery, Yoona saw the members were lying with their full stomachs, some of them had already fallen asleep.

Yoona saw the clock on the wall which showed 12 o'clock in the afternoon then she approached Jimin who was busy playing with his cellphone.

"I better go home so you can rest" Yoona whispered to Jimin trying to say goodbye.

"You want to go home ?? I'll take you" Jimin started to move from his place but was held by Yoona.

"no don't, I'll take a taxi. You don't need to be worry," said Yoona when she saw the sad expression on Jimin' face.

"I'll come here if you have free time ok. Don't be sad" she added.

Jimin just nodded and exhaled softly again, "okay" then he hugged Yoona for a little while before finally he escorted Yoona to the door of the apartment.

"Be careful, ok"

Yoona nodded and smiled then she walked towards the elevator. Jimin stared at her until Yoona figure disappeared into the elevator.