Chapter 3

"Thanks for coming to do the project at your own inconvenience,"Socrates states thankfully, a smile appearing gradually as they walk towards the front door.

"Oh its not a problem,"Mireille says nervously and looks down while holding her book tightly on her chest. They both are standing right in front of the front door talking about this as the sunsets over the Grey homes.

"Lets go somewhere fun where we can just talk,"Socrates exclaims with excitement.

"Sure,"Mireille says shyly, her Blue eyes shining with mischievousness.

Socrates hurriedly runs out with her through the Grey door and they go to a Grey's Park. Their eyes are scanned as usual.

"Um..she can't come into this park sir,"the Blue eyed guard states anxiously, fear evident in his eyes as his palms start to sweat profusely.

"But she's my guest and we will be out of sight,"Socrates claims annoyed at a Blue worker talking back.

"I can't because of the rules sir. I can be severely punished for this,"he states nervously, his Blue eyes pleading for mercy and understanding on the part of the one who has to make the choice between his death and his life.

"Fine,"Socrates states but sighs deeply out of frustration, "lets go Mireille." Mireille follows him blindly through the streets of the Grey's.

"We can just talk on our way to your home, we can take the long route,"Socrates says quite disappointed that he can't talk to her more since they're very good friends.

She nods and they start walking, she takes the lead so she can direct him to her home. The Grey area is decorated with medical plants and herbs. They also have a place they can go to investigate new discoveries or make their own. Its a large fenced off area that contains the unknown, so only the bravest Grey's go there.

"I feel like my family isn't happy with me,"Mireille says trying to avoid an obvious point, her posture hunched and expression sour.

"You think you aren't wanted?"Socrates asks worriedly.

"No not that but like with the new baby on the way, my mum really wants it to work out, but we always lose the baby and they act like they don't have atleast one child who worked out, but maybe since they've lost so many they are so devastated that they can't see the good,"Mireille says, trying to comfort herself. "I only have one sibling, a sister, younger than me and she's adopted but I'm not allowed to say that. She's ten now,"he says with sadness, showing understanding for Mireille's feelings, "it makes you wonder if you were adopted all the time."

"Yeah, my mum lost five children after me and before two so now its her ninth child and I just hope it works out this time for her," Mireille says sadly, her unfocused eyes wondering about all the hell she'll go through if that child dies. "I'm sure it will,"Socrates says with hope and positivity," so where are we going?"

"Hospital,"Mireille says without a single ounce of emotion evident in her eyes, no excitement for a new arrival, no fear, no happiness, no pain, just a blank expression.

Socrates nods excitedly at the opportunity to see a baby but knows that Mireille feels indifferent towards the whole idea. Soon a huge Greyish-Blue hospital comes into view.

At the hospital, they both enter since its a Grey-Blue Hospital.

"Hello,"Mireille says with anticipation, "please tell me where Mrs. Blue is."

"Full name please,"the Blue eyed nurse asks politely.

"Mary Blue,"Mireille says anxiously.

"Room 209,"the female nurse announces quickly, as the chaos of the hospital continues around her.

"Thanks,"Mireille says with appreciation.

The nurses are running this way and that to tend to alarms, ambulances and sirens. The doctors are following the nurses and looking as prim and proper as they can in the state the hospitals in. Socrates follows her till the door then bids her goodbye because he knows it's inappropriate to barge in on family matters.

"Hey mum, how's it going?"Mireille asks impatiently.

"With our track record, they're double checking your baby brother,"Mireille's mother states in despair.

"Did you get to catch a glimpse?"Mireille asks her dad hopefully, so she can be certain its really her sibling and not a fake.

"No honey of course not, I'm here for moral support,"Mireille's dad states comfortingly but with sadness creeping in as every second passes.

After a few hours, "Hello Mrs. Blue,"the nurse states happily.

"Where's my baby boy?"Mireille's mother exclaims in frustration, her heart breaking into pieces as she anticipates the news.

"Who said it's a boy Mrs.?"the nurse asks politely, her Blue eyes showing clear confusion.

"Everyone!"Mireille's dad says with anger as he stands up to confront the nurse. "Well its a girl!"the nurse says hurriedly and cheerfully, "and you can take her home."

"Mum, dad, be honest! Am I your real daughter?" Mireille asks hurriedly and seriously.

"Yes,"they both state simultaneously.

"Then compare the baby with me,"Mireille says urgently.

"Honey all our babies had different color eyes, the only similar thing was the hair it's always blonde and wavy, as far as we know,"her mother states in her distraught state, muttering the last part.

Mireille walks out and asks an unoccupied nurse to see the baby girl. The havoc in the hospital is still ongoing as codes are announced and people are seen running.

"Sure,"the nurse says and starts leading her towards the baby, while trying to avoid incoming patients on beds and tables with supplies, the Grey-Blue colored hospital giving nothing but dread until they arrive at the pediatric ward.

"Here she is,"the nurse says and then walks off without even caring to see her reaction, or caring to know if she will have to announce a code pink soon.

The little girl has no hair on her head but her eyebrows are brown and her Blue eyes shine like sapphires.

"Is something wrong?"the nurse asks rudely when she comes back to take the baby so she can hand the baby over to Mireille's parents at the doctors request.

"No not a thing,"Mireille claims knowing the real problem.

Mireille barges into the room and sees a Grey doctor talking to her mum and dad.

"You have had so many loses and so we hope this girl brings you joy and peace of mind,"the male Grey doctor states with a smile but then glares at Mireille. "Sir,"Mireille says and looks down instantly, "sorry for barging in."

The doctor walks out not even acknowledging her and her sincere apology. "Mum! The baby isn't yours she's got brown hair,"Mireille says hurriedly and with disappointment evident on her pale face.

"I really don't care anymore Mireille,"Mireille's mother states with tears in her eyes, the pain and lack of concern that she is taking someone else's child and not her own.

So that's how they get them, too many losses and then you will just take anything. Eventually at age eighteen you start fitting into your color personality. No one knows how or why that happens and no one speaks about it much either.

The next day, Mireille and her family go home with little Sky. There's a knock on the door as soon as they enter their home, they're preparing for supper at the time.

"Yes sir,"Mireille's mum says while holding the blue eyed baby close to her, "Mireille! Come please!"

Mireille runs to the front door with a plate in hand, she quickly places it onto the table and comes forward looking down.

"Please step outside,"the man states to Mireille, "your acts of treason will not go unnoticed for much longer."

"What have I done sir?"Mireille asks innocently as she steps outside, the door is yet to be closed, but her mother slams the door shut immediately at the words of the official. Mireille is left all alone without any support against these five men in black suits with Amber eyes.

"Don't act innocent! Everyone knows that the children aren't always theirs and are replaced or placed into families. You are lucky enough for that not to be the case, the lucky third who is trying to try her luck further! Don't try the governments patience! At the age of nineteen, you will be accountable for your actions after you graduate. So you think carefully about your course,"they state threateningly, each saying different lines.

Mireille's head hurts from looking down and trying to determine who's talking and from what direction.

"What happened Mireille?"Mireille's mum asks worried more for herself than for her daughter who she raised for sixteen years.

"Nothing mum,"Mirielle says hurriedly, lying through her teeth to conceal her mum from further worry, because she cares about her unlike her selfish mother. "Ok?"Mireille's mum says while looking her in the eye but failing to decipher her true feelings.

"Honey, are you sure?"Mireille's dad asks with true concern for his lovely daughter that he cherishes everyday.

"Yeah I'm sure!"Mireille exclaims with a fake smile plastered to her terrified face, she recalls how she flinched at the words of the officials.

She can't comprehend why five officials came for one sixteen-year-old girl. Everyone just goes back to their norm like nothing ever happened but Mireille echos those words in her mind like they're a clue to a life-changing problem. Throughout dinner and everyday life, she zones out because she only hears those words echoing in her cave-like mind.

"What do they do to us when we are nineteen that we become so obedient and follow their laws without thought or conscience?"Mireille mutters quietly to herself in her Blue room, she's only sixteen so she has nothing to worry about right now but she fears the future of three years time. She stares at her Blue walls and she looks at the other colors that fill her room which gladly drown out the Blue almost entirely, she hates the color Blue because of what it represents now.

At school the next day, Mireille is so dazed she bangs into a Grey girl.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?"The girl screams at the top of her lungs, bringing the attention of the whole school to them. Her Grey eyes raging with fury. A few Blue teachers make their way to the scene, but don't get involved when they see its two different eye colors.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going,"Mireille says apologetically but still in her daze-like trance.

"What? Are Blue's blind?" the girl asks provokingly. She's a senior so she has no care in the world and she's always had the Grey personality. The Amber 'principle' makes his way to the scene.

"Answer me!"the girl screams and slaps Mireille so hard that she stumbles to the floor, "you disrespect me, the one who will save your life one day! How dare you!"

"Ok that's enough girls,"the Amber principle states, "being violent in school is not allowed Ms. Grey. Ms. Blue look where you are going or next time anyone involved in a fight, Grey and Blue, will be severely punished. Violence outside school, in society, is different Ms. Grey and Ms. Blue. People in the real world won't be as forgiving."

The principle walks away leaving Mireille stunned and scared on the Grey-Blue cold marble floor that she wishes she could sink into at this moment due to the principles words. The principles footsteps echo on the marble floor as stunned Grey's get out their phones and start reporting and a very angry Grey girl calls her father. Mireille realizes the extent of what she's done even though it wasn't on purpose. All the Blues scatter to get and take cover, to avoid the Grey's anger.

The murmuring starts.

"He didn't take the side of the Grey,"a Blue says shocked.

"How dare he!"a Grey claims angrily.

"He should be reported," another Grey states frustrated.

The Brown cleaner looks equally as shocked. Then come barging in ten government officials. The principle is dragged out, and in front of the whole school Mireille, the Grey girl and the principle are put in the assembly room. An emergency assembly is called.

"Principle Sanders, who ever said rules could be changed? Blue's must know their place and so must Grey's. Grey's are above Blue's, so young lady you're off the hook,"the official says and looks at the Grey girl, "you two on the other hand are in trouble. Principle Sanders, you will be charged with Treason and Ms.Blue, suspension for a month. I will be the new principle here since others can't seem to handle the responsibility given them."

The whole assembly gossips and gasps, everyone is in shock. The idea that their school is the center of this treason act is unbelievable. Treason is usually handed to Browns and Hazels not Ambers.