Chapter 1

In a society quite similar to the one today, there were people grouped, graded, assessed and educated based on the color of their eyes. The Amber society consists of all those who lead the country and control it, they're the leaders. The Green society contains all the celebrities, singers, writers, athletes, director's, actors, and models. The Grey community has all the smart people who keep the communities alive because of their jobs, they're the doctors, lawyers, scientists and technologists. The Blue society contains the police, chefs, teachers, professors and guards. The Hazel community is the main working class like the waiters, cashiers, gardeners, plumbers. The Brown society has all the low paying jobs and all those without jobs such as the factory workers, slaves, soldiers, cleaners, beggars and unemployed ones. Even your choice of house, its color, and even clothing would set you apart from others because of its color or style.

Life is simple, the ideals. You are only allowed to marry the same eye color ensuring your children would be that eye color. If you have a child higher than your level, the child is confiscated and lower than your level results in the same outcome. You are immediately transferred to a family of the same eye color. The places where you're bound to meet someone who is of another color is an orphanage, work place or certain schools. Let's take a simple example, in a restaurant the owner will be the government (Amber) and the chefs will be the Blue while the cleaners will be the Brown and the waiters will be the Hazel while the customers will be the Grey, Green and Amber since no other color is allowed to enter places like that to eat.

If you are of the Brown family you can work from the age of four, Hazel is sixteen, while all the others can only work from age eighteen unless you are Green. Green's must work from young so they can become the celebrities they will be later in life. The rules are simple but very hard to keep since you always want more. Dysnomia is only fifteen but because of her Brown eyes she is in an orphanage now, all these kids lost their lovely families and are stuck here until someone voluntarily takes them. The orphanage is a red-brick building that is decorated with every color, like a rainbow but with the colors of the eyes. In the orphanage all colors are allowed to socialize unless families come. Dysnomia understood the hardships of being Brown eyed in school and in society, even the orphanage would try to make money off of Brown eyes since they could be sold into slavery at all times but no one wants her.

Dysnomia goes to a school called the Hazel-Brown School since they are mixed in this school. The Hazel eyes dominate them and they would try to buy the girls and boys because they know they need the money. There have been many boys and girls who give in so that they can give their family a better future. In any case, the Hazel's are the working class and are looked down on by society as well. Dysnomia walks around her Hazel-Brown painted school with her plain Brown eyes and brown-straight hair, she goes unnoticed by everyone. She is constantly being questioned about her grades and how she keeps them so high or why she looks the way she does. Even she never understands why her parents gave her such a sad name. Names and their meanings are of pivotal importance in the society she lives in. The name you are given defines everything you are.

Amzi goes to the same school as Dysnomia but since he's eighteen he barely notices her or has the ability to be around her. The only time they cross paths is when they take a similar route home and so they talk. The route is long since its between the Brown and Hazel society and the orphanage is even further away from both the school and both the societies. Dysnomia talks about the need to get a job while Amzi offers thousands that she can't accept since she's Brown. When school finishes, the two meet again as they walk alongside each other.

"Hey Dysnomia, have they found you a family yet?" Amzi exclaims out of breath because he ran to catchup with her.

"No," Dysnomia sighs deeply.

"My dad said you can come clean our house if you want?"Amzi offers sincerely as he notices her saddened state.

"If it comes to that then I will," Dysnomia says downhearted.

"Do you not want to do what Brown's do?"Amzi asks curious as to why she seems so sad.

"No, honestly I want to do everything everyone does. All colors!" Dysnomia exclaims innocently but happily as she turns her attention from the nature around to him.

"Be careful what you say Dysnomia people are always watching,"Amzi says seriously.

Everyday goes by like this for them. The same stories, the same warnings and the same conversation.

In another world, Mireille with her Blue eyes goes home to her mum who is a teacher and her father who is a police officer. Mireille's mum is expecting a baby soon but Mireille is worried because her mum can't take another baby loss.

"Where are you guys going in such a rush?"Mireille asks since the house has been turned upside down. The dishes are piling in the sink, the clothes is scattered everywhere you can't even walk through the house and her parents are running around frantically looking for items.

"We are preparing to go to the hospital since your mother is having her baby soon,"her dad says triumphantly, "lets hope it works out this time."

Every time her dad and her mum try to have a baby they act like they don't already have a sixteen-year-old standing in front of them who is their daughter.

"I'm going to a Grey's house, he's helping me study," Mireille claims quickly and runs out the door and down the street before her parents can object or ask any questions. She walks away from a Blue town with oceans surrounding the beach-like areas into a more Green and smart area.

The moment she's at the gate her eyes are scanned.

"Why are you here?"the Blue eyed guard asks.

"I need to go to a Grey's house to study,"Mireille says kindly.

"Name?"he asks.

"S-O-C-R-A-T-E-S," Mireille spells since they aren't allowed to utter the names of higher ranked eyes.

"You may go,"he says and looks sadly at her.

She rings the bell at his large door. The house is Grey on the outside. She looks down as she's let in, the butler has Brown eyes but she's being respectful to the Grey's.

"SOCRATES!"his mother exclaims, "your project partner is here!"

"Afternoon ma'am," Mireille says formally. Socrates' mum is a scientist and his father is a doctor so they're very much respected.

"What's your name girl?"His mother asks politely.

Mireille is stunned but utters, "Mireille ma'am."

"Nice name,"his mother states kindly.

"Hello Mireille, sorry I'm late,"Socrates says politely as he walks down the stairs after a few minutes.

"No need to say sorry son," his mother says strictly.

Socrates nods.

In his room, "Sorry about that Mireille you know how it is with them," Socrates says kindly as he sits on his Grey bed and Mireille stays standing in his doorway.

"It's ok, it's the society we live in today," Mireille says knowing it isn't his fault as she walks further into his room. The two then study together.

In another part of this world, "Enzo you have to get married to someone who will give you an heir and let you take over the role me and your father have," says Enzo's mum. Enzo's Amber eyes sparkle but not from happiness as his mother lectures him at the breakfast table as usual.

"Son your mother is right, just because you go to a Amber-Green School doesn't mean you can date other eye colors," Enzo's father claims.

"Why not? Cause they are rules made from centuries ago?"Enzo states annoyed, because this is an everyday story.

"Your brother will take over if you don't follow these rules and later you may be punished for these acts of treason son," his mother states worriedly.

Enzo sighs deeply, gets up and walks right passed his seven-year-old brother who isn't even their real son. He leaves the Amber house and goes to his best friend's house.

"Hi Cly," he says sadly.

"Um hi, what happened?" Clytemnestra asks him politely as she sees his broken expression.

"Can we talk in your room?" Enzo asks and starts walking like its his own home.

"Sure, I guess,"Clytemnestra states because he's walking in without an invitation.

"Oh sir, hi! What brings you by?" Clytemnestra's mum states nervously.

"It's ok,"Enzo says, "stop calling me sir. Your a great singer! You know that right?"

"Oh thanks so much," Clytemnestra's mum says kindly.

He then walks up the stairs with Clytemnestra behind him.

"Cly," he looks her in her eyes as he lays on her bed, "I miss the simple life."

"I know you do Enzo but your only fifteen so just relax for now and wait for life to gain control of you and you of it," Clytemnestra says positively, "and why do you keep calling me Cly?"

"You know my mum thinks I'm dating you right?"Enzo says sadly because he's tried to explain countless times to his parents that he's not dating her but that they're only friends.

"Ew!"Clytemnestra exclaims and looks at his face, "I'm eighteen-years-old and I'm in a different color. I'm Green!"

"I know but that doesn't stop our friendship,"Enzo says, he looks at her Green eyes and sees her baffled expression.

"Of course not, but eventually you will want nothing to do with me," Clytemnestra says sadly.