Chapter 8

Clytemnestra looks at him sadly, and says, "I used to be good to Dysnomia, and then it all changed when the government said certain people had to be given special vaccinations a few weeks before graduation day. Were you among them?" Her voice sounds broken, her voice low and convincing.

"No,"Amzi says, while not looking her in the eye, "I follow the rules. Everyone who doesn't gets the vaccine." Amzi looks at her and sees her in a new light, the girl that can't change to fit into the world around her, much like Dysnomia. No matter how hard they try they just can't fit in, they can't change.

"So can you really blame me?"Clytemnestra asks, as she looks at his face even though he doesn't look at her eyes that are hurting, because of who she has become. "What do you want from me?"Amzi asks rudely, as he looks into her eyes now, seeing the hurt eyes that are raining like clouds, matching the emotions as she spoke.

"Despite the person I have become, there's one thing I can't change, and it's the fact that I fell hard for you when you came here. Maybe it was also because of how Dysnomia talked about you, and how sweet you are behind the scenes,"Clytemnestra says, as she looks at him with so much love that he doesn't hold within his heart, the only thing he holds for her is hate. Hate for who she is and what she's done.

"Well it's rather strange to love a person of another color, while having the vaccine especially,"Amzi says, stuck on a thought, but still unwavering in his hatred for the Green girl, who's staring back at him, with sparkly Green eyes that shine with undeniable love.

In the government school, Enzo's parents are staring at Enzo's multicolored friends, while they awkwardly eat lunch, because his parents aren't eating with them.

"So Enzo, tell me how you met these people,"Enzo's mother asks curiously, but faking happiness. Enzo's mother and father are constantly moving about on their chairs, since the chairs aren't cushioned, but hard as rock and as rough as tar.

"Well I met Dysnomia,"Enzo says, as he points at each of them, "when she came to the city looking for a job, and I gave her one. I met Mireille at lunch, because Dysnomia was sitting with her, and Socrates is my roommate." Enzo then continues eating his half-finished meal.

"I see,"Enzo's mother says, as she stares at the children eating hastily, but appropriately. His mother is trying to hide her true feelings.

"Son, I sometimes wonder if you are colorblind,"Enzo's father says with disgust, and everyone looks at him with disdain at his words.

"What kind of school is this that we learn through discipline, rather than through questions," Dysnomia says annoyed, breaking the silence and gaining confidence, because she sees Enzo's hate for his parents ways.

"Were you that disturbed by the punishments? I should have them more often then,"Enzo's father says with pride, he has a smug look on his face as he looks at his lowly Brown subject. The subject that doesn't get any light for half the day in her society.

"No, torture just makes us hate the system all the more,"Mireille says, she glares at him, her true colors and confidence shining through for the first time.

"Yeah! Hearing the torture of other students, when they're trying to understand the system they're living in and the logic behind it, isn't what this school was made for dad," Enzo says, because he feels the need to make his parents realize that he isn't on their side, he'd rather be colorblind and understand the world around him, then be clear-sighted and know nothing.

Socrates sits silently, eating his food, as everyone voices their opinion rather angrily. He just sits calmly, seething on the inside at the unfairness of the world.

"What about you Socrates?"Enzo's father asks, as he sees the young boy is in another world entirely. Everyone's gaze shoots towards him, but he doesn't seem fazed by the attention of five pairs' of eyes.

"Well the only reason I'm here is because my friend is Mireille, other than that I pretty much follow the rules," Socrates says, buying time to think of his response to the real question asked, "but I do agree that torturing students so everyone can hear isn't the solution. They hate you already, and now they hate you more."All his friends' mouths are gaping, because his choice of words was amazing.

"Is that so?"Enzo's father asks rhetorically, he nods then leaves with his wife trailing behind, because she had no clue they are leaving. Everyone tensed when Enzo's father was about to speak, they were expecting angry words, but he accepted defeat and left.

"He won't change a thing, he isn't that kind of person,"Enzo says, as he pokes his sandwich with anger. They all sigh deeply, their appetite gone.

The next day an assembly is called, and all the students make their way through the white-carpeted hallways, with rainbows on them, to the assembly hall.

"Ok students," the official says, the whole assembly quieting down at her words, "we will be allowing questions from all this time, and no one will be punished for speaking, anymore, unless it's a government official or a parent of a higher rank then you." The whole rooms' hands go up.

"I haven't even said what topic we will be discussing," the official says, her laughter echoing throughout the room. She points to a student.

"What are some reasons why we might be here?"Socrates asks politely, he then takes his seat.

"Your attitude, your grades, your personality, your actions, your friends, anything we see as dangerous to society," the official says and smiles, it looks a bit forced, but no one cares as long as it's uncomfortable for her.

"What happens if we don't change?"Mireille asks timidly, and the whole crowd turns to look at her. The whole crowd nods in agreement at her question as she takes her seat hurriedly.

"We'll leave that up to your imagination," the official says slyly and smugly, imagining all the images traveling through the little heads she sees.

"Do Blacks exist?"an Amber boy asks innocently, curiosity plaguing his face, while he stares at Dysnomia.

"Why would you ask a question like that?"the official says, anger crossing her face, because she's an Amber and only they know the truth.

"Curiosity,"the boy says, at the tender age of fourteen he's questioning a truth that will be revealed to him once he graduates. A truth, only Ambers and one other know about.

"Curiosity killed the cat,"the official says straightforwardly, watching the boys smug face morph into a terrified one, bringing her satisfaction, "I don't have an answer to that, if you want to know talk to Enzo's parents."

Everyone sighs, and they all look at her with anger, because she threatened a little boy. Sometimes it looks as if they're programmed, because the children here think so much alike that they move in sync when performing this, and many other actions.

"Any more questions?"the official says, unfazed by their angry looks that hold no power, unlike herself. Silence is all that anyone can hear inside the assembly hall.

At lunch, they meet up together, as usual.

"Did you solve the riddle?"Dysnomia asks Enzo, her face bright and hopeful as they walk together to their table.

"No Dysnomia, it's really hard,"Enzo says, with a glum look as his eyes meet Dysnomia's.

"I didn't try to make it hard,"Dysnomia says, smiling guiltily. Socrates looks at them from across the table, as Mireille eats in peace.

"Are you guys going to date or something?" Socrates asks.

"No!"they say simultaneously. Dysnomia and Enzo look at each other with disgust.

"Good, I wouldn't suggest it,"Socrates says, and he quickly walks to the dessert table.

Dysnomia looks at him weirdly and then she asks Enzo the only question that makes sense," Did you show Socrates the riddle?" Dysnomia already knows the answer, her teeth gritting as she seethes with anger, seeing his guilty face.

Enzo avoids her eyes now, knowing she's going so be mad, "Yes."

"Why would you do that?"Dysnomia whisper screams, her anger flaring and her face turning red. The betrayal evident on her face.

"I couldn't understand it, so I was hoping for some help,"Enzo says, his voice barely above a whisper as he sees her anger.

He realizes how he made her feel, despite the fact that he has no idea what the note says. Dysnomia's whole face changes, she's beyond angry, her eyes look red. She gets up and leaves the table, and she goes to the field to be alone. Socrates was standing and watching the ordeal between Enzo and her, so he makes his way to the green field filled with red, blue, purple, orange and yellow flowers, to name a few. He starts walking towards her, and sees her sitting in her favorite spot.

"I didn't think his game would have all that information,"Socrates says, his smile brightening as he looks at the sky above, all blue with white fluffy clouds. Socrates sits.

"He said it was a game?"Dysnomia asks, the hurt apparent in her words.

"The guy tried to hide the fact that it was a riddle, but I knew you gave it to him and I'm smart so,"Socrates says, the honesty resonating in every word.

"I see,"Dysnomia says, her anger gone, but her feelings are left wide open now.

"Siblings?"Socrates asks, knowingly.

"No, I don't have any that I know of,"Dysnomia says, implying that their might be some that are from her real family.

"I understand,"Socrates says, knowing they can't talk, in detail, about the riddle.

"How's your sister? Lilac?"Dysnomia asks politely, remembering the little Grey girl.

"She's good," Socrates says, knowing they've met somewhere before, and because of who Dysnomia is, he knows there's things hidden everywhere, "where'd you meet?" Dysnomia plays with the green grass.

"Orphanage! We were friends, but when she was leaving, they never let me say goodbye. She was like three when you got her, "Dysnomia says, her eyes filling with tears, "eight years has gone by since I last saw her."

"Do you know how many children the leaders had?"Socrates asks, knowing its a sensitive question, but wanting insight into the life of the mysterious girl before him.

"Um...I know three, but I'm sure they had about six kids total,"Dysnomia says, sniffling as she reveals that information.

"Wow! Look, I'm not jealous of you, and I hope things work out for you,"Socrates says, he gets up to leave, dusting the green grass and brown dirt off his butt. "Help him,"Dysnomia says, giving up on Enzo's brain. Socrates nods and walks away.

Soon after he leaves, another visitor arrives to see Dysnomia. The man walks powerfully towards her, his stride confident and his demeanor like that of a predator stalking prey.

"Hello Dysnomia,"Enzo's dad says, with a disgusted look etched on his wrinkled face. Dysnomia looks up to see a man's shadow looming over her, a person she never thought would ever come to see her.

"Hi,"Dysnomia says barely above a whisper.

"You know why you're here right?"Enzo's father asks her as he takes a seat on the dusty ground.

"Many reasons,"Dysnomia says, watching him come down to her level, "but I'm not too worried."

"Why is that?"Enzo's father says, looking at the field and not at her, his eyes squinting in the bright light of the afternoon sun.

"I honestly don't know,"Dysnomia says, her smile widening as she looks him right in his Amber eyes, not wavering for a second. Both of them drop their gazes at the same time.

"Your eyes are nice,"Enzo's father says, his tone sweet, but his intentions are anything but sweet.

"Why are you here?"Dysnomia asks, sensing the motive of his visit.

"I wanted to talk to you,"Enzo's father says, as if he's asking permission but Dysnomia knows he's not.

"Why?"Dysnomia asks, her eyes never wavering from his manly frame.

"You are bad association for my son,"Enzo's father says, as he finally looks her in the eye. His eyes faltering from her eyes, to the field, to the blazing sun's blinding rays.

"Didn't you hear that I helped him,"Dysnomia says, her patience wearing thin as she stares at this so called leader that can't look a Brown in the eye.

"I've been watching you, and I need to know what you're after?"Enzo's father says and asks, his tone intense, but his eyes are transfixed on the yellow rays.

"I'm not after anything! I'm living my life and you're worried that my life is getting in the way of your, only, son's life,"Dysnomia says, pretending she's a dumb Brown with no insight on the Government family.

"I have two sons and no daughters,"Enzo's father says, his face confident, his eyes unwavering, his tone honest.

"How boring! No daughters,"Dysnomia says exasperated, her voice so high-pitched, "you could've adopted if you wanted one."

"Their aren't any Amber girls that stay that long. Amber girls aren't common, boys are more common. Anyways my wife is pregnant and no one knows,"Enzo's father says, getting caught up in talking openly.

"Well I know now, and let me guess, Enzo doesn't,"Dysnomia says threatening to tell Enzo, his precious son.

"He can't take another loss, when it comes to siblings. We even got Ash...,"Enzo's father says, then stops, "why am I telling you things I would never tell anyone else."

"No one can stop themselves from talking when they're around me,"Dysnomia says, her voice one tone and her look distant.