The two are released from his clutches. They are brought to their homes so they will never know where he kept them.
"I can't believe things went so wrong,"Dysnomia murmurs to herself.
Dysnomia sees Ebenezer running towards her. Tears fill her eyes as she looks at the orphanage before her.
"It's all my fault,"Dysnomia says, her voice barely above a whisper, "I should have never been so reckless and did whatever caused this revolution in the first place." Ebenezer hugs her tightly and says, "Look! This isn't your fault. You gave us an opportunity and we took it. We needed you because of your involvement and your knowledge. It's so vast that, in the letters, you know almost everyone and they are waiting for you so you can tell them all about their siblings and parents."
Ebenezer looks at her and sees her calm expression.
"Do you know where they took the children that no one wanted?"Dysnomia asks impatiently.