
(Evans POV)

I was watching him from the corner of my eyes. Aaron is a very interesting dude, but also very weird.

I certainly couldn't quite believe my eyes when his cheeks became rosy pink when he gave me his jacket. I mean... he may seem tough on the outside but on the inside he is a kid enjoying life and cares for others.

The car ride was silent and only the sounds of the engine could be heard. It was very relaxing.

I almost fell asleep but then something interesting caught my attention.

Aaron suddenly looked angry for no reason whatsoever.

He was mumbling incoherent things that I couldn't quite make out and he was gripping at that poor steering wheel so hard I thought he was going to break it. He then took a deep breath and suddenly, he was smiling again.

I couldn't guess what he was thinking about not even if you payed me one million dollars. He always has a kind of quizzical look plastered across his features so, each time I look at him I just have to guess what he's thinking or feeling.

"We're here" said Aaron. I sighed and exited the car, but so did Aaron.

"Oh, you're coming too?" I asked jokingly.. He just shrugged and looked somewhere in the distance.

"Um ok.. then let's go in." I said while walking up to the door of my little house. What a cute weirdo..

We entered and the smell of strawberries hit our noses like a punch in the face.

Maybe I should've turned that dispenser off. At least it smells nicely in here.

There was a little corridor that lead to the living room that was attached to the kitchen.

My living room looks pretty average, it has 3 grey sofas lined up to a big TV, the one in the middle being the largest.

To the left of them there are large windows looking out to my garden which was lit up by some warm glowing sun chargeable little lanterns.

Behind the sofas to the left, there was the kitchen island with a big white counter and all around it there was the kitchen morphed all into one.

Aaron reached to turn on the lights but I instinctively grabbed him by his wrist and stopped him.

"No, the lights in this house during the night are blinding and annoy me, I have another way of lighting up the house." I said in a small voice.

Aaron sighed and retreated his hand quickly out of my grasp.

I went through a door and turned on the night mode, which concluded of lights hidden in many crevices and hidden spaces, lighting up the place beautifully in a warm orange glow and giving us perfect sight.

When Aaron saw how the house looked his eyes widened and his mouth opened and stayed that way. I hope he doesn't hate it. I personally love it because I designed it myself.

"This.. this looks beautiful." He whispered barely audible, and those words made me smile unconsciously for some reason. And there was a light warm feeling in my belly that fluttered within me. I felt weird.

I want to feel that again...

"Come, let's sit on the couch." I said lowly and headed to the couch only for me to slouch on it and melt into the nice fabric.

There is no better feeling then when you come home from a long day of work and just do nothing and stare into the void for ten minutes straight.

Not long after making myself comfortable I could feel the other side of the sofa dent and when I looked I could see a very obviously tired Aaron just looking at some random corner in the room.

I noticed he does that very often.

"You know... if you ever want to talk your brain barf out on someone.. you could talk to me." I was expecting him to bring this up at some point.. but why does he want to know though?

"I mean-..

You had this moment at work when you cried about.. your father and mother..? You sounded very upset..."

His voice was barely louder than a whisper. You could almost feel his hesitation while he said that. And that is the problem, no person could ever imagine what some people go through and I don't blame him for it. But I don't think he can handle my stupid story about my past.

And oh yeah.. there was a point where I remember crying in his shoulder at work at some point of my shift, but I don't exactly remember what happened since I was completely wasted back then.

"Aaron.. I appreciate you for caring. And I will not forget that you are trying to help me, but I don't think I want to tell anyone what happened to me in the past. The past is the past, and let it stay there. We don't need to bring back memories that would only hurt me more.."

"You told Ellie.." I could hear Aaron mumble. It was true, though I don't know how he knows that, all I am going to say is that it was way different with her. She is like a mother to me and that made me cry my heart out. I hate crying and feeling sad like I did back then. So when she soothed me like a mother I went ahead and told her.

But I can't tell Aaron. It will only make me feel like shit.

"Ellie was and still is like a mother to me. Her touch and warm words make me feel like everything is fine and that she will always protect me from the evil. She makes me feel cared about and that made me trust her. I don't think I could do that with anyone else seeing as I have never felt loved by anyone else-"

I realised I was saying too much and then quickly lowered my head to shut myself up. I don't want him to know about what happened to me.

Heck I couldn't even look him in the eyes knowing what a disgusting human being I am.

While I was thinking and panicking inside myself Aaron once again did something that I didn't expect him to do.

He tends to do that a lot lately.

He took me by my wrist and pulled me closer to him and then he hugged me. He was just like a big teddybear and that felt really nice.

And talking about feeling nice things, when he hugged me I felt those fuzzy fluttery sensations in my belly once again and my heart started to race 100 km/h.

Why is it doing that!! It makes me feel anxious.. Should I maybe consult a doctor?

"Evan trust me.. .. My life wasn't the brightest either but trust me when I'm telling you that talking to someone helps a lot. You wouldn't believe it, I didn't either at the beginning, but it helps so much to just get it all out for once.

To take all that weight off your shoulders."

His words were so warm and nice to hear. His once annoying and screeching voice became music to my ears and I just can't understand why. This was a completely different feeling than I have ever felt before.

It was nothing like the motherly warmth and protection that I felt with Ellie.

This one was sweeter and comfier. It felt surprisingly good staying like this. I wish I could always feel this.

And he smells so dreamy too.. almost like pink sakura petals that are enveloping us in a beautiful scent of sweet lilies.

It is a nice feeling and I found myself unconsciously wrapping my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me so that I could burry my nose in his neck. I could fall asleep in this position.

I can't believe that I am cuddling with this idiot, but I just can't help it. Why did I have such a shitty life that it is that I am just now experiencing these sensations and feelings? It is so unfair...

And so, without even realising it I started to tear up thinking about all I had gone through to get to where I am now. Life sucks and no one can say otherwise. There is always something that can ruin everything.

I hope this moment never ends, because if it does... I would be very, very sad.