Chapter 4

Matt Pov


12yrs old

From when Mason and I were 12years old, we were constantly training to become excellent leaders to our pack. Our father and mother train us hard since they were raised in an alpha family, they're both alpha, however, both of them were taught that omega are weak and useless so they hated them. Since they were both alpha, they thought we as twin would both be alpha.

Well, guess they were wrong.

Before our second gender was revealed we were happy but once it came I was separated, abandoned and cast aside, stripped of my right to become heir making Mason heir by default. Even my brother didn't think to protest or at least stand by my side.

They separated me from Mason and sent me to stay in the attic. There I lied on my harden mattress bed alone in the attic staring at the ceiling, although they didn't hurt me psychically they did mentally, the hateful whisper was spat out from everyone. The only one who didn't do it was Mason however he just watches from afar and every time our eyes meet how would quickly avoid me.

When I turn 14 years old the whole pack was in it together calling me names. While other omegas could only pity me because they didn't have the strength to go against the Alpha and they didn't come to help me as they were scared that they were gonna get kicked out of the pack.




These words started to spin in my head like a hurricane, slowly as time went by I started to believe them and I thought I was a disgrace. Even when I didn't do anything only this second gender labelled me to be hated. I started to hate myself and I started to cut myself. One day I overdid it and it leads me to a hospital bed. My parents looked at me with anger, I thought they were angry with worried but I was wrong they found out that I was an omega that can't get pregnant therefore they lost a chance to sell me to another pack as a marriage alliance. FOR REAL?!

What kind of parent does this?!?!

When I went back to the pack I heard my packmates saying things like,

"Attention Seeker!!!"

"Waste of effort, not like anyone is going to care."





The chanting got louder and louder that I ran deep into the forest till silence filled the air.

I found steam and sat near it bawling my eyes out until I felt an arm wrapped around make feel safe. I didn't care who they were I just hug the other while the other patted my back and whisper sweetly and softly in my ears while patting my back gently.

"Everything is going to be okay."

" its n...not, *sniff* nobody was....want me to * hiccups*...because...I'm an" I said between hiccups and tears."

Silence filled the air.

'Why did I spill everything out to a stranger!' I quickly try to push myself off of him scared of what he would do after finding out that I'm an omega.

However, he brought me closer to his chest and said: "If they won't like you, then I would, your gender, being an Omega or an Alpha doesn't define who you are, its just omegas have flaws and vulnerabilities that are noticeable by others which people are reluctant to help with the risk of their lives at hand. Remember nothing comes for free."

"Then what should I do?"

"Well, what do you think you have to do?"

"But I don't know, that's why asking you?" I sass

He ignores my sass and continues,

"Well, for starter you should become stronger so that nobody can bully you, strong enough to stand on your own two feet and also prove to others that you are not what they say you are, you are not a typical omega everyone thinks you are. Be strong, unique and survive. The world is cruel but that doesn't mean you won't be able to find your happiness. One day you would be able to find your mate, your special other and they would accept your regardless of how many flaws you have."

I listen attentively at what he said but still didn't know what to do. But I hope there was someone like that out there, well staring at him I wish that he was mine

"Then how do I become strong?" I asked.

"Think about your strength and weakness" he replies while waiting for me as I rattling my brain out to find my strength and weakness, however, I could only recall the harsh words coming out of my packmate.

'I was only good enough to be a slut and satisfy the need for an alpha.'

"only useless I don't have any strength I reply miserably while look at the stream

"Cheer up, you're still young, you have time to develop."

I look at him again while his hand was chin in a thinking pose.

"Well, let start physically then, Omega bodies are normal weaker then alpha why don't you try your building your body up, and learn some self-defence like you never know when you need it. Then boost your knowledge, by observing your surrounding, read some book. These things you have to do it yourself as alpha would say something like they would be wasting their time as you won't learn anything. Furthermore never and I mean never lose your guard you never know who could stab you in the back especially if you have people hating on you. No offence!! Become stronger and smarter than everyone so that nobody could insult you or hurt you."

I nodded and stare at his face his fudge brown, his sea-blue eyes when the moonlight shine on it turns emerald. His tan face and his dimple smile made me forget all the horrible stuff that happens before.

Then we stayed in a comfortable salience while looking at the moon before he said he needed to leave. He gave me one more hug and left. From then on I went to the steam every single day, not like anyone care enough to realise I was missing but he never came back. As time goes by I started to think he didn't exist, that he was just a message, an angel sent from the moon goddess tell me I should give up. But I still believe I'll see him once more. I trained every day, read more books, studied and observe others since nobody would teach me and they taught it would be useless as I wouldn't learn anything.

Guess they were wrong when I became 15. Mason grew taller than me him 6'7 while I was 5'6. I was still muscular than other omega but still, I could hear others who saw me train and can't help but compare me to Mason while purposely talking loud saying that I was my time and effort.

But I was still determined when I turn 16. I had a growth spurt where I grew up to 6'11 the same as Mason. My knowledge was better then him that shut most of my packmate mouth they weren't rude to me anymore but they said nothing would change the cause of my omega label.

But I didn't care I wanted to see the angel again.

Flashback End.

Today was my birthday, Red Luck Pack was invited. Guess who I saw my angel.