
Chapter 2: A-alive?

Third person's point of view.

"Damn this group they are already powerful without the gene. What are we going to do if the gene made them more powerful and lead the other test subjects into rebellion?!" one of the men in black said as he picks up one of the boys into his shoulder and another one with a girl.

"Oh, shut it, will you?! If someone around here heard your mouth, I'm going to seal it." Exclaimed by one of the leaders of the group, "everyone hustles up. Come on move faster! We will have our promotion after these teens make it to the laboratory base." He ordered them then move to seat in the shotgun seat of the truck they brought with them.

After a long but worth it travel the truck made it to its destination. Revealing their catch to their leader and made the leader's foul mood into a good one as he saw a new test subject they will force to breed and watch as they improve their abilities.

"Operation 1.0 rebuilt the mistakes and I am going to promote everyone. But, make a single mistake and face my wrath." He ordered after he left them to take their victims into the laboratory and started the operation.

Screams and cries of men and women were heard as they entered the lab. The scientist called the lab a maturity peek as teens would be entered but come out as men and women. No, they come out as a family but no one remembers a thing about what is happening inside. As they have found out how to specifically block the memory. It is all the reason why no one has discovered it.

The reason is they never let them free after they blocked the memory inside their head. They were locked up in a school where they used and form them to a weapon and they become one of their hitman and assassins for the government. It is one of the plans by the Spanish and preparing them as backup weapons for World War III. Spanish military will be found roaming around the borders of the land and guarding just in case any vessels and humans around the border won't discover anything inside.

While inside the laboratory there is someone inside the school who is longing for someone.

Someone's Point of view.

I'm here in the school's garden. 4 years since I have been here, I am now 17 years old. Does she still remember me? Does she even know I am still alive? Did she still care for me? Do they even remember my name? 4 years since they have captured me. 4 years of hope. Did they give up on me?

That is what was my question for myself, as every year since I came to this school. But four years have been past when 10 of my friends woke up in this very same place. Knowing nothing since the kidnapping. We just hoped that they are still finding us and hoping that we are still alive. But knowing her. Her mindset was giving us hope. I have been known by the new members inside this school that she didn't stop finding me. Us and won't stop until our bodies where found.

That is what we're keeping us alive in this kind of place where we fight to live and kill to survive. Some of the students just give up because they don't have anything to lose but not us. Our group still has a purpose in life. We still have a company to run and grown-ups to mess their minds to get our fruitful revenge.

All of us were about to go to the canteen when we heard a rumor, we most feared.

"Guys, they hit a jackpot. They had 10 more victims. Most of them are girls." We looked at each other and we suddenly got up and went to the infirmary. These were the first place we wake up and we found out that we can't leave the place.

"10 people. You don't mean… oh please, not her." Marvis prayed that it is not his twin sister.

This is not a coincidence. They said that they walked in a group and won't surrender and leave anyone. The members in the organization left were 10 persons and considering 15 of the members were already here. We stopped at the front of the door when we heard her voice shouting at the nurse.

"What do you mean I can't go out?! What is the meaning of this shit?!" she hysterically said. Some of my members hit their foreheads with the back of their hands. both Marivic and I just shook our heads and smiled bitterly.

"It is her," I said sighing at the moment of realization.

We held our laugh when we heard a loud smack, we bet someone smack her head. "Stop being overreaction and be serious at once!" we heard another girl said we know it is Stacy. She is the only girl beside me and Madelene has the guts to smack mavy into reality.

Mavy's point of view.

"Oh, for god's sake Stacy! If my brain cells fall out it is all your fault!" I exclaimed while rubbing the back of my head where Stacy hit hard.

I became serious and glared at the nurse who was calm and warned her.

"You dare say we won't get out here in this place you called school?" I paused and give her the scariest smirk I had. "Well, you made an enemy to the wrong person. If you had the guts to think that we need you then you need to fix that nutshell of a brain you had.

"All of us knows how to do all medical stuff. Even if one of us shot a bullet we don't go to a hospital for an operation and all of us know how to operate and how to cure someone so back the hell off or I'll cut your head with my bare hands." I said as I went to the door. All of us froze on our spot when we saw who is outside of the door. All of them seem to be frozen to like us.

I was about to say something to make the air surrounding us light when Stacy smack my head again and I turned around to glare at her but she just shrugged it off.

"What? I know you are about to say something outrageous, so I rush the hit first to shut your mouth." I was bewildered and just stared at her not believing what she just said but then the others started laughing and I just pouted in defeat.

"I was just saying to exclaim that they are alive. But then you are right I just realize that we haven't found a body that is declared that they are dead and it is them so yeah." I manage to monologue to myself when I heard a chuckle that I haven't heard for at least a decade.

I harshly turned my gaze on the area where I heard the chuckle there he is my other half. Not the other half like a soulmate. But my twin, slightly laughing at me again. I forced my tears not to flow in my eyes as I faced Stacy again.

"I am not dreaming, right? Is it them? Him?.." I choked out the last words as I saw her smiled, but I could see the sadness in her eyes and nod.

"You were here all this time? Alive?" I bitterly asked them, and they didn't answer, it is a statement, not a question for them to answer.

"I just need some air. You know where you will find me." I sighed to stop my tears to fall and run past them.