
Chapter 5: Who we are.

Mavy's point of view.

I saw his secretary shiver at her spot when I mentioned the training. I slowly his hand off my neck and smirked at him.

"Clearly," I said as I slowly removed his grip on my neck. "Out of all people who know me, you are the ones who bitterly ignored my power and will do everything they can to throw me out.

"but they know it is out of their business," I said, and finally pushed him away from me that makes him stumble, as the shock behind his eyes is visible as he tried to hide it but failed miserably.

"You know Uncle? Let me make a deal with you." I said that made the others' eye's wide open. We all know that this uncle of mine would only deal with anyone if the deal is a matter of life and death, "You will let us go if we discover the truth behind this academy of yours. And we will let you go unharmed." I smirked as his eyes turned cold.

"And if we manage to keep the secret here?" he asked while he was smirking.

"We'll fight you to death," I answered, and all member's eyes turned cold but, we all knew that we could do it. We had killed the strongest assassins and fighters' underground organization. We will unlikely do it here just to let us be free again.

We don't like to be locked up, and we will do everything to get our freedom again, even if it causes our lives. We did not train to become an assassin for us to be scared right now.

"You have to fight the Strongest group in this school to be sorted out from the students. In this school, we have Common and rare types. That will explain to you after you get your standing. And have a little warning all the people here are different than you usually know. It will be a little shock, but you will overcome it." He advised and looked to his secretary. " Announce in the school to go to the grounds, and someone will be placed in their rightful status again.

" He ordered and got up from his chair.

" I assume that I don't have to tell you what to do right now? you can lead her the way." He said to the group, and they just sighed.

"Let's go out." Avery motioned us to the office door, and I just happened to notice that their wearing red and orange uniforms.

The girl's blouses have little details ribbons color was assorted to red, yellow, blue, green, and violet. All ranged from dark to light colors. Those details are the same with the boys.

But aside from their neckties, the color of their collars was the same colors as the girl's ribbons.

While walking around, I noticed that most of the student was looking at us with curiosity. Some were looking at us with great jealousy and hatred.

At this point, something is bothering me.

"umm, guys?" I asked them, and they just looked at me.

"Who will I fight with?" They just smirked but didn't answer me.

I just sighed heavily, knowing how brutal I fought in terms of fighting. And they didn't bother to answer my question.

"Don't worry, You won't have to fight with weak students here," Asher assured me.

Then I just remembered what Uncle said earlier.

'You have to fight the strongest students in this school to get sorted.'

If he means the unrivaled students, then I have to fight more than one? And My members are here. And they are relaxed. They must've training even they are separated from us.

Once we arrived from the location. And to be honest, it is irritating to see how much people have to witness my fighting techniques. But I have no choice. I guess I'll have to change my fighting stance from now on.

He announced to the students, "Listen up. These new students have to fight more than two of the top-ranked students in this school. Most preferably at least three of them.". The students gasped in response.

"First to fight is Mavis Reina "mavy" Deitz Who will fight with Marvic Raven Deitz, Sammantha Andrea Tan, and Avery Carmen Delario." When he mentioned my full name, I glared at him. Sam was shaking her head while Rav held back his laughter. I didn't want anyone to know my full name.

"Does he have to mention it in full?" I whimpered to the members, and that did it for them and made them laugh hysterically. A death glare, however, made them stop. Since the beginning, I hated having my name mentioned.

I sighed and just went to the middle of the grounds. However, my Bastard of a twin brother was planning something. Because I knew the expression on his face, I just rolled my eyes when he smirked at me.

He was whispering something to sam that made her smirk too. "Headmaster, even though we are in the top three of the school. We could not compete against our leader alone if you wanted to find out her strengths. everyone should fight her together." Marvic said that made me want to curse him right then and there.

"you piece of freaking shit," I mumbled as the other members of the organization laughed at his tactics to get me to acknowledge from the start.

"What did you mean together?" the headmaster inquired him.

"All of the top ten students." He corrected himself as I facepalmed at his antics.

"I freaking hate you," I mumbled to myself.

"Well then, If that is what you want then, do it." Of course, he will approve the situation that would look horrible for me.

As the top ten came closer to me, I mentally facepalm when I noticed that all of them were in the rank.

"Well, It's been a long time since we did this," I said to them, and they agreed to me.

"Since you have been missing, I must say," I said with a monotone voice that made them look at each other and shiver.

"give me all your combat skills improvement then," I said and got in the middle as they got into their position.

Being their trainer had advantages in terms of fighting.

First of all, You would notice the patterns of their fighting techniques. Second You would know how much strength they have at the moment. But the second one has weaknesses if you haven't been their whole training session you would not know about it.

I close my eyes as I feel my surroundings. Having enough training would make you alert in the area close to your range. I usually close my eyes when training them to train my senses.

I happened to block all the incoming attacks, and while blocking them, I also countered them with a straight punch or a left kick.

I opened my eyes as I looked at them disappointed, and that is when they became quicker and aggressive to attack me.

I just casually blocked all of them, and most of the time, I didn't even move to my place.

"Up until now. You can't make me move to my place." I mocked as having a hard-to-make hit on me.

"Is that all you have got? or are you just playing with me? Did you all become weaker all of the time you are here? And all of you are the top-ranked when you all are this weak? all of you lack some agility and speed." I scolded them as their trainer, which irritated me when they didn't even improve.

I pause for a second when I hear a loud gasp from the audience.

I forgot that they are even here.

I listened to some of their conversations regarding the fight.

"Is she serious?"

"We can't even follow their movements."

"still lacking in speed and agility?"

"is she even taking that fight seriously, or is she just assessing their strengths?"

"They are not even using their abilities at all."

The last sentence caught my attention.

"What abilities? As if that is something is going to happen." I snickered.

What fantasy book are they reading? Is it believable that they assume they had it also?

All of a sudden, all of the members attacked all at once, and I happened to be distracted as I was almost late to block them.

As I'm getting bored as I know they are seeing it.

I started to attack at half of my speed was not slow. But fast enough to drain their stamina in this fight.

Nine members paused to catch their breath as I'm having a one-on-one fight with my twin brother. The continued exchange of attack and block and at the same time while that happens one by one, one member was coming to attack me too.

As they were getting tired, They suddenly surround me and place their arms in front of them as they began to say something fast.

Some of the students were shocked.

I'm being honest here. I don't know what was happening and

I know that What are they doing is something dangerous.

"Are they crazy? "

"She has nowhere to escape!"

"Dodge it as soon as possible!"

"She is doomed."

"isn't surrounding her is a bit overdoing it?"

Most of their reaction made me chuckle.

'Close your eyes and think of a place that is safer here!' someone in my mind instructed me.

I just sighed as I followed it.

I have no choice as I am surrounded.

I closed my eyes and think of the rooftop of the building behind me.

As I did this, I felt some cold and hot air building around me, and for a moment, I felt like something was pulling me, and I let it happen as I heard a loud explosion nearby.

As the smoked from the explosion disappeared, I heard some gasps as some shocked students were panicking as they didn't even see my body there.

But I smiled when I saw my members look around them alert and still ready to fight.

Once again, I decided to make an entrance. Just before I landed on the ground, I kicked Rav as hard as I could in the stomach, which caused him to fly far away from his original location.

The shocked faces of the student that was watching were priceless.

I was holding back my laughter when he somehow appeared behind me as I crossed my arms when I faced him.

I happened to know them eaning of the ability the other students were talking about. Luckily, I managed to avoid the first group attack, after which I was forced to move from place to place to avoid being cornered by them again.

In addition, I was forced to block all the attacks as they continued to come at me with their ability, and not knowing what I have and how to use it meant I had a great disadvantage for the time being.

"The fight will take a long time, and we have seen enough for her to be categorized, so this is over." The irate headmaster announced to the students. Everyone groaned.

"The rest of you will be categorized tomorrow we need them to regain their energy for the other new students." He added as he looked at the eleven of us.

"To my office now," he ordered as we looked at each other and followed him to his office.