The next day I went to the headmaster's office to ask some tiny but important details about my mission, but when I teleported to his office I was disappointed when I see an empty room so I sit on the chair in front of his table.
30 minutes later I hear a rummaging of keys on the other side of the door.
"That took you long enough to come in your office," I said as he opened the door that made him jump a little in surprise.
"How did you come in?" He asked a little surprise in his voice.
"Close that door and I'll tell you my ability" after the door was closed I sealed it I remember when clarrysse do that in our dorm.
"Was that?" Uncle said out loud.
"Clarrysse's ability barrier creation." I finished the sentence he was about to say.
"Not only that, what is your ability uncle?" I asked him.
As he touches the metal beside him and he absorbs the characteristics of the metal and makes his body with these characteristics.
He does the same with other elements.