I was in the middle of smiling when my professor asked me to solve an equation on the board. He even noticed my smiles so I was a little annoyed by the whole class because they assumed that my day was said to be beautiful so my professor kept on calling me to at least lessen my smile just in case I didn't know the answer. Tbh I felt so annoyed, I felt like it's a sin to be happy.
I don't know with these people, is it bad to feel happy? is it bad to smile in the middle of a class? I'm still listening and I don't even step on anyone while I'm smiling. A good thing, I was able to study well last night and answered the ones written on the board correctly.
The professor immediately checked my work and my answer was correct which made his smile was a bit less annoying now, it was as if I hit him straight away that when you flirt, balance it with academics, gosh.