Chapter 30

We just kept quiet and waited for the professor, when our professor came, he discussed and let us recite. And just like that, the day passed when we only did a discussion. I also didn't reply to Bryce's messages which are not good because I haven't even told him about what will happen this Sunday.

I just went to the rooftop to get some air and to be able to think, later on, I felt a presence behind me and suddenly it hugged me.

"Baby what's our problem? Hmm," Bryce said while hugging me at my back, I didn't answer first and just faced him first.

"My mom wants to formally meet you on Sunday, he even called Daddy to come home from abroad" I saw how his mouth formed an 'o' and he smiled at me so I just stared at him.

"So, you are not replying to me because you're nervous about what's going to happen?, Am I right?" he asked, I just nodded at him and averted my eyes, he laughed