“Azande, someone’s here for you.” My mom calls and my heart just starts beating fast. I hope it’s not Tim.

I walk to the living and damn! It is him.

“This young man is here to see you.” My mom says looking at me and I nod.

She leaves us alone and goes to her bedroom.

“What do you want? “ I ask him and he looks at me. I really don’t understand him and I just don’t know what to expect from him.

“I am sorry for snapping at you earlier.” He says and I look at him still not saying anything.

“I was just upset and I just lashed out on you. I shouldn’t have.” He says and I look at him annoyed.

“So are you telling me that every time you are upset you are going to lash out on me like that and talk to me as if I’m a nuisance to you? Is that what’s going to happen?” I ask him and he shakes his head no.

“It won’t. I am sorry I was just so angry and that’s just how I am Azande. I can’t control my anger neither can I control my mouth when I’m angry.” He tells me and I shake my head.

“Why were you upset in the first place? I know nothing about you and that’s frustrating because instead of talking to me when you not okay you just glare at me and yell.” I tell him and he comes closer to me.

“I will tell you I am just not ready, but today is Julia’s death anniversary.” He says and I widen my gaze. I am shocked and don’t even know what to say to him.

“I am so sorry I didn’t know that your mom was deceased. But you have got to learn to communicate with me Tim.” I tell him and he starts weeping so I open my arms and I embrace him as he weeps into my arms.

“uhmm, I hope I am not disturbing but Sam and Lumko are here.” My mom interrupts and we quickly leave each other.

“I am sorry Ma’am I was just leaving. I'm sorry.” He tells my mom and she walks towards him and smiles.

“It’s okay My boy. You must be Timothy right?” She asks him and he nods.

“Stay for dinner. You don’t seem okay. Please stay for dinner. Azande is a great cook and being around people might help you.” She tells him and he looks at me.

“Yes please stay for dinner you can meet uncle Sam and Lumko.” I say and he smiles.

“Thank you Ma'am I’d be honored.” He says and mom offers him a seat as I open the door for Ta'Sam and Lumko.

I hug Lumko and we have our moment. Lumko has always been like an older brother to me and probably the only friend.

We all sit in the living room as we wait for the grilled chicken to be ready.

“This is Timothy, Azande's boyfriend.” My mom says and everyone looks at me.

“Oh so this is the guy! Hehaike! You are so sly. You don’t tell me anything anymore.” Lumko says and I cover my face! Gosh I am so embarrassed!

“Well I was going to tell you that's why I wanted to meet you. How can I not tell my only brother though!” I say laughing and everyone laughs.

“I was just enquiring about him yesterday and today I got to meet him. So Timothy tell us about yourself.” Ta'Sam says and I look at Tim who looks nonchalant as usual.

“Save that for the dinner table. Dinner is ready so can we all gather at the dinner table then you can ask whatever you want.” I say and they nod.

“Lumko, please help me set the table .” I ask him and he follows me to the kitchen where we fetch the cutlery and table mats.

“So are you happy? Is he treating you good?” Lumko asks and I smile as I nod.

“Yes he is treating me right. We just getting to know each other. He is a bit weird but he is a good guy. Makes me laugh and makes me happy.” I say and Lumko smiles as we set the table.

“Wow! I am so glad you finally found someone and not just anyone but someone who makes you happy. That’s a good thing. How is school?” he asks and I laugh.

“School is great, I am doing quite good I’ll show you my results.” I say and he nods.

Everyone settles around the dinner table and we all start eating.

“So Timothy I had a question for you.” Ta'Sam says and I look at Tim who slowly takes off his black leather jacket and places it on his chair right behind him.

“I don’t have much to say about myself sir. People often lie when they describe themselves however, I guess I could try. I am Timothy Wickham. I recently moved here from London. I am really a simple guy. I enjoy time to myself and reading books. I do have weird hobbies but they keep me sane. I am just what you see. What you see is really what you get. I'll let you be the judge of what you think I am once you know me.” Timothy says with his English accent that really turns me on.

“Wow! I must say I like your accent!” Ta'Sam says and we all laugh.

“You quite a mystery but you seem like a good guy to me. So where are your parents?” My mom asks and I close my eyes in fear. I wonder what his reaction will be now especially today.

I look at him and he is nonplussed . I don’t even know what he is thinking.

“My mother is deceased and my father is here. I have a step mother as well.” He says and I can tell he is really forcing himself.

“I am so sorry to hear about your mother my boy. I am really sorry. “ my mom says but before she continues I stop her.

“Let’s eat we can discuss later.” I say and they all nod as we dig in.

After dinner I serve dessert and Ta'Sam looks at Timothy. I bet they are intimidated by his eyes too. They are very dark tonight and I can tell he is not okay.

“So Timothy what do you want to do in the future as in what are you studying towards?” My mom asks him and he looks at me then at my mom.

“Honestly I haven’t thought of anything. I am majoring in History and I don’t really know where my passion lies, but I really do love and enjoy History I just don’t know what I would like to do with my life.” He says and my mom laughs.

“It’s normal. I too had no idea of what I wanted to be when I was in college. I decided on my last year. However, Aza is quite the opposite she knew what she wanted to do ever since she was 10 . She used to watch serial killer documentaries. She was so obsessed all she would talk about was Ted Bundy or Jack The Ripper: it was pretty scary if I may say.” My mom says and Timothy's lips curve into a weird smile.

“Is it? She must have a thing for serial killers. She must have been a creepy child then if that’s the case. Weren’t you scared that she might want to experiment? I mean I know of a man I once read about who was studying law and he did research on serial killers for most of his life and studied everything there was to know about them however, he began to wonder how it felt to actually kill someone for pleasure hence, he had a desire to experiment and sadly the closest to him had to pay a heavy price.” Timothy tells us and my mom nods.

“I have read about that guy too. Even watched a documentary along with Aza about him. I did have that fear but I realized her passion and understood it as years went by when she actually told me she wanted to become a Criminologist.” She says and Timothy nods.

I smile as I realize that they seem to be getting along. I actually see a genuine smile from Tim. All of us talk about politics, the world and our current dilemma which is the killing of these girls.

“I think whoever it is has a thing against a black haired woman.” Lumko says .

“Yeah otherwise why would he target black haired women, specifically silk long hair.” I say .

“Yeah I think if I was a girl I’d be a victim too.” Tim says and everyone laughs.

“I didn’t even realize it.” Ta'Sam says.

We all talk and after some time Timothy stands up.

“Thank you for inviting me Mrs Radebe I had a great time. It was nice meeting all of you, but I have to leave now.” He says looking at my mom and she stands up.

“It was nice meeting you too Timothy. I hope this isn’t the last time I am seeing you.” Mom says and Tim smiles.

“Of course not . I will see you next time. Maybe I can invite you over to my house for dinner.” He says jokingly .

“That would be nice of you. I'll be waiting for the invitation.” She says as she hugs him and everyone bids him farewell.

“I'll walk him out.” I tell them and we leave.

“it was nice meeting your mom. She’s a nice lady.” He says as I close the door.

“Yes I am glad you guys got along.” I say and he turns to look at me when we reach his car.

“I am sorry about today baby.” He says as he puts his hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

“Stop apologizing baby I have forgiven you. I just want you to start communicating with me. I won’t know what annoys you unless you tell me.” I tell him and he rubs his forehead onto my forehead.

“I love you.” He says and we kiss.

“I love you.” I tell him and we embrace.

“I'll see you tomorrow.” He tells me as he gets into his car and I enter the house.