I wake up to a blinding light and as I look around I realize I am in Tim's room. I try getting up but I can’t cause my head really hurts and it’s heavy. I feel like I have a rock on my forehead.

“Ahhh!” I say softly .

“That’s what happens when you drink like a fish around strangers!” Tim tell me and I open my eyes slowly covering them with my hands.

“What? What happened? How come I am here?” I ask and he sits next to me with a bottle of water and tablets.

“Take these you will feel better.” He says as he helps me up.

He gives me the water and tablets. I take the tablets and sip on water.

“You have to finish that bottle.” He tells me and I widen my gaze making him laugh.

“When you can gulp vodka down like a super hero you can gulp this down as well.” He says and I drink the water.

I look at him and he is angry.