04: The Intrusion

A northern cardinal soared through the sky with a long earthworm beneath its beak. The sunlight above illuminated its bloodshot feathers as it aimed downward near an almond tree. It landed in a nest where its babies remained, tweeting and hopping up and down at the sight of their mother. Beneath them resided an armored figure who appeared fascinated by the sight of the creatures above him. The figure’s getup appeared like a combatant of a progressive and yet unknown navy. Yet, he also had the features of a hunter—or rather, a replica of a hunters’ clothing style, more like.

Facing the grass below, the figure let Ferra’Tor tresses fall to his face, its black mask flashing a bright blue color


A rhythmic tune caused the figure to raise a hand to the side of his head, where his ear supposedly remained. It was a foreign signature…

<—Unknown Signal—>

Type: Acoustic

Location: 245 yards

Other Information: Unknown




“Mic Ki-sent, acu mah shira mihem ien repourt .” (My Lord, I have a report.)

Receiving the audio, Ferra’Tor placed the signal in the archives. He pressed a button on what appeared to be a gauntlet, thus a hologram appeared in front of him. The hologram demonstrated the same specimen as the receiver of the call, except he was in different armor and appearance.

“Tsukoto.” (Speak)

“Git Ma’kuubah arci mini-quite ien numbra bek-uub git siquito. Nayo kara ae oricudem se os filc ukumpas tse aku. Jadus’ku, iko te copo’ro ante git Shi-Noc arci sykrinetzi acu utscepti jive mu. Mah ta hacodo git mi ast aku tsukoto.”

(The Ma’kuubah are multiplying in numbers beneath the surface. Where they are originating from is still unknown to us. However, we do comprehend that the Shi-Noc are synchronizing an unspecified life force. I am locating the force as we speak.)

Life force? There weren’t any relations as to whether this was some scheme of the enemy…Nevertheless, all life on Earth wasn’t ENTIRELY restored. Either way, this bit of knowledge couldn’t go uninvestigated

With a clenched fist, Ferra’Tor thought back to the signal it had picked up…

The male replied in an unknown language to the holographic other,

“Kare’tcy git corudinato ien git zatamo. Mah yo’shiko il guacotequ.” (Upload the coordinates in the meanwhile. I will be there momentarily.)


Somewhere in the sea of flora and plant life, resided a large podium blanketed by the greenery below. As a robin ascends in the air, perhaps intending to go through the lovely landscape, it is punctured by some force of voltage, causing it to plunge to the ground—smoke mounting behind it.

Before it could collide with the earth below, the same armored figured as before, Ferra’Tor, grasped it with a single hand. He watched as the creature it held twitched as smoke proceeded to rise towards the atmosphere.

It tilted its head at the half-dead robin. With his free hand did he brush away the dirt of the bird, knowing to be gentle as possible. While doing this, a small current rushed through the palm of its hand towards the small being he held. When the robin’s natural color returned, it shook away some feathers and dust. It stood on its two feet, fluttered its wings and flew once again in the air.

It’s savior watched closely, no expression could be seen due to the masked he wore. Nonetheless, his relaxed demeanor demonstrated that he was pleased—

“Ki-senth Ferra’Tor…” (Lord Ferra’Tor…)

A gravelly voice made the humanoid come face to face with another. This humanoid, however, was several inches shorter and more supplied with armor than the other.

“Nakiatazu.” (It’s finished.) He said again motioning the other over. The duo disappeared into the landscape, thus the invisible construction revealed itself as a base. A military base at that…However, it’s appearance took on a more advanced totality. In the center of the metallic barricade that hoarded most of the trees in the area, resided a spaceport.

Construction motivated by the existence of the idea of unconditional service and inner ecstasy. Sweetly so, it is accompanied by well-built, bulky, and intelligible specimen.

The Ye’Ist.