Time flows by really fast when you are busy and I was really busy. Because of my training I had nearly no free time and thanks to Risu my days got even harder. She still hates me so she likes to give me false informations or anything else what would make my day harder.
But I've grown used to it and so it trained my nerves and I became even better with my training. But I hate it and it's really annoying. She seems to hate me with passion I can't really understand where her problem is.
Sadly she blocked every time I tried to talk with her. And today is a special day, because there will be a big meeting in Romania to be exact in transelvania or to be as exact as possible, in the throneroom of the Black Castle.
Mom told me yesterday something about her ancestors but I'm not allowed to speak about it right now. She told me to wait until the meeting is over because then I'll fully understand what she has told me. but I think about one thing I can speak already it's a impressive history.
Today is my birthday but this isn't so important I thought but I was wrong. Even so I didn't knew it until the meeting was over but this should turn out as the most important birthday in my live. I think it was a good thing I didn't knew anything at this time otherwise the world would be different know.
But i should tell you what exactly happend on this day to be this important. So firstly it was my Birthday the 17th to be exact also special for us Vampire, because from this day on you are able to be the official heir or heiress for your own family. Secondly the meeting at our Royal palace and then the other thing I'll tell you later about.
"Risu have my dress prepeared?" I ask and I know she would love to lie right now but I say "If you do something fishy today I'll let you train with me next week so behave yourself today and embearess my family today." I warn her.
She seems to understand "Yes I have the dress ready and at your wish your grown is with the Family Chest and the coven Chest." she answers my question semi polite. I smile brightly and say "Thank you Risu "
She looks a bit supriesed but I smile at her and then go in my walk in closet to dress up for the meeting. I'm exited to meet other Vampires besides my own family. Will they accept me oh I'm already nervous. "If you get this nervous already they'll think you are weak" Risu teases me.
But she is right I have to be strong otherwise I leave a weak impression of our family. So I calm down and then I walk down to Mom and the others. "I'm ready Mom we can go now" I tell her.
She greets me with a smile and I smile back. After greetings and compliments we teleport as one and arrive so in the welcome hall of the Castle. Then I see this beautiful Castle and I wonder inside of my mind how much time and work was needed to build this fabulous place.
But before I have time to actually ask Mom this question the doors open and someone steps outside. Mom tells me to bow like everyone. Then I remember this person, I saw him at a portrait in our family hall. He is the King of all Vampires Dracula.
Oh you think his name is Dracula then you're on the false way, because Dracula is the title because he is the King from the Dragul-line or in other word a King from the Dragul Dynastie. I'm sorry to confuse you but I try explaining it to you.
Let's take the Floras Coven who are the next in the line of succsesion for this example. If one of them would become King then the Dynastie would change so it would be the Floras Dynastie so the title of the head of their family would also change. They would call them then eventually Florates or something like this.
So long story short the title Dracula symbols which Dynastie rules our world. In this moment it's the Dracul-line withe the Tepes-Family as main family. So yes the name of our King is not Dracula it's Vladimir Tepes the first.
I hope I didn't confuse you to much but I should tell you what happens right now. So after Dracula stepped in the welcome hall everyone bowed then he told us to follow him inside. I was shocked when our Coven was the first in the order to follow the King.
It confused me to be honest. After us came the Floras Coven and then the Ignis Coven the Blueshadow Coven and the Victorius Coven with many other families after them. Even in my confusion I din't ask right in this moment.
My Mom walked a bit faster and then she spoke to the King I found it confousing until I heared her words.