Before I came back to the story, I forgot to tell you about our size , baby as usual, we're one meter long, half for Small Fangs, Tyrok is two meter and a half while Trogan is four meter high (five with the tail, for the rest, the tail is straight), me and the others, we're in the ten meters long...maybe a bit scaly different.
At this moment, I was in the nursery to heal after my fainting after the fight with Marykka, I growled almost awake when I heard
"even unconscious, you're pretty handsome !"
" KRYA ! For the love of...whatare you doing here ?"
"I'm you're nurse Tolryk !"
"don't be embarrassed ! Except maybe your hot dream have to be really hot !"
I immediately blushed, so strongly all my head became red
" have..."
"yes, you're pretty well equipped my dear !"
I hide my head behind my front paws and whined, just my luck
"I have to admit that our relationship took a great step Tolryk, I had to wash you too...then one thing bringing an other..."
" did..."
"I love you big guy, sorry to take the advantage on this situation were not against it !"
I looked at her, more than surprise, I must have been pissed off to be a fucking toy...but no, I stayed here, without moving an inch
"Tolryk ? Are you alright ?"
" just said you love me ?"
"of course, answered Krya, you're my favorite from all the band !"
I rose from my medical bed and hugged her, joyfully, we kissed each others on the lips and I felt Krya's paws on my both flanks
"you love that huh ?"
I nodded, eyes closed but Sanira cuts us
"I see the healing is working well ?"
"hi Sanira !"
We greeted us both at the same time didn't even made her smile a second, she send us back immediately to the great hall and I was astonished to see Tyrok and Marifala inside
"I stayed like that too long no ?"
"only a few days, they were hidden somewhere only them could reach !"
"Tolryk ? said Tyrok, I thought you already dead or hidden below a rock ?"
Before I could threw him against a wall, Trogan caught him by the tail ad hanged him above the ground
"we respect Tolryk, I had fought to save Krya and myself !"
"you were the first one to laught at him ?"
"yes, and I made a mistake, just like you !"
I ignored this duo and Krya dragged me to Marifala
"I see my healing advice had work well Krya !"
"yes fala, thanks for your help !"
Before I could understand, Marifala kissed my cheek and went away
"I think girls likes you ?"
"relax, it's usual in her clan to do that to thanks you, we fred the are where they were hidden !"
"Krya...did stayed besides me when I was resting ?"
"yes...of course, I missed you big guy !"
She licked my face and smiled at me then she whispered at me
"last nigh, you can't I sleep with you to ease your temper !"
"we...we did it ?"
"yes, you're pretty great !"
"thanks !"
I put my head's down and Krya stayed besides me, I was the happier dragon of the world. Before we can pursued together, a Sanira's spy, a Small Fangs, landed near her and whispered some word to her ear
"oh my Tramos !"
Huh yeah...Tramos is our god of war, his name his often said in well particular ...cases
"we have a baby dragon to save, elve have bought this baby to his parents saving their lives."
"morons, laughed Trogan, they're dead !"
"yes, but this baby risked the same fate as his parents if we do nothing !"
I looked at Krya and knew who will save this poor child form this damned pointy ears
"me and Tolryk will save this kid !"
"you two ? said Tyrok."
"yes Tyrok, I growled, something to say."
"if you want to die young go on !"
Krya dragged me outside before I could take care of him.
When we were outside, Krya looked for a track while I put my head down
"do you think Tyrow was right ?"
"these elves feared us as much as the dwarves and the humans...we will get them !"
"so...we will save this kid ?"
"I got a track, follow me !"
I followed Krya and she rolled her tail around mine
"I didn't want to say this to the others but...I'm pregnant !"
" ?"
"when you were resting, I told you I stayed besides you everytime well...we mated and...I think I'm pregnant from you !"
I was overjoyed, I wanted so badly to create my own family and avoided my father's mistake, I hugged and kissed her
"I'm so happy sweety, I always stay at your side, I didn't know it will be so quick !"
"I love you big guy...I want to be happy with you."
But in a few seconds, Krya didn't speak, I did the same and smell a camp fire not far from us, we were hidding closely and saw a few elves with a cage
"what's the plan Tolryk ?"
"the sun is shining too brightly, we can't charged them head down, even bad equipped, they can eliminate us in no time...a diversion ?"
"how ? we're two ?"
Suddenly, Trogan and Marykka arrived in front chatting or disputing about everything that could be possible
"how can you say I don't know to make a diversion bro !"
"stop there ! Said an elve guard."
The time they were chatting, Krya took the cage while I put myself behind them quietly
"anyway, said Trogan, it's not your territory !"
I jumped on a guard while Trogan and his sister eliminate the rest, I'll ripped the head of the last one I attacked and Trogan and Marykka took their fist's out of lifeless bodies of the last elves of the camp
"Tolryk ? Can you help me open that cage, I can't do it !"
"on my way Krya !"
I found Krya in the camp, holding a small cage
"they fortified the steel's cage, impossible to tear it up."
"let me look...mhm kind of metal work, Yrana could be interessted !"
"we had to free this kid, find something !"
I looked the cage and decided to heat the door whith my flames, after a few minutes, the door began to crumble but was still standing
"gosh darnit !"
"huh...began Marykka, big head, did you try the key ?"
"you got the key ? I asked surprise."
"no...but it's a good solution !"
I growled lightly, how, anyway, I could use an elven key when my paws are the same size at their heads, Krya finally cut the cage's door in one tail hit and looked the kid, affraid
"calm down, you're safe and sound my boy !"
he looked at Krya, then me, this baby was dark blue, his scare are as sharp as Krya's one. His eyes were blue too but he was only focusing on's almost vexing when you think about it
"we should go back to the base with him before other troops came here."
Trogan and Marykka took us back to the base, Krya kept the kid with her and I followed the group as the last member.
I was with Sanira in the meeting room to announce the mission's success when Krya walked with the kid on her back
"Sanira...we need to speak about this kid ?"
"these green lovers bastards poisonned him ! She said furious."
"no...Yrana told me he's...he's a crossbred !"
"by the gods !"
"a what ? I asked, what are you talking about ?"
Krya let the kid to Sanira and said to me
"when two dragons from two different clans mated, they could gave birth to crossbred of species, dragons who benefits of talents from the two species...these dragons are hated by the others because unclassable !"
"so he...he's in danger ?"
"yes Tolryk...but aslo without a family...I want us to keep him !"
"why ? I feel he already hates me !"
Krya sighed while Sanira looked at the kid, she noticed the metal scales on him and some detailed about my clan
"I think you could be the perfect parents !"
"why ? I asked."
"he got the same scales as Krya and I think he got the same bloody behavior of a Blood Klaw !"
"he's from our two clans ? asked Krya."
"hell yeah !"
I looked at Krya then the kid, without knowing what to say, what can we do with him ? Krya came close to him and he asked a hug, she put him between her paws and said
"the only thing I know is his name...Goryak !"
" "the warrior" ? strange for a kid this small."
"maybe he will become one in the future Krya, I said."
"can we keep him ? She asked me with her deadly puppy eyes."
"ok we keep him !"
Krya was so happy she kept him in her paws but Goryak's look never changed towards me, always so pissed to me...I don't understand a thing
"look at that, he didn't know me and he hates me !"
"Yrana said to me, pursued Krya, he got a difficult relationship with his true father his defense system told him by instinct to mistrust his father."
"great...I got a son who dislike me...wonderful !"
I sighed, dissapointed to already have a family failure before I even began. I'm even hoping to have girls. Krya left to cuddle him and I stayed here...doubtful
"you're not joining ? said Sanira."
"and must taking care of a son who dislikes me's no use."
"I think you need some advice."
"ah ah...really funny Sanira !"
"you're one of the rare here to understand this little guy, everyone here know how worked your relationship with your dad !"
"beg your pardon ?"
Sanira put her head down and sighed
"you're a fucking genius when you want to're like Goryak, you hated and still hate how your father treat can understand him !"
"but he doesn't want me near him ! How can I bloody do that ?"
"he needs you to hear your thought about it with Krya or someone else...he could trust you after that !"
I was ready to yell at her with this stupid idea but Tyrok and his game partner, Sanira's messenger who like to cuddle near any fire came here
"Tyrok, asked Sanira, what's going on ?"
"we know where's Korak...he's in an arena !"
"south from here ! Pursued his game's gal."
"I had to go !"
"not alone, Tolryk, cut Sanira."
I was ready answered but Trogan, Marykka and Marifala cut us
"we joined that he will not be alone."
Just great...two barbarians and the water's queen with me, the useless fighter...this time I died...not possible I came back alive.
When we arrived at the arena, the field was too clear to attack, no way we charged here, we will be all dead even Korak
"don't tell me we will attack at night, lil' guy ?"
"we have no others choices Trogan...we need a lot of luck to win this battle, without Korak, the most barbarias dragons of all could be out of control...without speaking about our own !"
"but...I thought no member of your clan will..."
When Marifala said me that, I will not lie, it hurts me...very much, I was almost ready to leave but Marykka cut my way out
"his father, his clan or anyone can say that if they want, he's the only one to get his paws dirty for all of us..."
"almost the only one, cut my sister, me and my unit are here as back up !"
Wonderful...the last but not least of my doom...why am I this cursed, the gods must hates me and tormented me is their favorite game...I growled and don't even greeted her
"always as pleased to see me ? Commented Laryka."
"you hate me as much as I hate you ! I don't know why I should be happy to see you !"
"I can save your life in battle !"
"you me in private now ! I finished , we need to talk about family matters !"
Laryka nodded and followed me to a cave not far from here, when we arrived, I lit a camp fire to bright the cave and sat in front of her
"what do you want to talk about...began Laryka."
I immediately cut her with the first words she use towards me
" "bloody bastard" ? it's not what you wanted to say ? My own clan or other dragons hates me is really bad...but even my family prefered to see me dead...the only place where even the dirty little runt found a bit of comfort...I don't even had that, so, I kindly know you will not protect me but attacked me, I'm almost sure you can use the fight for it and becoming heir to chieftain...cut me if I'm wrong ?"
But Laryka stayed silent so I pursued
"I already told you I'm willing to give you that chance and one wants me there anyway, nothing important if I dissapear from here I don't even know if I do a good're as tought as them that you're with let's be both honest in our lives at once and..."
"shut the fuck up weakling, I already be honest to you...and you just spat your most awful lies in this cave !"
"my lies ? I said, MY LIES ! Could you remind me who had been humiliated and dishonored by you and your 232 cave's bullshit ? You deserved to be banished or worst !"
"I only said the truth, answered Laryka."
"truth my ass, you're as honest as a viper, I got more trust to the others heirs than my own sister, I'd like you to keep that in your fucking and miserable little bird's brain !"
"how dare you disrespect me ?"
She's joking right ? She made me a painfull live since I was born b.ut I can't returned the favor...she's not a bloody queen
"listen to me carefully, I will not repeat myself, I just give you the medicine you gave to me since I'm born, the bastard I got as father could die, I don't care, if you die too, I will laught out loud ! I won't even move a wing to take you out of the shit you're in, as you will do for me !"
"you will not !"
"because you think that beaten by my sister or even worst instead of comforting me will help me to care about you, I even thought you will kill me and not the others, considered me as orphan !"
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH ! I yelled, you will never changed my point on that Laryka, you encouraged me to hate you so consider your job's done, Lux will be better than you !"
I left, almost relieved to say everything I carried for too long but Laryka jumped on me
OH YES I CAN ! You always hated me, only mom always loved me, you and dad were the opposite !"
She was going to spit her flammes at me when Lux and Myna grabbed her and make her stand back, I stood up, as pissed off as her
"you will calmed down, roared Myna."
"you will pay for this asshole, you hear me, you will pay !"
"pay what ? You made me suffer enought since I get out of my egg...the only thing you can dois to kill me !"
"you stole mom from me, I was her favorite until you, the weakling, will never know what it is to loose that kind of privilege !"
I was's the only thing I'm responsable of ? I took a deep breath, remeniscing the words words I had heard when I was born, Yrana was there besides my parents
"Tolryk has hatched before terms...for his survival, he must be in constant watch !"
"always have him in our paws, answered my father, no way ! He will be a runt not even capable of killing a pig !"
"shut your mouth ! Conclued my mother, I cared about my kid and I can't live if he dies...I'll do it and will see you Yrana if I need !"
"perfect, he could feel happy this kid to have a mom !"
It's because of her I'm here and that's the thind I'm blamed of
"Laryka...did our lunatic we got as father told you what I got when I was born ?"
"no, and I don't care !"
"without mom, I will be dead, I was born before term, I was so weak than without help or someone watching over me, I should be dead, she done's that to get me out of there !"
Laryka calmed her downed a bit while I was ready to burt into tears
"I owe her my life on the contrary to you and dad !"
I left this cave, the night was falling and the attack could begin.
Marifala had joined the water while I was with Trogan and Marykka, ready for battle, we knew they could prepare any trapped they got in mind for us and by the absence of guards, it was already done
"we got a mole, I said to the two others ."
"impossible ! answered Trogan."
"how can we had one of ours who's talking to these monsters ?"
"all reasons are possibles Marykka, in every war there are one or several traitors."
My answer was a cause of a trauma for my friends, not a word went outside of their mouth. When we were at the gate, who were of course wide open, I asked them to attack each sides with Laryka's unit help, I was ready to go forward when Marifala came
"what can I do ? She asked me."
"did you make a huge mist in the arena ?"
"I'm a water magician, of course...why !"
"there's a trap in this arena, I feel it, focused it here only, these damns elves cannot aim if they can't see their target."
"ok, but I need some time to get it ready, you got no cover !"
"don't worry for me !"
I entered in the arena by walking normally, making them feel I was feeling safe...I must be the only dragon to feel a trap at miles away, it's one of them or I'm a stupid froggy, I was near the middle of it when an awful pain took my left shoulder, I saw a black arrow stucked inside, immediately, the arean lit up and I saw troops of archer and crossbow shooter surrounding me, an elve was waiting for me above the cage
"pathetic ! Falling in a so easy trap dragon, your father should be dead ashamed of you !"
I smiled and I looked him to his eyes
"to catch a prey, just hope it will not get you in your own trap, as I alsways heard...don't you know a trapper's trap can trap the trapper !"
When I saw the huge mist appeared around me, I launched the signal and dissapeared, the archers shot with no ends, I got several arrows on me and this bloddy elve continued
"you can call your daddy all you want, he will not come !"
When I heard that, a weird thing happen to me, I feel like my blood was burning beneath my scales and in my veins, the arrows were burning and I roared out loud, I jumped on the elve and I was sure I heard that
"by Tramos claws ! React Trogan."
I ripped his head's off to this arrogant alve and landed behind the cage, this strenght dissapeared immediately and everything were back to normal, Marifala made the mist dissapeared and Trogan joined me surprised
"what did you just did ?"
"I have no you're feeling ?"
"you were the only one got hit by those arrows, they had never aimed us !"
"ok Marykka...I was very much hurt with those arrows ? I said."
"Arkorn never told you about anti dragons arrows ? Asked me Marifala."
"no, what's that ?"
Marykka go fred Korak and Trogan put a bag full with these arrows, I took one and saw a horrible point head, on both sides, they were like hooks, these things must stucks to the flesh, make them impossible to take them out without doing more damage on the target
"how can you took them out ? Asked me Trogan, you didn't have a scar."
"I think it's this thing I did who destroyed them, I feel my blood heating itself."
"the black rage, whispered Marifala."
I was asking more but Marykka fred Korak
"there's...someone else here...I swear to protect her !"
Urgh ! The Tribal Scales and theirs swears ! he's not capable to do it but we had to do it for him, for info, if a Tribal Scale swear something for you, you can be sure it will be done in time
"where is he ?"
"she...she's in the leader's tent, I hope she's still alive !"
"you healed him and bring him back to our base, I'll go see this prisonner girl."
the three dragons, protected by Laryka and her troop, healed Korak I'll went to see this prisonner, the tent was in the backtage of the arena
"someone's here ?"
"please, don't kill me !"
"calm down, the elves are dead, Korak send me here !"
"Ko...Korak ? Theone who save me from my own crew !"
Her crew ? What kind of thing I got here ? I finished to open the tent by one claw hit and saw a young women with black hair, her eyes masked, her light armor seems to be built from molted Raazorscales scales, I also saw notes on the desk, of course in elven writting, hopefully for me I knew these language, I readed them and finally heard
"will you free me or not ?"
"I need to know more before, I'm not alone here and making peace with a human girl now could be..."
When I saw Sulfuris, the name of my mother's assassin , I saw red
"how do you know Sulfuris ?"
"this bastard killed my only friend, a dragonness, I want him dead !"
"a Razorscales ?"
"yes...I knew her since she was a baby, we both fights on dragon's side and this bastard kill her in front of me !"
I fred her and took out the thing on her eyes then I sat in front of her
"I want him dead too, he killed my mom and betrayed his own kind twice."
"I'm can count on me !"
"Tolryk...what are you...for the Gods ?"
Trogan just came in and I turned back, by luck, Korak was with him
"STOP !"
Korak asked to Trogan to calm down, I was on Korak's side, now she was free, nothing stopped her to kill us...or at least try to
"there is a traitor in our side, Trogan."
"how dare you say that ?"
"Sulfuris killed my mom and he's ready to start again...I didn't know why...I take Heather under my responsability."
"hope you're taking the good option !"
"Trogan ! Calm down, she's on our side, I will explain evrything when we will be safe and sound !"
"you hate humans as much as I do, how can you do that ?"
"she saved my life, a human was ready to kill me when she sliced him in two."
I took Heather with me and we left for the camp...someone will be mad when we will be back, I'm sure of that.