end of blocade

Heather gave me the paper and effectivelly, the boat builder precised for his own defense, that he didn't tested sclaes of blood from Razorscales on the wood to be sure it wasone hundred percent indestructible against dragons, if it's true, we got a few way to test this out :

"Tolryk, we got dozens of ships surronding the island, what ever this paper it's true or not, we got too few troops to help, and if they all charged the island in all way or worst, bombed it, my clan is in pretty bad shape, even wiht the horn in our claws..."

"Tyrok, calm downi, you'll be assuring the safety of the Small Fangztook their strenghts back, let me handle this with Krya's guard and..."

"and me dad, answered Goryak, I'm half Razorscales, I can help if you need."

I went immediately silent, this is too risky now, I will not even use my adoptive son as boulder or weapon against those elven ships, they're must be an other way to deal with this :

"it's so sweet Goryak, I heard behind me."