New years Vacation

"Shouldn't you be having New years with your family instead of going on a trip to Paris with me"

"Well I wanted to but mom said 'no you should go to Paris with the handsome boy' "

"Olivia it's a trip to Paris you don't need to bring a lot of things"

"I don't care plus that the last one I'll put in there... To the airport!"

William sighs and goes outside, Olivia followed with her bags they waited for the ride to arrive and pick them up... A few minutes later it finally came! They entered the limousine and they made their way to the airport.

"Why can't we just have our vacation here in Canada? with their moose, hockey games, and maple syrup "

Why Not here? Well, why have maple syrup covered, kind people, or have a vacation in the world's most beautiful, Fancy, exquisite, luxurious, city in the world! "

"Good point "

"Yeah, that's what I thought! "

10 minutes later they arrived at the airport The limo took them to their private jet.

"Get in you Dutchman"

William makes his way to the plane.

"So how the interior-" *BUMP!*

"Ow what is this thing made off"

Olivia laughs at William's bumping his head on the roof.

"Laugh it off "

He enters and examines the interior.

"I've seen some interior but this takes the A "

He sits down the chairs while Olivia walks around the place looking at the windows and rooms playing with strange buttons.

"Attention we will begin to take off... So please sit and Fasten your seatbelt have a good time royals."

Olivia sits to the seat across Williams. The planes take off and made their way to the city of Paris.

"You hungry William?"

"It's not even a minute and your already hungry... Yes I'm hungry"

The flight attendants Conveniently Came with a plate full of food.

"Uhh... M'lady is their another plate"

She shook her head.

"Oh I see"

"So how are we going to eat then"

"We share it"

Olivia stops and looks at the food it looks she shut down. William waves his hands in front of her face he touches her face and For the first time closely examine her face. He looks at her Ice blue eyes, her soft smooth skin, and her father's signature blond hair, All combinations make one beautiful woman. he was in a trance.

Olivia came from an internal reboot he looks at her with the most genuine smile she'd ever seen. She Knew that she can't hide it anymore but it wasn't perfect yet. While he is in a trance. She examines his face, his Eyes which was black as night, his skin as soft as her's, his natural brown hair covered in his Dyed blue hair.

The two admire each other until they snap out of their trance and get back to normal.

"Ahem! Sorry about that..."

"Yeah don't care Let's eat before it gets cold"

The two eat they're but the It was clear in the air in the interaction the clear has a Newfound-

7 hours later... Paris It's an old European city Considered the most Romantic city with its beautiful lights, and of course, it's Center the Eiffel Tower.

The two wake from their sleep Olivia was the first One waking up on William's shoulder. She stretches her arms and looked out the window and sees the Eiffel tower. She shakes William Making him wake up.

"You didn't need to shake me like that... Are we here?"

"Yeah look! Look!"

"Oh well I guess that's cool well I'm going back to bed call me when we land"

"Attention we are landing right now."

William sighs and gets ready to leave the plane. After landing they exited the plane and to the Limo to take them to their hotel.

"This hotel better have two beds"

"Oh... Well that'll be a problem because the room That I booked is only one bed"

"Guess you'll just have to sleep on the floor "

10 minutes...

They exit the limo and walked into the hotel Olivia gets the room and they make their way to their room.

Entering their room, William looks at the place Olivia once again Fiddle with my contraption in the room. William places down the bags and lays down on the bed. Closing his he quickly falls asleep. Olivia gets everything ready for the night with William and the Prince of France. Who is known for his seductiveness?

Wearing his best dress that she brought with Her. she waited for William to wake. About three minutes later he finally wakes up from his nap looking like he took 10 baths this morning they head out to the royal palace of France.

Entering the gates Prince greeted them both.

"Welcome aunt Olivia lovely to see you"

"Lovely to see you to Arthur"

"And Prince William~ Nice to see you again handsome boy, Maybe we can go to the Eiffel Tower later after dinner how'd like it?"

"I- hey look I said I'm not gay I'm straight and stop flirting with me"

"Hehehe~ I never Do that I will have to flirt with you it's the rules."

The three made them to the dining hall while on the way there Arthur continues to "harass" William making him almost lose his patients. Eventually, the torture ends and they entered the dining hall they greeted the king and queen and they ate their dinner.

After eating dinner the two decided to take a walk around the streets of Paris taking pictures buying some food and making memories with just the two of them they walked around a bit and stumble into The Alarie Family Palace.

"Isn't that your home back during the second great war?"

"Yeah, and it looks this is a detour!"

Olivia rushed to the gates and immediately runs to the door entering the Mansion Looking around she could remember the time they had in the palace when she was five. William entered shortly after her he watched as Olivia Alarie looks around the rooms and spins and danced and sings! To her heart's content!

Running up the stairs and back down was one thing we remember doing with Alexander. She takes her time relieving her Childhood memories in such a dark time in human history. William walks around admiring the paintings and sculptures around the main hall. Looking at the Beautiful design of the Interior. And like all things, her fun finally ends, and She and William Leave the palace. They made their way back to the hotel. Taking the scenic route they looked at the moon sky as they made their way back to the hotel.

The end.