Fillmore's Beach trip

the smell of the open air and road the sounds of the wave crashing in the sand. Coconuts falling, the crabs that are roaming around the sand. the Academy lets its students have a break. staying in a private resort owned by the queen of England. Arriving at the resort. the Alarie Family out steps their ride.

"So why are you guys coming? to this 2 week trip?" Olivia asked. "student and staff supervision also your siblings need to go out a bit plus It's boring staying in the winter palace." Kp said.

"then you did you hire you for supervision?" Olivia asked. "I dunno maybe it's due because I'm on a break for all my duties also I have no coffee or maybe I'm a royal how knows," Kp said.

Olivia rolls her eyes and walks to William and Jackson who were teasing Elex about his new title.

"C'mon guys It wasn't my choice to become Prince alright," Elex said.

"Sure thing General," Jackson said.

"I give talking with you two," Elex said.

Jackson and William laugh at Elex attempt to stop arguing with them.

"Anyways, William I need to ask you something," Jackson said.

"What is it?"

"What's the on your right hand," Jackson said.

Olivia grabs his right hand and looks at what's on it getting was rightfully deserve getting her eyes attacked by a bright light.

"Ahh!!! What the hell was that!!!" Olivia screamed rubbing her eyes aggressively.

"My wedding ring," William said calmly.

"Your wedding ring? When did you get married?" Elex asked

"A day after your coronation Mr. Amber's," William said.

"After my coronation that was like 2 weeks ago," Elex said.

"Why didn't you invite us?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah man, why didn't you invite us," Olivia said.

"I did I even announced it like A week before I got married and I even gave you guys an invitation," William said.

"Enough of that, who the lucky woman?" Jackson asked.

"My ex-girlfriend who is now my Wi-"

"What's her name?"

"Julia Noble knight of the Prince of Greenland" William proudly said.

"I thought Denmark owned Greenland... Ohhh... Yeah, the war for Denmark I forgot about that" Olivia said.

"So what school does she go to?" Jackson asked.

"Did you assume her age?" William asked.

"Well is she behind you?" William looked behind him.

"She isn't!" William said confidently.

"Julia, what are your thoughts on this?" Olivia asked.

"I think my husband is a very bad man who should be put in prison," Julia said.

"Darling you don't know what an argument you're going to get into," Olivia said.

"We should go," Jackson said.

They enter the building and walk up to receptionists.

"Ah! Prince Jackson Here's your room key your Girlfriend had already reserve a room." The receptionist said.

"Thank you, ma'am," Jackson said.

"Here is your's Princess"

They get their key and Walk up the stairs to their rooms.

"And here we are room 68," Olivia said.

They enter their room, looking around the decent size room with a good view of the sea.

"This place seems nice should we go to the beach," Elex said.

"Yeah could go for a good swim or maybe some fishing," Olivia said removing her suit and tie Putting on some shorts, and waited for Elex to get ready.

Elex steps out of the Bathroom. "Should we get going?" Olivia asked.

"Teleportation," Elex said As they were transported to the sandy beach.

"You're a lazy boyfriend," Olivia said.

"Not lazy as your fashion sense," Elex said.

Olivia was personally attacked but said nothing about it. Olivia and Elex walked to where The Alarie family were.

"Ahh... Reminds me of a simpler time where I just sat on the pier and fished for hours just to sell to the rest of the people in the village" Kp said.

"Hey, mom, hi dad" Olivia waved. "Hello, darling also can have those back," Kp said asking for his gloves back.

"But-" kp pulled the gloves to his hand revealing her burnt hands. "Man, what happened here?" Kp asked calmly while Diana was breaking out.

"I was testing out a new fire spell but I accidentally burnt my hands instead," Olivia explained.

"Well, I guess You'll be living with that for the rest of your life," Kp said.

"Why weren't you wearing anything safe why you were testing it out!" Diana yelled.

"Diana calms down she no longer a kid her body can handle it. At least it's not bad as mine those goblins did a number on me" Kp said.

"I know I know... " Diana said. Kp gave back Olivia gloves.

"you two want to go fishing?" Kp asked them. "yeah sure," Elex said.

KP gave them two fishing rods.

"Have fun you two" Kp said.

Walking towards the children.

"Sup you guys," William said.

"I've just now realized how tall you are" Elex said.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"Your wife wearing high heels and She doesn't even come close to your chest," Elex told him.

"C'mon I'm only 6'4 I'm not that tall" William said.

"Let's just fish alright," William said.

They walked to the edge of the pier and made a little base.

"William, how did you and Julia met?" Elex inquired.

"Well after a recent increase in a successful assassination attempt within palace walls and Outside palace walls, royal protocol change, every high ranking noble and Royal where assign a knight it so happens my knight was an old friend of mine" William explained to Elex.

"Well Did you know- oh I got one!" Elex yelled.

"Oh, William I may need some help with this one" Elex said asking William for help.

"Don't I've got you, buddy" William said pulling him.

They were flung Into the sea. Olivia investigated the scene, Seeing a Large tail fling them back up to the pier. Landing on the hard cement. Fish accompany them.

"Uh... That hurt" William wiping his blood away.

"Ahh!!! Are you ok!?" Julia asked William tending to his wounds.

"I've had worse falls," Elex said getting up.

They get up and looked at the pile of fish that came with them.

"Wooo! Look at this pile you guys gather from that gigantic Whale." Kp said looking at the pile.

"Jackson, how much do you think is this?" Kp asked Jackson.

"Somewhere around a hundred" Jackson answered Kp's question.

"and there all milkfish!!! I've got the perfect recipe!" Kp said.

"Kp!? This that you handsome!?" A Voice of a woman called.

"It that mom?" Jackson asked fixing his Glasses.

"Yes that's your mother and worse Diana isn't around to bail me out," Kp said.

"Did you tell her that I was coming?" Kp asked Jackson with a somewhat pissed expression.

"She got a forced confession" Jackson replied.

"Hello handsome how are you? Long time no see" She said.

"Mom please you know he's married," Jackson said to talk her mother out of this.

William catches the conversation was going on.

"Hey, Olivia look," William said pointing at two.

"I've got this" she gets her phone and dials her mother.

"Get off, please woman Get off me before you get slap ten times over," kp said.

"don't worry I'll be quick with this one" Elizebeth said.

"that won't be happening Your royal majesty," An angry Diana said breathing down on Elizebeth.

Diana flung her into the ocean.

"thank god she's gone," Kp said.

"I'm so sorry about that" Jackson said to Kp and Diana.

"It's an alright kid, you don't need to Apologize," Diana said.

"anyways before I was rudely interrupted, there's a huge stack of fishhhhhh!!!!!"

The end.

Did you that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell