William and Friends

*Ring! Ring!* William picks up the phone.

"Hello Royal trio residents?"

"William It's me, Olivia"

"Calling already? What do you want?"

"I uhhh... I forgot to feed Uppy"

William hangs up. "Uppy here boy!"

The Dog came out of its hiding spot. He floats up to the ceiling and Placed Uppy's food.

"What can do today? I got the House to myself it's summer and..." He looks at his Computer.

"Ohohoho Since I'm longer supposed to be the model student I can now Do it! I can now play a simple block game!"

And so he sat there playing this block game? I don't know haven't heard of it. Hours went by and he forgets to feed the dog. Luckily Jackson the Madman made an automatic feeding system for the dog.

"Hahaha!!!" *Ding!*

"Oh, it's done cooking!" He Gets of his chair and ran to the kitchen. "Mmmm!!! Perfect!" He made lasagna for Himself and Himself only.

"... I am Incredibly lonely!" He took the lasagna and Went back to his game.

Man school must have messed his mind up.

"Alright let's see what's Going on with the Crew"

He opens Discord and went to their private chat. *Ding!*

"What's up? Guys!"

"Will! We're doing alright we're just bullying Azer here!" Jamie Said.

"Come on guys just because I have Finger and nail Fetish doesn't mean you can bully me," He said

"Quite Bro all you need to complete the look is put on your best David Bowie look and You'll the description of that one Serial killer in Japan," Azzy said

"Ahhh stop!!" Azer yelled. "hey Will what are you eating?" Jamie asked.

"just some lasagne"


Calix joined the Call.

"Good morning Calix" Azzy greeted him.

"Good Morning Azzy"

William begins to fade into his Mind and wondering what will he have for dinner and What he and his friends will do.

"Will! William! William!!! William Henry Erix!!!" Calix yelled.

William snapped back into reality. "Huh?"

"Where having Sleepover at your place is that fine with you?"

"Yeah, sure what time are you coming?"

"At 6 p.m."

"Got it"

He looks at the time it was 4:50 PM. He leaves the call and ran to the kitchen.

"Ok... Calm down Will just make a good dish for all of them"

*ring... Ring...*


"Did you feed the dog!?" Olivia asked.

William hangs up. He went back to cooking a meal. We will return after he cooks.

*ding!!!* William begins to prepare the table and the food.


"Just wait a minute, ok our guests are coming alright in fact In 1... 2... 3..."

*ding dong* he walks up to the door. It was Calix, Azzy, Azer, and Jamie.

"Hello, Come in Dinner is ready"


William snapped his finger and Updog sat down. "*gasp!!!* You have an Updog as a pet!!?" Jamie yelled, she floats up to the dog. Uppy growled at her. "hey get down from there!" William yelled.

"I'll come down after I take every picture of this dog in every angle!!!"

the other sit down as Jamie sets out what she said taking a photo of a very rare dog. "so can we break the fourth wall?"

"No, we are restricted to break the fourth wall!" Willaim said. "who said that?"

"because He said so!" he pointed at F. "Oi be quite!"

"so that's a no?"


"just eat ok man"

later... They all sat around in the artificial light. " should we tell each other Stories? The best one we can come up with?" Calix said.

"... Oh I get it!" William said.

"Get what?" Jamie asked.

The two winked at her.

"Who's going to start?"

Azzy raised her hands. "Ok go on"

She grabs the Flashlight turning it off.

"Let me tell about a tale of a house where something wasn't right..."

It was another ordinary day two individuals, Amber, and James, Were looking for a house so that the two can film videos without needing to Drive 30 minutes from each other houses.

The two found a suitable home for them to live in and so they bought it. The place looked a little... Dirty but nothing that two long-time best friends can achieve! So they start by peeling off the ugly wallpaper. Tearing it felt like tearing away dead skin the two made a game to see who can peel off the longest wallpaper sheet.

One day they found a piece of paper, written inside was a list of murder victims on the same street and the same house.

Horrified they called the police. The cops investigated the home top to bottom but nothing was.

"Sir, Do you know the wallpaper that you and Friend have peeling made of?" The Officer asked.

James shakes his head. "Well that wallpaper is the skin of those victims"

Later that night the same murderer entered their house- "and..."

Azzy covered William's mouth and "he said" taking a knife and lightly slide it "Good night~" she turns on the Flashlight and it looks like blood was Dripping from William's neck.

"Get her!" Calix yelled, they strike at her.

"Time stop!" William yelled casting the spell.

He moves away, Azzy from the attacks. The sound of the time begins to move faster and time resumes.

"Ahhh!!!!.... Eh, what?" Azzy looks around and she was back in her seat.

"Hahaha!!! hahaha!!! You guys were got good!" Azzy yelled.

"Nothing like a good brand of ketchup!!! We got them good Azzy!!!" William said.

"What brand of ketchup is that?"

"Oh it's called Blood ketchup it's quite delicious," William said.

"So who's next?" Azer asked.

"I'll go next!" Jamie said excitedly.

She grabs the flashlight and removed the batteries.

It was a Dark gloomy Day A Boy Watched his older Brother taking him to the hospital again that's the third time he was taking him there. By now He looked Deformed his skin looked shriveled his face looked like a melted face, Gray and with no blood. The boy was taken by his sister. The next day the boy waited and waited and... They're he was his brother the world around him turned happy and shiny.

But it won't last long... Two days later his brother became more sick and sick, Driving him to insanity. He was once again sent away. The next day the boy waited and waited but he never returned. Tomorrow maybe! He said.

The next It was the same he wasn't there but the boy continued for the next day and the next day... Until there, his brother looking better than ever the two went to the backyard to play. All was normal until...

"Ma'am I'm sorry but he can no longer be saved," the doctor said.

The mother nods.

The boy was outside still playing all by himself *crack!* the boy was proclaimed dead after he tripped and got impaled on a sharp branch.

"So was it scary?" She asks. The others looked at her weirdly they thought it wouldn't be scary but they didn't expect it to be disturbing.

"It wasn't scary but it was Disturbing"

"Yes, I got it!"

And so the night went they continue to tell scary stories to each other.

*ring ring*

"Hello Ma'am?"

"Elex your use is over so you're being terminated"

"But my story!?"

"Story this is not your story ok... This a series about three college students graduating from this prestigious Academy. Not some good guy or bad guy thing alright! Bye Bye!"

"Wait what about the readers!?-"


"Readers? Like there are any"

The end.

Fillmore's Academy of the magical Art will return after a two-week break! After 1 chapter per week will resume as usual. Goodbye for now!