Chapter 7

Rain's POV

So, after all the guest had left, us who prepared for the event stayed to clean. I was ok with that because that's what we always do. But to my surprise, not-mannered guy, Ron also stayed put.


Louie and Mei are seeing the guest out downstairs while we stayed here

"Ok everyone, clean up time!" Allen said while putting his hands together

While Allen is dividing the work, Louie came back. I'm about to go to him but I stop myself as I saw Ron behind him.

Allen wait for them to come close before speaking.

"I thought you're going?" Allen asked referring to Ron

"I didn't get a chance to help prepare so I wanted to help clean." He said

With that, Louie shot me an 'I-apologize-look'. I know he's worried for me but I can't say anything right?

(Authornim: Really, my dear Rain?)

Ugh, I know I have an attitude but I'm exhausted to argue, ok.

(Authornim: Whatever you say, dear)

Tsk, this authornim. -___-

Back to Louie, I didn't say anything and just smiled telling him I'm ok.

And Allen resumed on what he's doing and I keep on staring just at him, not letting my eyes wonder where Ron is but I feel that he's stealing glances towards me.

-End of Flashback-

So here I am, washing tablecloths with Julie in complete silence.


Ugh, this silence is uncomfortable... Ooh, I got an idea!

"Julie." I called on Julie

"Hmm?" She responded

"It's quiet, can you play some music?"

"Of course."

She left my side to get her phone in her bag while I continue on the work.

"What do you want me to play?" She asked after a bit

"Anything, as long as it is upbeat so we'll be energized while doing this." I said gesturing at our work

She just nodded while scrolling in her phone and I keep my attention on our work again.

( Insert "What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction" )

I look at Julie as I heard the intro.

"What?" She asked with a playful smile plastered on her lips while going back by my side.

"Good choice." I replied, a smile evident on my lips

"Of course!" She said proudly which made the both of us laugh

Thanks to the music, we become more energized to continue our work.

After 30 minutes, we're done and we are just hanging up the tablecloths

(Authornim: You can reach the clothes' line?)

Ugh, really authornim? I'm in such a good mood now, don't ruin it.

(Authornim: *snickering* What? I'm just asking.)

Fine, *rolls eyes* I'm not doing it, only Julie.

(Authornim: Confirmed! *laughs out loud)


(Authornim: Hahahaha... So... so... hahahahahha... Sor... hahahaha... sorry)

*in a threatening way* You won't stop?

(Authornim: *stops abruptly* Alright, I'll stop now *zips mouth*)

Very good authornim!

"I'm finished now" Julie said behind the cloths and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Great, let's get to the others now"

Julie and I were talking about random stuffs when we walked towards the living room. I didn't know that there's a big box on my way so I tripped on it. I manage to twist myself so I would fall with my back but I think it's a bad idea because I felt pain on one of my foot. My bottom met the floor with a loud thud it made me flinch.

Ouch, it hurts!

(Authornim: *sniggers*)

*in a calm yet threatening voice* Shut up!

(Authornim: *hands up in defeat*)

Julie knelt down beside me but before she could ask me, we hear footsteps coming towards us. I know it's the others so I bowed my head not wanting to face either of them.

"What happened?" They asked as soon as they approached us

"We were talking as we walked here, neither of us saw that there's a box lying on Rain's way so she tripped on it and there she was on the floor." Julie explained while I remain silent and unmoving because of embarrassment

"Is it that one?" Mei asked pointing to the box beside me

Though I don't know if they're looking at me, I nodded my head as an answer.

"Oh no, I'm sorry! I left it there 'cause I needed to go to the CR." A voice I don't know from him spoke

"Ron, you!" I heard Louie said

Tch, it's that guy's fault!

It's a good thing I'm facing down, they can't see me and I can't see him. I might be shooting daggers onto him and they'll see it. I can hide my emotions with my current position

"Hey, are you ok?" I snapped out of thinking when I heard Louie talked.

i was shocked for a second 'cause I didn't feel when did he come to my side but I nodded my head as an answer, still not wanting to face him. I know my expression is not good, knowing that 'that guy' is the one responsible for my current situation.

"Come on, sit on the couch." Louie said as he supported me to get up

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed because of the pain that shot through my left foot when I propped it on the floor which led me to fall back down.

Everyone in there crowded around me and Louie, asking many things like "What happened?", "Are you ok?", "What's wrong?".

"My... my foot hurts." I answered as I caress it

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louie asked

"I actually didn't know." I said as I looked at him

He just raised an eyebrow, indicating he doesn't believe in what I said.

"Okay, okay." *sighs* "I actually felt pain on it when I twisted myself to fall on my back but I just didn't mind it 'cause I thought it'll be gone after a little bit." I said in almost a whisper, hanging my head low once again.

I hate this feeling, this feeling of being little. I feel tears forming on my eyes but I blinked them away, not wanting for them to fall.

I heard him sighing and scooting towards me. He patted my head like I was a little child while Julie is just quiet on my other side.

"Come on now, let's sit you on the couch." He said as he and Julie support me to stand again

With their help, I skipped my way towards the couch. They helped me prop my foot on the coffee table in front of us.

I saw Allen and Mei emerge from their kitchen and they walk towards us.

"Here, take this. It's a painkiller." She said as he handed me the pill and a glass of water while Allen give an ice pack to Louie

I prop the pill in my mouth and I drink the water but splashed on myself because the contact of the ice pack onto my foot made me flinch.

I caught Ron at the corner of my eye making his way to us. He stand in front of me, just staring. The others looked up at him. They didn't question him, they just stare as if they where waiting for him to do something.

"Rain." He begin, finally speaking

"What?" I asked slightly looking at him

"I'm sorry for the accident, I really am. I didn't mean to harm you. I shouldn't had placed that box on the floor."

I stare at him. I should be angry at him but I can feel his sincerity. And I know that it's partly my fault.

"You don't have to. It's also my mistake. I should've look on where I'm walking into.

He smiled at me and I smiled back.


Ooh, they're okay now.

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