Starting Over

It's been a while since I thought about that day, but every time it's the same intense pain, as if it's happening all over again right in front of me. The gunshots and the next thing Ariel's dead right beneath me. Ever since that day I've been trying to lead a normal life and figure out how a person could just disappear off the grid, I even took hacking lessons and nothing. Also I ended up having PTSD which is sad because anything could be the trigger and I still don't know what it is.

I moved on as best I could, I go to a nice school and yes, I moved away from that school because it was a big trigger. Imagine going into your school and just breaking down and everyone looking at you like you're either stupid or with pity which I couldn't stand. My new school is amazing but I try to hide as much as possible. At the same time, I actually made a friend amazing right. Oh and no, no one will ever replace Ariel, ever.

I stared into space for a long time during breakfast because I don't eat any but I'm still forced to sit here. "Sweety you just spaced out like for 15minutes. Are you okay, honey,"my mom said kindly. "Yeah I'm fine and yes, I took my meds,"I said matter-of-factly. My eyes roamed our modest home and I remembered how my parents made so much time for me ever since that incident. I felt tears threatening to fall so I hurriedly said, "I'm going to be late so I'm going to run to school now. Bye mom!"

I ran to my school which by the way I got a scholarship to also. I was so proud of myself and then I remembered that's how I met Ariel. Sadly, I couldn't enjoy this school anymore, it was just a place of sadness. Today my schedule was amazing. Biology first, sad, me and Ariel loved to make fun of that subject. Oh and this is actually my first day of proper school, when I met my 'friend' it was an open day for new students.

"Hey Peggy, how're you doing,"I asked the receptionist. "Oh, hi Genesis I'm fine and here's your receipt for the books,"she said just trying to get done. Shouldn't she at least be happy I remembered her name. "Thanks,"I muttered obviously not loud enough to be heard. The long corridors of the school were spacious but not for long. I saw a few students running a race through the hallways before everyone including the principle arrived, so I'm guessing you figured out that I made an excuse to leave early from home and yes, I did.

We had these televisions that were hung up and we saw the news every morning but today was just about weather and some storms hitting faraway areas. "Hi Genesis,"I heard someone distinctly say but then I saw Lisa coming my way, her beautiful curly brown hair reminding me of Ariel and her brown eyes so different from the final moments I saw Ariel's unique eyes for the last time. "Hi Lisa, sorry I was engrossed in the news even though it's boring,"I said plainly. "School news is always boring. Rumors say that they delete certain information so that we'll stay here,"she said worriedly. I rolled my eyes and thought Ariel never liked rumors, she always researched and then told me things because that's who she is or was. "Genesis, are you ok,"she asked. I realized I looked broken so I replied, "Yeah, I'm completely fine." "Please don't burst out laughing in the middle of biology like that because it's my favorite subject and it's hard to focus when you're right next to me. You also know that laughings contagious,"she said seriously.

I just thought wow, I miss Ariel so much and yes, this is a daily occurrence. I keep comparing everything in life with Ariel because nothings the same and it never will be. "Genesis I wasn't serious, I swear,"she said trying to soften whatever she just said because it made me cry. "Just leave it, it has nothing to do with you but what you said. Maybe we shouldn't be friends because you seem to be a trigger to my PTSD,"I said and then regretted it because I've never told anyone so I tried to run away, but she stopped me.

"Why didn't you tell me,"she said and I saw pity in her eyes. I said, "That, that look in your eyes of pity, that's exactly why I never told you." I was furious and crying, I seriously just wanted my best friend back. I then ran out of there and sat on the floor against the brick wall, hugging my knees. I knew she followed me but this time I wanted her to. "It's all my fault. I'm so sorry Ariel,"I said but then it clicked I was having an issue because I didn't take my meds, yes, I lied. I quickly grabbed my bag and shoved one down and drank my water. She then looked at me worried. I said, "No Lisa, it's not drugs." I then saw relief in her eyes but then I continued, "it's prescribed drugs for PTSD." She just stared at me and then asked, "Are you going to tell me what happened or at least who Ariel is?" When she said that tears fell like a waterfall from my eyes but I still managed to say, "My best friend, she had the same hair as you but her eyes were forest green with hazel in it like rays of sunlight in the forest. She was amazing. So lively and yet so forgetful." I stopped because that's all I'd tell her. "Thanks for telling me, at least now I understand a bit but I guess I'll never fully understand,"she said. I'm glad she said that because if she didn't I would've slapped her.

"You wouldn't because I relive that day, everyday,"I said through tears. "Yeah I know, I used to have PTSD when I was young but not anymore. It was when my friend died too,"she said kindly but sad at the same time.

After school

The day was very quiet, it wasn't the normal buzzing of a school during the middle of the school year, but then again this was the beginning of school. "Hey Genesis, did you hear about the killer going around town killing random people, well that's what they say. They haven't figured out if there was a reason behind it yet,"she said enthusiastically. "So why are you excited about this,"I asked her. "Because nothing exciting happens here,"she said trying to prove a point. I looked at her like saying seriously.

Anyways after Lisa's long speech about the killer, the televisions in the entire school came to life. We got a threat that the murderer sent to the police department stating who his next victim is, "I'm coming for Genesis Williams and I'll take her away. I don't even know why I'm saying this, I just thought it would be fun to stress her out. Hi Genesis Williams. I can't wait to see you." Whoever this Genesis Williams is? May you Rest In Peace.

I shuddered but then I said, "Seriously, they already killed me. Why does death follow me everywhere?" Lisa shrugged, she was speechless exactly like me.

A murderer was after me. I guess I'm next. Death finally found me.