Family Reunion

I barely sleep a wink the entire night and get up in the middle of the night in order to get some water. I find my water and turn around to find Anax snacking on some weird looking food.

He laughs at my face, "What?" "What is that?" I ask him as I stare at the weird food in disgust. "It looks disgusting but it tastes really good," he says kindly, "just taste it." I look at the gooey, slimey, rainbow-colored and chunky looking dish which causes me to gag, "I don't think I can do it with my eyes open." "Then close your eyes and try it," he says kindly and I do but it really feels weird. I shake my head and then I taste a chocolatey flavor with nuts and mixed with an ingredient I have never tasted.

"So?" he asks and I smile. "That tastes better than it looks," I say seriously, "what is in it?" "Mostly flowers," he says honestly and I nod. "I should head to bed," I say kindly and he nods as I make my way to bed.