Saving Baruch

As I rush on horseback with Anax as well as Norah, my thoughts play over her words.


We arrive home in a panic and Norah follows hurriedly as we enter the home to find it in a state. Items are thrown about and things are flying everywhere. Papers lie in their place until someone walks past as it flies away.

"Everyone said I shouldn't tell you," Norah says seriously, "I had to. I know something is up." Eden comes down the stairs in a hurry and then notices me which causes her to glare at Norah as tears start to fall from her eyes. She comes down the stairs faster and embraces me, "I'm sorry." My tears start falling and my legs give out as we both end up on the floor crying while hugging each other tightly.

James comes into the room with pain in his eyes then he catches sight of us on the floor and Anax rushes over to his father as they enter his study.