As the day starts once again, I walk through the halls with Baruch in my arms. My feet are bare and my long dress drags on the ground behind me. As time has gone by, I have adapted more to the culture of the Kerogens and grown to love it.
The sun has not risen as of yet as I head out to the gardens and sit on the grass as the sun starts to rise slowly. Baruch giggles as I let him sit on the grass that is slightly wet. I hear rustling in the background only to find Heidi sneaking out of the house with Azai and Aziza. I giggle as she lets them lay on her lap, so I take one of them and let him lay on my lap. Alisha rushes out with Ezra to see the rising sun. Alisha, also, comes to sit outside with the twins in her arms and Athena crawls towards us as well.
The sun fully rises and we all just stare at the little ones staring back at the brightening sky.
6 boys and 1 girl are sitting quietly as they watch the beautiful sky.