WebNovelYet Again14.49%



“Are you okay?” Namit asked but I couldn't reply. I was still not able to believe it was him.

“Samaira please reply. Are you okay?” He repeated the question. How did he know my name? I wanted to ask him but words were not coming out, I guessed because I hyperventilated like that after so long.

“Come with me. You need fresh air.” He said offering his hand. When I looked into his eyes they were full of care and concern. I hesitantly took his hand and he took me to the balcony. There were round tables around which several chairs were arranged. He took me to the table which was at the corner. He pulled out a chair for me before fetching himself a seat directly in front of me. I was looking at the view astounded, but I could feel his gaze on me. We sat there for about twenty minutes without uttering a word. I felt a little cold so I pulled the jacket closer to me

“I think we should go inside.” He said and got up. I looked at him but this time there was something else in his eyes. . . pain. But why?

I got up. . . but before he could move any further I said, “Thank you.”

He smiled and God knows he looked so good when he smiled. I had never seen him smiling in a single picture, but I now knew how good he looked while smiling.

I had met him once, in the past. No one knew about it, not even him. It was only me who had noticed him while I was just like another being in the crowd for him.

“How do you know my name?” I asked. I was being inquisitive, hoping for him to not remember our past encounter otherwise I would have been doomed then and there. He just looked at me perplexed hearing my question.

“You took my name inside, so I was wondering how do you know my name?” I cleared his confusion.

“Oh. . .that I will tell you when we go inside.” He said.

“Shall we?” He offered his hand again. I nodded and kept my hand in his.

When we went inside, something was different. Everyone again was staring but this time the reason was Namit and our entwined hands.

I was relieved we weren’t noticed when we had left together. I didn’t want anyone to witness the state I was in a few minutes ago.

The judging gaze made me feel uncomfortable and I tried to pry my hands away from Namit’s hold. Though he didn't leave my hand. Instead, he whispered something in my ear which gave me cold shivers.

“Dance with me.”


The event was organized at our house. As the clock struck seven, people started filtering in but my eyes searched for her only. I was getting anxious and the thought of her not coming to the party clouded my mind.

"Namit, come here son," Dad beckoned for me. He introduced me to none other than Samaira's parents. I greeted them and was soon introduced to all her family members except her. My suspicion regarding her not coming to the party was becoming a reality but then dad asked Arvind uncle, "Where is Samaira?".

Uncle replied, "She will be here shortly with her friends."

Hearing that I sighed in relief. I had called Aditi to inform her about the backside entrance so that Samaira doesn't have to face the paparazzi at the front gate, which would only make her feel uncomfortable. I went to the second floor as that was arranged for youngsters. I was plagued with angst as the seconds passed, my eyes glued to the gate.

"Dude you need to calm down. They have come and Aditi texted me that they are searching for Samaira's parents." Arjun said, trying to calm me down.

I waited and when there was still no sign of her I decided to go down, "I can't wait anymore. I am going to meet her." I huffed, already turning around to go look for her.

"And what will you say to her? ‘Hi, I am Namit Khanna, the rude playboy billionaire which you must be aware of’. Because that's all she knows about you." Arjun replied, stopping me. What he said was true, I couldn’t just go barging. I groaned in frustration, she didn't know the real Namit. She only knew ‘the Namit Khanna’ who was portrayed as ruthless and a playboy billionaire in the business magazines.

"Arjun is right Namit, that's not your plan. We know how much you are striving only to have a glimpse of her but you have to be patient. You can't go to her but I can. I will bring her here." Dhruv intervened. I sighed, giving in. He nodded at me once before he strode down the stairs.

I kept myself busy chatting with Nitya and Riddhi. They were athirt than me to meet Samaira. Riddhi was saying something when she stopped suddenly staring at someone behind me. I followed her gaze only to find her, she was standing there looking ethereal in that dress. It wasn’t only me who was staring at her, every other man was spellbound and the irrational part of me was jealous and wanted to take her away. But as beautiful as she looked, she seemed uncomfortable. It didn’t take me long to understand the source of her discomfort, it was that damned dress that I had bought for her.

I knew what I had to do to make her comfortable. I had bought a jacket for Nitya that would match her dress.

“Nitya, where’s the jacket I bought for you?” I queried.

“In my bedroom, why?”

“I will tell you later,” I said, hurriedly going back to her room to retrieve the jacket for her. Lost in my thoughts about giving her the jacket, I returned only to find her nowhere dancing. Then I found her sitting on a sofa, awkwardly beside a stranger who was pestering her questions she seemed to be avoiding.

My feet carried me towards her instantly only to find the man holding her wrist. He was my father’s employee. Rage took over me as soon as I saw him but only for her I refrained. I didn’t want her to think badly of me, but I decided I would see him later. He would pay for what he did.

No one messes with what's Mine.