The night ended with the decision of us, John and I, having a vacation for at least three weeks in an island owned by the Ledesma’s. I agreed with it as it is not a bad idea after all. We still have a week before the date of our departure. For that week, my mind is already set into one thing: find Lorenzo Nikholai Boromeo.

The next day, Sunday, as John busily dressing up for an event, I went into his room. Clad in a casual attire, a black collared shirt that perfectly fit his physique and a plain white Dockers-style shorts paired with his white sneakers, he sure is ready to go somewhere. I step inside his room and walk into his walk-in closet, adjusting the strap of his wrist watch.

“Good morning Makaria. I’ll be going to the clubhouse today with Mr. Garcia, wanna come?” Through the mirror, I drink in his features. John is totally a gorgeous man with his gigantic height; his long legs exposed, broad shoulders with muscles at the right places and that dashing smile he wears which surely sweeps off a woman at her feet.

“ That’s great to hear but, I have other plans today John. Uh, I just wanna tell you that I need to go somewhere. “ I announced. I fidget while waiting for his response. There might be a huge possibility that he won’t let me out knowing what we had discussed last night: tightening of the security, lie low from the public eyes and the additional bodyguards.

He stop from his ministrations and turned to me fully. He eyed me inquisitively and I hastily added, “ I wanted to meet a friend. You know catch up and all but if you don’t want to…” I cut myself mid sentence to let him imagine and think what shall I do the moment he won’t allow me.

“ It’s not that I don’t wanted you to go out Makaria. I’m just thinking about your safety. “ He said which what I truly anticipated. I nodded and rebut.

“I know very well the danger specially that we haven’t caught the culprit just yet. But as what you had propose last night, you’ll tighten and have an additional security for me right? I guess that solves the problem. “ With all confidence I stated. He didn’t say a word but rather took out his phone and dialed. He leaned in the vanity mirror as he look at me with his phone in the ear.

“Ben? Makaria’s going out today; I’m assigning you to guard her today. “ John drop the call and look at me satisfied. He went into the bedroom and I followed suit.

“Thank you John. Uh, may I ask if have you seen my phone? Or is it lost or something?” John went to the door in the far left side of the room. The room is way too spacious than mine so I presume this is the master’s room. The whole room is in wood and anything related to wood from the hard wood furniture’s to the floor which is covered in a velvet red carpet. The door creak open and John went up to me. He hander out his hand with a black rectangular object.

“ what’s…?”

“ Use this card to buy whatever you want to buy. Your phone is lost. The police didn’t found yours nor mine; which is quite disturbing… “ No matter how much I wanted to refresh my mind on the exact scenario, I can’t. With quite hesitation, I reached out my hand and received the card. This might be useful for some emergencies.

“ Thanks for this John. Don’t worry I would give this back to you. “ He raised his eyebrow at me and shake his head.

“You don’t have to Makaria. It’s actually yours. The cards and other belongings of us were found the day after the incident, however, our phones wasn’t. Don’t you think it’s not fishy? The wallets which we both owned were not missing at all alongside the other documents I have with me; yet surprisingly, phones where the ones which is missing. “

To think about the information John has given surely gives off a shady thought but I don’t wanna delve in to that now. What I wanted to do right now is to find Niko…

“Sounds fishy, did you already talk it out with the investigators? But maybe the phones were not lost,. You know it could’ve been thrown away into the canals or in the swarded area for all we know. “ I said.

John nodded and shrug off.

“Anyways, why don’t we head down to have breakfast together? “

As we treaded in the grand stairways, John and I talk about anything under the sun. As I’ve spend more time with him, I realized how different he is the first time we meet. He’s all curt and cold when we were first introduce; even in the corners of his company, he’s all anything but cold, calculating man who looks at you like you’re a poor mortal under his mercy.

The boisterous dining hall last night is now reign with subtle silence accompanied with occasional exchanged of words and rattling of kitchenware with only the two of us.

“ What time will you visit your friend then?” I drink a sip of orange juice before answering his question.

“Maybe I’ll swing first in the mall to buy a phone or a laptop before visiting her around 9 or 10, depending on my mood. “ John nodded in response and told me the details entails my departure.

“ Okay. You can swing by the clubhouse where we play golf if you want. Ben will drive you. You’ll buy phone right? I’ll give you my number then. Call me afterwards. “

“Sure thing. “

By nine thirty in the morning, I am totally ready to go out. Clad in a high waist jeans, white off shoulder top and two inch pair of sandals in nude shade, I’m ready to go. I went downstairs and saw Ben and three more men standing erect in the doorway. In their usual all black outfit which I truly can’t decipher why, they will look out of place amidst the crowd of the mall.

“Miss Makaria. The car’s ready for your disposal. “ Ben is the first one to spoke. The others then said their good mornings upon the sight of me. I held the small clutch bag which only contains the black card .

“ That’s good. Let’s get going then. “

Ben opened the door for me and the fresh, whisk of the wind blow making my hair swaying into the thin air for a moment. The portico of John’s house is huge and the fountain in the middle of the vast garden looks magnificent. I don’t have the opportunity yet to tour around this beautiful property John owned and I hope I can change that soon. Along the driveway awaits a white sleek car. The other guard opened the car door and I slid smoothly inside. Ben then went inside the driver’s seat followed by an unfamiliar back of a man. Ben eyed me through the rearview mirror and ask, “ Where to, ma’am?” .

“Take me to the nearest mall. I want to buy a new phone. “

Ben nodded and started to bring the engine into life and drove away. In less than thirty minutes, we are now treading the national highway in the course of the heart of the city, El Salvador.

It’s truly been a while since I have come in here, just driving around the metro. Nothing’s practically change; still one of the busiest roads jam-packed with cars and vehicles. Our fast pace slowed down as we were caught in the traffic. I leisurely took the traffic to look around and feast my eyes with the scenery unfolding right behind my very eyes. It’s been months where bottomless darkness were all I could see and it’s truly hard to experience that. I was just so blessed and lucky to be able to bring back the light again and be able to see again… Different cars with different colors swamp over the lane of the highway with different people riding in each vehicles. Red, blue, black, white… Some were big, some were small and some were in the medium size… Feeding my eyes with the variety of sceneries made me think of the man I had meet at the rooftop. I wonder what he looks like… with his hoarse voice, Incan imagine a rugged guy; long hair that maybe reaches his shoulders, striking jawline with that aristocrat nose and a stubbles decorating most of his face… I can’t the hotness spread all over my face as I tried to sketch his face out in my inner mind. But no matter how I imagine that guy, I might be wrong in so many levels.

A loud honk startled out the life in me as the car in the right lane repeatedly rang its horn.

“What the heck is that guy’s problem?” I heard Ben murmured as they look at the car. As cars slowly advance, the passenger of the loud car earlier look at me and smiled. . She rolled the car window and wave and spoke, her mouth forming the words “s-o-r-r-y”. I rolled down the window and replied, “ It’s fine. No worries.” She smiled and wave again until the car she’s in move forward as the cars pick up their pace.

The car come into a halt as Ben swiftly park our car. I slid out of the car immediately as I felt the tingling excitement in strolling around the mall. The cool air conditioner engulf my nostrils as I stepped inside the bustling ocean of people inside. As I sashay my way inside, enjoying the time of my life, I can feel the hot stares thrown my way by the people I passed by.

'Is something wrong with my face?' I thought to myself as I rummage in the pouch I was holding to find a mirror but to my dismay, I don’t really have anything inside aside from the black card. Geez. I forgot all of my things were left behind in our house. I went still, not minding the stares of the people. I went inside a boutique and look for something I can buy. Even inside, the costumers were staring at me or more like ogling at me. The saleswoman smiled walk and smiled my way. I prepared a smile and was ready to say something when she walk past me and went directly behind me. Totally shock, I turned around only to see the saleswoman, accommodating the four, dashing men in black suits who towered inside boutique with their tall figure and quite bulky figure.

Ben as their leader was the first to talk to the saleswoman. “ No, we’re not buying anything miss. It is her who wants to buy something. We are her bodyguards. “ The woman’s radiant smile turned a bit uneasy as she look my way like she swallowed some bitter pill she’s ready to puke it out. Reluctantly, she went to my aid and attended to my needs until I was out of their shop. Two steps outside the boutique and I stumbled over a lean figure of a woman who’s busy fiddling her phone. She turned to me and apologetically smiled, for the second time around.

“Oh! I’m so sorry miss! Forgive me of the inconveniences I caused you today! First, it was the commotion my driver did and now, it is truly my own actions that made us cross the same path this day. I’m terribly sorry. “ Her warm Hazel nut orbs soften and looks crestfallen. I stand straight up and wiggle out of my bodyguard's hand after the impact. I smiled her way to reassure her said, “ It’s fine miss. No one’s harm so it’s fine. “

“But I wanted to make it up to you. This is too much to be coincidence, don’t you think? Maybe we’re truly meant to meet. So please, if you would allow me, I would like to treat you food to make up for everything.” I appreciate her kindness but I have more pressing matters at hand. I shook my head and declined her offer. But the unknown girl insisted to join me for shopping instead.

“By the way I’m Amara, Amara Sevilla. You are?” I skeptically look at her slender and soft looking hands that reached out to me waiting to be shaken. In the end, I thought there’s no harm in making new friends. With quite a grip, I shook her hands and introduce myself. “ I’m Makaria Sandoval. “

We roam around the mall and to my surprise Amara is quite a jolly person to be with. We’ve only meet just a while ago but it feels like we’re twins who had lost each other. We talked about anything under the sun and seems like we fall into the same tastes and interests.

“You say you wanted to buy a gadget? Come this way. This shop have everything that you wanted. You can buy the newest gadgets you can have. “ She ushered me into one of the brightest shops inside the mall and I let her drag me off.

“What would you like to buy then?” She ask as I roam around to find something that might catch my attention. I’m contemplating whether to buy a phone or laptop; or buy it both but I decided to buy the former as the old laptop of mine popped in my head. Maybe, I’ll pay a visit to our old house sometime this week before I’ll venture into the island with John.

“Hmm. I would like to buy a phone Amara. I lost my phone during my accident and it was never recovered. “ From the smiling face to wore, it turned into a great shock as her eyes widen and her mouth went agape. Concerned registered in her as she grasp my hands.

“You’ve been in an accident? I’m so sorry to hear that Makaria. “

“No worries. I’m fine now. “ I said and told the lady in the shop the gadget I wanted to buy. Not less than ten minutes we were out of the shop with the gadget at hand. Ben reached for the paper bag alongside the paper bags I brought while strolling around.

“I hope you’re doing well now Makaria. “ Amara said as we stood in the center of the crowd, still hadn’t got over from the news I’ve told her.

“Yes I’m doing well Amara. Thank you. But I guess this is where we should apart? I still have any other plans other than strolling around here Amara. I thank you for joining me and subtly being my tour guide today. “ I said and she envelope me in a hug.

“ I’m happy to meet you today Makaria. I hope you’ll keep in touch with me as I’ll leave this contact information of mine. Until we meet again. “ One last kiss in the cheek and she made her way to the opposite side until she vanished amidst in the ocean if people inside the mall who were clearly trapped in their own worlds. I grasp the paper and eyed the letters and numbers written. I’ll surely contact you Amara.

“ Let’s get going to where she should be there. “ I announced and the four men in black followed me with no hesitation.

The car came into a halt and the building in front stood tall and proud. The building is three story which I guess houses for at least fifty rooms in total. The gold platings were carved elegantly which form the words Gregorio Medical Hospital. I step out of the car not waiting for anyone to open it. It’s just been a day when I departed from this place but it didn’t hold anything significance nor memories in me, even if I was confined for months here. Maybe because, in all those months, I can see nothing but darkness, an endless darkness that I thought I’ll drown and will never get up again.

I heard the rumbling of footsteps behind me which I truly knew who they were. I stop and everyone halted. This is the most annoying part of having a tight security. Bodyguard following me like some bee who found the sweetest nectar in a flower. Their buzzing and their constant “ She just got out of the car. She’s going inside the shop” and whatnots is irritating the hell out of me. I turned around and saw Ben and the man we’ve been with inside the car who’s name I didn’t know. Presumably, the other two securities were in the perimeter to assess the whole place for some danger.

“I know you were told to guard me all day long and to stick with me but will you stay here for a while? This hospital is totally secured as we can see the guards and cctvs here-“

“I know ma’am but I’m sorry, orders are orders. “ Ben stated firmly. I sigh, exasperated with how things turned out.

“I just wanna have a private moment with a dear friend of mine. Can you give me this moment? “ I said, desperation laced my voice. I just feel suffocated with this ridiculous set up because of that culprit who wanted our head in a platter.

“Besides, I’ll have my lunch with her. You two should have lunch, as well as those other two on guard. “ I continued as I tried to convince them. Rather than convinced, they stood rooted on the ground and look so dignified as they look at me unyielding with what the orders told them.

“Orders come first ma’am so no will do. “ They chorused. I turned my back on them and started to march my way inside, defeated. Just as I walk my way into the nurse's station and ask for Cecilia, a man in olive henley neck t shirt caught my attention. His oh so familiar broad back is facing me as I presume he inquires something in the nurse’s station. From the looks of it, even the nurses in the station flock at him and accommodated whatever questions he has. As I neared the nurse’s station, I could hear his voice; deep and velvety as he spoke to each of the nurses. He was still the same, friendly and quite mischievous. His laugh brought joy and relief to my soul and heart knowing that he’s okay despite the tragedy. I went nearer and nearer him; my heart is going to burst with all of my emotions surging inside me as of the moment. Excitement, joy, relief and longing… This is totally outlandish to some people who knows my current status but… I wanted to go after what my heart truly wants…

An inches away and I could finally touch him but, in a flash he was out of the way, going to the opposite direction away from me. As the distance eat him up, I stood rooted in the middle of the hall just in front of the nurse’s station and eyes him as went farther and farther away.

“Miss? Do you need anything?”

The question brought me back to earth and hastily went to the way where he went not minding the questioning looks of everyone. I run along the hallway as my heels creating a loud clicking sounds like a clock ticking fast as it runs out of time.

“Wait! “ I called as he almost ride the elevator. Thankfully, he stop and look around until his eyes found mine. Momentarily, it almost took my breath away as those dark, enchanting eyes caught mine looking so innocent as I drink his features in. My knees wobbly, my chest rising and falling not from the run but from the very sight of him. I can’t believe his standing, breathing in front of me. Our departing was not quite okay given the circumstances we were in months ago.

“ Nico…” I mumbled softly. Few steps away and we’ll be looking at each other face to face. The beatings of my heart created a loud galloping sound as adrenaline surge throughout my system. I clasped my hands together to draw some strength.

Soon as I stand a few inches in front of me, he’s innocent look turned into a questioning one as his rich eyebrows arc a bit higher and his black irises jump from right to left. Creases formed in his forehead and his lips open for the words to slip. I was rooted into the place as his unexpected words hit me straight to the heart. Just as he is now, he’s like a trained hitman as he killed me on the spot without a second thoughts.

“ Who are you?” Lorenzo Nikholai asked.

Happy heart's day everyone