Lust and Vacuums.


"Please Sir don't make me go back there! I'm sure Fiona or Bridgette or even Catherine would happily take an opportunity like this, please Sir." I pleaded with every fiber of my being as Mr. Anderson just sat behind his desk giving me a wierd look that came out off in all ways.

I was getting uncomfortable as he kept on looking at me, his gaze fixed solely on my chest.

I fidgeted under his gaze, feeling the need to cover myself with my hands but I knew that would anger him and I really wanted him to help me out.

"I'm sorry Jasmine but it's the boss' orders. No one can change his mind if it's set and I mean no one. Now please leave, I have matters that need my attention."

Sighing, I walked out. Well I just had to deal with the plastic barbies and him, for the next three weeks.

I will get through this, I assured myself, just three weeks, nothing much can happen if I just avoid him, right?

Heading towards his suite, I knocked the door and waited.

He opened the door.

I gasped covering my eyes before turning around.

I blushed a bright shade of pink as I looked away.

"Like what you see?" His deep voice rumbled through the hallway.

"I can come back another time once you are done," I say tightly.

"No, no, please come in."

I got in looking everywhere, trying to ignore the sexy man standing behind me in nothing but a towel.

I shut my eyes tightly as I felt his presence on my back.

I stiffened when I felt his hot breath on my neck. I turned around quickly and came face to face with him. Our faces merely inches away.

His heated gaze holding mine before he lowered it to my lips. The room was getting hot as I stared at his lips. Gulping loudly, I took a step back.

"Uh.. I should start working, excuse me." Rushing to the kitchen, I balance my weak knees at the counter.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Surprisingly, he disappears as I clean almost every room in the suite. Standing in front of his bedroom door, I figure out that my luck just ran out. I HAD TO FACE HIM. AGAIN!

Deciding to just get done with, I knock twice and wait.

He takes his sweet time before hearing footsteps coming towards the door.

I feel his presence before I could see him. There he was, his face stoic and calm again.

He simply moved aside and I quickly scurried past him and headed straight to his bed. Quickly removing his sheets and replacing them, I picked up his laundry, my cheeks heating up as I picked up a pair of his boxers.

Despite being occupied with my chores, his presence was still palpable, standing at one corner just observing me quietly.

Deciding to ignore him again, I bent down to vacuum under his bed as I heard a low growl.

Vacuuming even faster, I quickly stood up and turned around only to be pushed on top of the bed.

"What are you doing Sir?" He climbed on top of me and I shut my eyes as I felt him inhaling my scent.

"You wanted this, didn't you? You want to feel me on top of you." He growls softly in my ear, the vibrations causing goosebumps on my skin.

"I.. I don't.." Every part of me was singing with pleasure and he'd barely touched me.

"You what? Want me to touch you?" Softly tracing his finger up my arm.

"Want me to touch you here?" He holds my gaze as his finger works its way to the small cleavage peeking out from my blouse.

"Perhaps a kiss then.." He smirks before he lowers his face.

Closing my eyes, sparks burst out from my skin as he kisses my cleavage.

I had to get out now or I wouldn't be able to stop him. Putting my hands on his chest, I tried pushing but he wouldn't budge.

" No no.. We aren't done Miss Miller." He adds more weight on me, imprisoning me completely.

"You don't know the things you do to me, do you? I just can't seem to stay away from you. I want you so fucking bad... All of you... And I'm going to have you, Jasmine. Look at me."

Turning my head slowly, the last thing I see are his emerald eyes burning with fiery passion before he captures my lips in a heated kiss.

A moan breaks out of me and my hands reach out to his hair.

Screw work protocol, screw everything. I want him and he wants me.

I pour all my emotions in that kiss as we battle for dominance. He kneads my thigh as he guides my legs around me.

I gasp as I feel something hard pressing on my core. I groan softly as he applies more pressure. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears. I wanted more.

I started moving up and down as pleasure shoots as my spine. I couldn't control it anymore I wanted more.

He rips my blouse buttons and pulls my bra down. He looks at them and let's out another groan.

"You'll be the death of me Woman. So perfect and all mine."

He wraps his mouth over one of my rose perked nipple and sucks. He works his mouth on my breasts as he keeps on grinding on me.

"Oh yes... Just.. like.. that.. Please... faster." I moan out each word as I feel pressure building up down there and all I knew was that I wanted to reach where it was taking me.

He focuses back on my lips as he growls like a starved animal, we rock back and forth and I feel it, building and building. Holding him tight against me, I reach my peak and explode calling out his name. He stills on top of me as he let's an almost painful groan while his body shudders.

We take a moment on the same position catching our breaths. He rolls off me and stands up.

My brain finally registering what we just did, I quickly pull down my skirt and stand up too.

He looked so hot standing there his hair messed up by my fingers just a few moments ago, his shirt creased and dress pants wet?

He notices me looking down on his pants and simply smirks while my face turns beet red.

"You should go clean yourself up, my shift has ended."

I wait for him to say anything as I stand there awkwardly no less looking messed up as him.

"I.. Uhm.. Have to go now." I head towards the bedroom door but before I could exit, I hear him clearing his throat.


"Fix up your blouse, I don't want anyone seeing what's mine."

I quickly glanced down my blouse and almost died of embarrassment. My bra and boobs were all out.

I ran out of the room as I hear him chuckling. He enjoyed that sick Bastard. I quickly fix myself, grab my things and bolted out of that suite.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. One thing was for sure, I was now eager to come back tomorrow.

Heading back to the locker rooms, I take my uniform off my mind on Raphael. I knew what we were starting was dangerous but no matter how much I wanted to control myself around him, I just couldn't.

Its like there was this magnetic force that just pulled us towards each other,maybe it was fate. I didn't know but I would enjoy all these beautiful moments with him before we both got sucked back in to our lives.

"Hey Jazz!"

I jumped as Ally appeared in front of me breaking my reverie.

"Hey AL."

"Are you done with your shift?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Yeah me too, March isn't yet but she'll be late today. We can leave without her."

"Oh okay, let me finish then we'll leave."

I put on my shirt, my mind drifting away again, my face flushing again.

"Spill it out Jasmine, what are you thinking about?" Ally's squeaky voice rings out loud in my ears.

"I uh don't know what you talking about." My eyes darting everywhere except looking at her.

"I know when you are hiding something woman and I will find out. You just wait." Allison smiles wickedly.

Oh no. She seems determined now I'm Fucked. I can't let tell them I just can't, things would go wrong. That I'm sure of.