Chapter 58: Killing Lady Luciana is Forbidden


The door opened. Luciana, still in wolf form, hears it but ignores it. She can smell that it's Pink Fluff. The door closes. She feels him getting near her but doesn't hear any footsteps, he's flying.

"Master, you got a tea party invitation from the third princess."

Luciana already knows it. She heard it when Sella told Pink Fluff.

'There's no point in telling me this. I can't attend.'

'Should I say that you're sick as an excuse?'

Luciana nods her head slightly. When she can no longer smell Pink Fluff she opens her eyes. She doesn't really like opening her eyes because sometimes she can see even the dust on the furniture or the bugs flying. If she looks at Pink Fluff who knows what she'll see. She closes her eyes again and changes her sleeping position.