First date night

I look at my reflection in the mirror for the second time. My hair seems a little bit dry, making me apply a little bit of hair cream to make it a bit soft. I admire my outfit in the mirror. My best friend, Phillip, told me to wear a turtle neck black shirt, with a jacket on it. And a pair of jean trousers. He says he always dresses like this on his first dates. I honestly do not care much about my date with Charlie, but on William hearing about my date from Sofia, who talks a lot. He let me have the next shift off. He really wants me to go out there and mingle out. He said I was too handsome to be all myself. I look at the mirror one last time. Smiling at my own reflection.

When I walk through the staircase of my apartment, I see Mrs. Brigs. I am not frightened, unlike last month. I have paid up my rent for this month. So I am a bit relaxed.

“You look really great, Jamie. Who is the lucky boy?”

“No one Mrs. Brigs.”

“Sure? Doesn’t seem to be anyone. There’s a car parked at the entrance of the house. You are sure going to have a good time.”

“I will, “I say, with a shy smile on my face. Charlie sure does like to make an entrance. From the little I knew about Charlie, he didn’t say much about himself, but I certainly know he is from a rich family. He doesn’t talk about his family. But his enormous display of money and luxury surely brings him out.

On stepping outside my house. I see a 2020 range rover parked at the very entrance of my house. I look towards the other cars, trying to look for Charlie. But then the ranger lowers down the car windows, making me see Charlie in front of the driver’s seat. I have never seen him with this massive ride before. Normally when I see him, he is usually in a Mercedes Benz. But he bringing this, Makes me let out a smile. I know he is trying to show off. He is always trying to impress me.

I walk up to the car. But then I see Charlie stepping outside of his car, walking towards me to open my side of his car.

“You really don’t have to do this, you know. I am a man, and I can take care of myself.”

“Well, you are about to be my man. I certainly have to treat you like the handsome prince that you are.”

If I stayed here all day questioning Charlie why he acted the way he did, we would certainly extend our date to another day. Which I am not ready to.

“Where are we going?”

“Not so fast, CSP. It’s a surprise.”

I do not ask any more questions. I climb onto the front seat. And watch him as he drives his car away.

As we drive through. The familiar rhythms of my favorite song of Madonna come up. I am in awe that it is playing when I am having a date with Charlie.

“Last night I dreamt of San Pedro.”

“How do you know I love Madonna Charlie?”

“That’s a secret CSP.”

“How about you stop calling me that.”

“When you agree to be my boyfriend, I would switch up the name to something a bit sweet. What do you think? Darling or honey pie.”

“You’re such a clown.”

“For real, Jamie. I am so happy you are going out with me. You would never regret this.”

I do not say anything. But let out a warm smile. Charlie doesn’t seem to be that bad. But still, I do not know. I mean, he is amazing and would be the perfect boyfriend, but I do not like him as much as he likes me. According to Philip, he says I would grow to like Charlie, and if I didn’t agree to date Charlie, he would go on a date with him.

We are parked at the very entrance of Beverly Hills hotel when the car chauffeur walks up to our car. I am about to ask Charlie what we are doing here. But that would certainly be a dumb question.

When we both step out of the car, the chauffeur takes the keys of Charlie’s car and drives away, while I and Charlie both walk towards the entrance of the hotel.

“How can we afford this, Charlie? Is your dad the president or something?” Charlie doesn’t answer me. He holds my hands as we both walk towards the restaurant. If I knew we would come here, I would certainly have dressed a lot better than this.

“For real, Charlie. Is there something you are not telling me?”

“You need to relax, Jamie. You will be fine.”

“How can I be fine, Charlie? Let's go somewhere cheaper. The bills from this restaurant would pay for my apartment accommodations for the next three months.”

“About that, I have asked you to pay for that. But you never let Me.” Charlie has asked me countless times to help in paying for my rent. But I never let him. I do not ever want to feel indebted to anyone. Especially Charlie. He has done a lot for me in the few times we hung out.

We pick a sitting spot close to the entrance. I actually picked it, just in case I change my mind about leaving. I do not want too many stares staring at me on here.

“It’s not too late, Charlie. We can still leave.” On saying this, Charlie lets out a wicked smile on his face, ignoring my plea. I want to speak up again, but then the waiter walks up to us, with a menu at hand.”

“Would you like to have the usual sir,” the waiter says.

Charlie doesn’t say anything but nods his head. He certainly is used to this lifestyle. And he has been here more than once.

“What would you like to have Jamie?” Charlie asks.

“I would have what you are having?”

Charlie laughs at my statement. “And do you know what that is?” he says, still smiling.

“Don’t be shy, Jamie. Just tell me.”

“I mean it. I would have what you are having.”

“Bring him a plate of salad,” Charlie says to the waiter.

“I want what you are having, Charlie.”

“Double it then. But also bring a plate of salad for him too.”

“Why are you ordering a plate of salad for me?”

“Well, I know how much you love to eat veggies. Most of the time I see you eating, you are eating mostly vegetables.

If there is one thing I should applaud Charlie for, it’s that he certainly knows a lot about me.