Chapter 4

Half an hour passed by and Nia started to calm down. She started to hear the birds chirping from afar and she saw her reflection in the mirror with the man earlier hugging her from behind.

He look funny and nervous while he hugged her. His eyes were tightly shut while he bit his lower lips that is starting to get bloody.

Her breathing is still heavy to the point that she needs to gasp for air but she can tolerate it until her heart beats back to normal.

After several years of having physical and psychological therapy, she still have panic attacks that was caused by stressed. Her mother knew it.

She still tried to smile but it turns out a grimace in her face.

The man's right eye opened and when he saw her scanning his reflection in the mirror, he quickly release her from his arms that made him bounce as he sit near her bed. He looked electrified.

Now it's her turn to chuckle nonstop.

"My name is Kaler Bryce and don't laugh at me as I only did what I need to!"

"I didn't say anything! You're the only one thinking that way.", She stretched her feet towards the chair she was sitting earlier and continued to laugh with closed eyes.

Bryce stood up and walk towards her. He squat in front of her and that made her stop laughing.

Seeing his face up close, he is actually handsome. Exquisitely handsome.

He has an oval shaped face paired with thick lined brows and pointed nose. His black eyes look menancing and hypnotizing covered in long lashes.

She swallowed hard as the space between their face comes to an inch.

Her gaze looks down on his luscious looking bloody red lips and that brought her a crave to taste those lips.

When the man closed his eyes, she closed her eyes, too. Thinking that the he also feel the urged to kiss her in a spur of the moment.

But his lips didn't cover hers. When she opened her eyes back, he was facing the bed while his hands managed to get the towel back to its place by doing a closed tie.

He looked different this time. His face is distorted. She didn't know if he's disgusted or aroused.

"Next time, don't let a man enter your room while you we're only wearing a towel. It's not a good sight to behold.", Then he stands up without facing her before he turn to her messy bed.

Her jaw dropped.

"Why did you come in, in the first place? I didn't call you or scream. I just...I just...", She stuttered, didn't know what to say and where to start.

He grabbed her clothes to one of his muscled arms and went to a nearby closet. He gather some clothes hanger at the drawer in the bottom part of the closet and starts to put hanger on her clothes.

Her body was stunned by his gesture. No one make her feel ashamed with her messy looking bed while trying to get dressed. Though the man didn't say anything to her about being messy.

"Don't worry, I won't look while you're getting dressed. I just want to make sure that I will not need to enter your room again to find you on that terrible state."

She quickly grab the remaining white ruffled dress on the bed with her pink undies. She gasped. The man had a gripped of her undies!

"A man is not always a green minded person so start to get dressed before I'll finished this and dressed you up. Unless you want me to."

Her face blushed as she continue to get dressed while checking on him if he will take a peek on her.

He was a truly gentleman because after he was finished hanging her clothes, he just sat down on her bed with closed eyes.

"I'm decent. You can look at me now."

With that cue, the man turn his eyes on her, making sure she's well dressed before he walk towards the door and open it.

"You're beautiful in that dress. My taste suits you.", Then he left her in the room stunned once again.

A small smile curved at her lips.

So he also think I'm beautiful? I thought him wrong this time. I thought his a snob.

She run towards where the man go and find him sitting in the corner with two laptops in front of him and a pile of papers on the side near the windows where she can see the other buildings in front.

She got curious when she also saw a balcony nearby. There is like a one-man way leading to the side of the condo building. She can go there sometime by not today.

She closed her eyes and feel the sunrays on her skin. It's the first time that she saw the sun again after she enclosed herself in her room in New York.

When she walk backwards, her back bounced on a hard thing at her back. She turn around only to see the man towering her. His arms are on her side, enveloping her in an indirect embrace. His eyes are fixed on the bright sunny sky while she continue starring at him.

"I'm a man of few words. I don't explain why I'm doing somethings to someone. I hope you understand. If ever I did something to offend you, just tell me. My mom Andrea will meet you soon."

She turn around and face the beautiful scenery. She can see the busy street down there with a lot of people walking around the corner.

She was amazed by that sight that she forgot to cook! She quickly turn around again without noticing that the man's face is bend down because he's watching her. Her lips slightly brushed on his and her eyes widened. She didn't move an inch until the man stepped back.

His brows are in a furrow but he managed to guide her by her elbow and lead her back inside before he closed the glass door on the balcony.

"Where's your kitchen? I'm famished. I need to cook something to eat. What would you like to have?", She nervously bit her nails while talking and walking backwards.

"I'll have what you'll cook. The kitchen is on the other side and the fridge are full so just choose what you like to cook. I'll just need to work on some papers.", He sat back to his desk and start typing.

Nia was disappointed that the Bryce didn't lead her to his kitchen.

Oh, so you can call him by his name now that you kissed him?

"Fuck, no!", She said aloud then cupped her mouth with her right hand before turning again to Bryce. She's afraid that he might hear what she said to herself but he looks like he didn't.

She shrugged and walk towards the other side of his house.

The kitchen looks extravagant with all his electric device in there. The fridge looks new. The coffee maker and oven are super shinny. His state-of-the-art burner looks so amazing.

In short, there is no room for dust.

She smiled widely. Surprisingly, she and Bryce have a lot of common things. Maybe they will get along with her temporary stay in his guidance.