Nia felt like she was in a deep slumber for a long time and she just woke up with ease.
She tried to remember what had happen but she can't. She had no memory but she's happy.
Without thinking anything, she get up from the bed only to be surprised. Her body remains on the bed but when she double checked, she's also standing straight next to her body!
When her eyes roam around, there are other patients lying on the beds nearby and her bed is near the glass window.
The room has a light coming from the fluorescent light on the ceiling and there are two doctors and three nurses around her bed. One of the doctors is currently pumping her heart, the two nurses are checking her vital signs and putting some liquid medicine from the vials to her dextrose using a long syringe.
She cringed. If she's conscious right now, she won't let them stung her with that.