Chapter 3( Friends)

They say that its not good to decide on something when you're angry. But I dont think I care about such thing right now.

The humiliation that I just get a while ago was too much. I dont care if my dad is here and might probably scold me for being hysterical.

With gritted teeth I forcefully pull over the car which made some heads turn. I even saw Grayson, standing while talking with one of our housemaid. My anger boiled again just by looking at him.

I decided to get out from the car and walk fastly towards him. I think I'm red as tomato and I was like out of breath when I reach where they were standing.

I fisted my fist and with sharp eyes I look at him. They stop talking and I'm sure I did glare this youngest housemaid here. She look nervous as she bowed down and excuse herself. I followed her before I snap at Grayson who's brows furrowed,looking confuse of why I'm acting this way.

"Why didnt you tell me? " I asked with gritted teeth directly at Grayson.

I know that honestly I'm at fault too. I initiated kissing him! But even so, if he only told me sooner that there this rumor spreading about the two of us then I could've made a move to clear my name! And he didn't deny it!

"Answer me Mr Acharon!"

Gray then just sighed. I scoffed at him looking annoyed every minute.

"This is unbelievable. But since were alone, might as well answer me why there were rumors spreading that I am your mistress? " I asked him immediately.

His eyes scanned the place before it landed on mine. I pinch myself when I started to get that hollow feeling in my stomach just as that moment he looks at me! Come on self! Focus!

"Its just rumors. I'll take care of it." He replied with cold tone.

"Take care of it? The rumors were spreading a week now and yet it seems to me that you havent done anything?" I uttered frustratedly.

His hawklike eyes look at me. I gulped and calmed myself.

"Well, who's fault might that be then? As far as I remember, you were the one who..kissed me young lady". He said the kissed word with a tone of disgust. I scoffed while staring at him. Young lady? Really?

"For pete seke that's was just a smack on the lips! And we only did it once! You even pushed me. And now I'm a what? Your mistress?!.

I answer with my voice raising. I swear I'm so pissed right now.

Gray's jaw clenched. He seems mad with what I just said.

"I don't have a fiancee okay. " He replied shaking his head and close his eyes.

"You know what, I'm taking care of it. You dont have to worry about this anymore."

I'm still on the process of absorbing what he just said. He dont have a fiancee? Is he kidding me? Why would people start calling me as his other girl if he is indeed single! I shake that thought off and continue with the issue we were talking about.

"How can you take care of it when you're here? Go and tell them that I'm not your mistress or whatsoever. And I will be busy right now searching for that specific person who spread such unbelievable rumors. Whoever spread that I swear she'll get what she deserves.

Gray then look at me with disbelief on his eyes. "I dont care if you think I'm being a bitch. I just want to teach that person a lesson. Now if you excuse me, I have somehing to deal with." I said before passing into him.

His mouth opened for something but then closed it and sighed. I once glance at him and I saw him picking up his keys on his pocket. I turn my back and continued walking, like I didn't look back.

"I want an honest answers from all of you here. My father, agreed to summon you up because I told him so. Whoever might that impostor, please just show yourself already, so that there wont be any complications." I said coldly.

All our housemaids are summoned in our sala. Mom is just beside me and she was wearing her glasses while listening to what I am saying. She told me to settle this out because they want me to learn such way of handling people. And that thing includes judging people's real personality and their loyalty.

"Rumors spread that I am the Mayor's son mistress. Truth is, we just met. How could someone say that I'm his mistress then? Just because someone saw me kissing him?" I asked with folded elbows and lean on our glass type counter.

"I mean, lets just say that if the scenario is me kissing him and confessing that I wanted to be his other girl and someone hears it, maybe that's enough reason for rumors to spread. But the truth is, that was just some trick to annoy Mr Acharon. The kissed.....means nothing. And if.. if you really saw what happened that day, Mr Acharon pushes me. Therefore, .all such rumors spreading that I'm his other girl is not true. And I want that person to come forward. I cant promise to guarantee that I wont get mad, because honestly, this is not a simple thing for me. I was labeled as a mistress!."

My mother then cleared her throat and with an eyebrows arching, looks at me. She was like trying to tease me by being strict for what I have said. I stiffle a small smile and shake my head at her.

They were not looking at me in the eye. Most of the summoned workers here are housemaids. I just got this feeling that maybe one of them did it.

"If no one would admit such mistake. I guess I dont have a choice. My father told me that if it turns out that nobody wont honestly admitted what she did then all of you here will be given a last month job." They then started gapsing and some are trying to break down. I know that they all needed this job. Its a small town and working here is a very big opportunity for them. But my father's words are not mine. He was totally mad when I told him about it a while ago. He promised to punish whoever spread such rumor.

"I'm sorry but that's my fathers final word." I continue. Just when everybody started whispering and some are at the verge of crying, a woman finally spoke.

"Young lady I-I'm so sorry. P-please do forgive me. I h-have a son and he's jist two years old. If I'll lose this j-job I dont know any place to go. Have mercy with me young lady I w-was only mistaken and I didn't mean to spread s-such thing. I was j-just jealous of you that's why I did that. I'll accept whatever the punishment may be. I fully admitted that what I d-did was wrong. Please forgive me young lady."

A woman half of my age finally move forward. She was trembling as she admitted her fault. Her tears where falling from her eyes. I felt pity just by looking at her. Some of our housemaids looks at her with daggers. They must hate her right now, because if she didn't admitted it earlier, they might all lose their jobs.

I look at her and then I realized that she was one of that housemaid here who seems a bit rude at everyone and kinda bitchy. She was also that woman I saw talking with Grayson a while ago. She's I think on her late twenties. Her thin body and tanned skin makes her outsand the beauty of the rest housemaids. I sighed and glance at my mother. She then pursed her lips and come forward. I know that she wanted me to handle this but I dont think I am ready. Mom then nodded.

"Clear my daughter's name on the town. Tell them that you just mistakenly spread some false rumor. For the mean time you'll be temporarily fire for this month. I'm sure you've learn now." Mommy said with a tone of businesslike.

The trembled housemaid nodded while crying and keep on saying thanks.

"I hope that this serves as a lesson for all of you here to watch out all the things that came out from your mouth. We've given you a chance to work here because my husband and I realizes that you needed this job. So please do your job modestly. You may now go back in your post." Mommy said dismissing the housemaids. They all both bowed down and nodded.

I sighed and then glance at my mother. She then came closer and touch my hand.

"I hope you're fine now sweety." She said. I smiled at her.

"I am now Mom. Thankyou." I said.

"For what?" She asked.

"For always beeing there on my side. You, Daddy and Ronald is my strength. I can't live on this world without you guys.". Mommy smiled and pulled me towards for a hug.

"Ow! You're being a baby now don't you think?" She said as she kissed my cheeks. I hug her tightly and laughed with it.

Mommy's phone is ringing. She excused herself and I just nodded. I know that its about the business.

My father is not here. He was off to work earlier this morning. And if not for work he would be here interrogating the housemaids. He even called Gray to confirm if what I said was true. He said that he'll talk with Grayson after work.

I then decided to go upstairs. I freshen up myself because I still kinda felt those weirded feeling with what the street vendors said. I know that the news will stop now.

My phone started ringing. It's Bexley. She's calling me on skype. I answered it while lying on top of my bed.

"Hey girl!" She said. Her background seems she's on a coffee shop. I look at the clock and it says its almost four in the afternoon.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously I'm at a coffee shop." She said. I laughed at her.

"I mean what are you doing there and who are you with? You told me you're gonna visit here tonight right?" I said. Bexley's house is just an hour drive from here. She told me that she'll gonna visit if my brother is not beyond the corner of this house.

"Actually, there this emergency. I cant come tonight Ads. My cousin from America just arrived and my Mom told me to tour him around." She said with an expression that obviously shows she's not enjoying it.

I sighed and nodded. "Fine. Its just so disappointing that you wont be able to come. Ronald's flight might be next week and you wont have the chance to see him! Why not visit when he's here! You'll miss the chances of being able to be close with him."

Bexley bit her lip and I think I kinda feel that she's somewhat blushing. Her reaction simply shows like she's hiding something. I eyed her curiously.

"U-Uhm well, I'll try. Maybe at the day of his flight?" She said.

I rolled my eyes and just nodded. The rest of the minutes where all about me and Bexley talking about his cousin. After a minute she said goodbye cause his cousin has ask her to do something.

I let out a heavy sighed as I laid on bed. I'm so bored. I stood up and decided to go out and have some fresh air.

When I went down the sala are quiet. Mom is probably on the town for now. I can clearly hear crickets, thats how quiet the house is. The night is peaceful and the moon from above shines so brightly. Breezes of the wind touches my skin. I'm only wearing a sleeveless night pajama with a silky shorts and I didn't bother wearing a sweater. I started walking while looking at those lamp post on our yard.

I was having fun with the silence when a shadow from afar suddenly appear making me jump and shriek so bad.

"Oh my gosh! You scared me!" I said while placing my hands on my chest. Grayson is standing behind our cables and the shadow angle on his face is only showing. I folded my hands feeling a little bit anxious with what I'm wearing.

He cleared his throat.

"I aleady clear things out in the town. I have also talked with your father and apologize for the trouble. I'm sorry if it affected you." He suddenly said.

I cant look at him in the eye and I only nodded. For all what happened I know that I am to blame too. I was childish and I didn't think about the consequences of my action. Cause the truth is, if I didn't kiss him no one would saw it and no one would spread a rumor. I bit my lip and sighed. The only thing that lingers in my mind right now is to draw a line between him and me. I'm not saying this to distance myself on him, but I want to treat him as someone superior. With respect and modesty.

"What's important is my name is cleared. And, I want to say sorry for acting so childish. Rest assured I'll be good this time. "

He then move forward. His height really intimidates me. His angled jaw, clean cut hair and pointed nose are making me lost myself again. But I need to keep my word. I have to stop this stupid attraction that I am feeling towards him. Before it develop to something bigger and unstoppable.

"You'll be good huh?" He said with a taunting smirk. I look away and nodded. The wind blown. I glance at him and stiffle a small smile. He remained staring at me with his deep and serious eyes. His stares are really something. I cant help but feel anxious and nervous at the same time.

"U-uh yeah. That's why I wanted to restart the day we've first met." I said while smiling a little. He look confused of what I just said. His brows were furrowed and it only made him more attractive than ever! Man, this is hard.

"My name is Adelaine Saddie Rivera. Daughter of Orlando and Vivian Rivera. And I wanted to be friends with you Mr Joseph Grayson Acharon."

My heart is beating wildly and I know I'm sweating bullets now. This is so embarrasing. What if he wont accept it? His mean and I know that!

But my hands went cold when he replied.

"Friends huh?" He said.

I smiled at him and nodded. He then shake his head then touch his nape.

"Friends then".

I then place my hand mid air. Offering him to do handshakes which he glaldy did. His warm and calloused hand touces mine. My heart beated wildly. It was only for a second when I decided to take my hand back. I can see his smirk but then I was so nervous to put a care.

"I'll head back inside. Y-you should go home too." I said a little bit nervous.

"Goodnight then." He said huskily.

I cleared my throat and nodded. A second of silence after when I decided to turn my back. The situation is getting awkward that I have to remind myself of the idea of being friends with him.

I stop midstep when suddenly Grayson speak.

"Goodnight Friend."

I dont know what to react but just to stop with wide eyes and flush face. I shake my head and closed my eyes.

I laughed awkwardly and just wave my hand. I even heard him laughed which made me take a step much faster than I did before.

The moment I've entered our house I let out a heavy sighed. I feel like I just run a thousand miles because of my fast heartbeat!

What was that? What is he doing? I shake my head and sighed. I heard his car roar to life and then he was out from our yard.

Friends? It's supposed to make things easier with him but why do I feel that it might be worst!

A/N: Hi! Thankyou so much for giving this story a chance to be heard. I just want to ask you guys for favor. I'm a writer at wattpad too and I specifically write "taglish" stories. Taglish means a combination of Filipino language and standard english. Please do support me with my other stories on wattpad for those filipino readers here. You can also read the taglish version of this story on my wattpad account. Kindly just search "itscrehdots" on your wattpad screen. I only have 44 followers there and some of my stories still needs improvement and some of it are only ranging for about 200 reads. I hope you can help me share with you guys some of my stories in there. I'll forever be grateful for those who'll read and give it a try. Thank you and happy reading!!!❤❤