The remaining team members headed to the med bay, Vetra pulled Dutch backwards as they walked, "Talk to me. What was different this time?" she asked curiously.
Dutch was nervous to tell her but Vetra was the only person he really could trust with it. He couldn't really handle lying to her.
"It started out the same and ended the same, but before the wall of fire. You stood up and started saying stuff like 'You can save everyone' or whatever. It was actually kind of scary." Dutch explained.
Nubasik came up and smacked his shoulder and stated "It's just a dream brother, don't let it get to you!" As he walked by.
Vetra sighed "I mean, that 4 armed ass is right. It's just a dream."
Dutch was a bit upset "It doesn't feel like one!! No one knows what's causing these planetary annihilation's!! I feel like... it's a bad omen or something! I'm being shown visions or some shit!"
Vetra stopped and rushed to hugged Dutch. "Loono, ya need to relax. I know you're angry about Ivbor, Ivbor was also my home too! I wanna find them pricks responsible, but we have nothing to on! Not to mention, the board doesn't even think its a weapon responsible!" she said loudly.
"We do though! It pisses me off, how they pretend it's not fuckin obvious! They act as if it isn't possible at all!" Dutch exclaimed furiously.
"Well, don't forget, my little loono. We control many systems. Each governed by a C.F.M. representative, but not all are soldiers or aren't simply worried about PA's. Which sucks, but we'a in the middle of a war!" Said Vetra.
They both were walking past a window and stopped to see the jump.
Over the intercom, an A.I. voice came up. "We will be jumping, in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... jump is a go!"
Outside the window, a beautiful and colorful sight fills the window. it is a spectacular light show and something the 2 enjoyed seeing.
"Come on, we got maybe 7 hours before we reach our point. You need those injuries treated!" Vetra said to Dutch.
They started towards to the closest med bay, where they met with the remaining members of the last mission.
A large and black female gorgon was treating injuries on the soldiers. Her tail slithered across the floor as she moved patient to patient, her tails tip flapping side to side.
(Gorgons are large snake like beings, there are 5 different species in helios. Most have tails for lower halves)
"You three really got banged up, didn't you? My assissstant can help you 2." Said the female gorgon.
A Eloch approached Dutch and Vetra. This short Eloch had a neck translator on.
(Eloch are humanoid beings with grey skin, natural armor, glowing red eyes, and are bit taller than humans)
As it spoke it native language, the translator spoke, "I can help you over here, what seems to be the problem?"
Dutch stood next to a table and started taking armor off.
"I need a physical examination and a scan on my head. It's killing me!" Dutch said as he took off his helmet.
Revealing his scruffy face with bruises on the left side of his jaw and his partial scorched neck. He itched his shadowed beard and looked in a mirror, to see how bad his blonde hair was messed up. "This damn thing always fucks up my dew after an op!" joked Dutch.
Vetra walked up by Dutch and started doing the same. She took her recon helmet off to reveal her blue skin with black long hair and lightly glowing red eyes. She has shock burn marks on her right side of her visible body with darkened burnt spots on the back of her neck. "Hey, at least you don't have to fix so much!" Vetra exclaimed, as her hair could been seen as a mess.
They had taken everything but their under suits.
The Eloch examined Dutch first.
He pulled out tablet and pointed at Dutch, "You are internally bruised in 3 areas, cell damage in the stun shots, a headache that you can take pain killers for, a few cuts, and your augments are perfectly fine. If I'm right, the planets surface has an energy field that prevents augment use, right?" Said the assistant.
"That's right. Kinda fucked us over. So, I'll be good right?" Asked Dutch.
"Yes but get some rest, before you lay down. Take some pain killers. Miss Vetra, you're just exhausted. You rest also. The healing nano tech of your augmentation's, were delayed due to the high energy fields." Said the assistant.
"Ok Ms. I'mjustexhausted. Lets get some grub then hit the hay, sound good?" Dutch suggested as he layed back on the seat.
Vetra nodded and hopped off the seat. Vetra did a big stretch and waved Dutch to follow.
The rest of the soldiers were being scanned as they left.
"Snake people freak me out!" Stated Vetra as she shivered at the thought of the doctor.
"I never liked any gorgon! Devils, Mambas, and so on." Laughed Dutch as he shrugged and lifted his hands.
They walked into a cafeteria with a preset line of food in it.
"Ok, they got steaks, kooibobs, strips of meat, and some fruits!" she said excitedly.
Dutch chuckled "I'll just take whatever looks good to me. A steak, 2 kobobs, and some fruits. Now than, shall we go eat or stand here like idiots even more?" as Dutch walked away from Vetra.
Vetra laughed and they went to find a table, luckily there was a empty table near a vid screen. They sat down and started eating while a comedy movie was on.
After a few minutes, the movie was interrupted with emergency news.
The screen showed "Avage Allegiance news! Unprovoked attack!" and a human female report appeared on the screen.
"Hello and welcome to the Avage Allegiance news! Where we bring you the latest war front news! Now, whats the news? Lets take that to our field reporter! Shall we?"
The screen switches to a camera view of a reporter in a environmental suit.
"Thanks, what you see behind me is a destroyed cruiser of the G.T.M.I.! Not even a hour ago, the C.F.M. attacked this cruiser transporting medical supplies to G.T.M.I. colonies! When they attacked, it was with a full fleet and sent soldiers down to finish off remaining survivors but failed!"
Dutch recognized the ship and planet. He shouted "WAIT! We were just there! They attacked us and its all the damn opposite!!" Vetra put her hand on his forearm to calm him, nodding.
"Here is recovered helmet footage of one of the Taunis marines who died during the defense of the ship!"
A video is pulled up and it shows a man with 3 others firing at enemies below, Dutch realized the video was when they were trying to get to their new LZ!
the reporter continued talking.
"These men defended the ship with their lives, but were sadly taken out by a Frontier gunship! The taunis marines manage to fend off pushing enemy forces long enough for a perimeter to be set up! Here is a survivor of the crash! Private Jacken! So tell us your experience here!"
The microphone in his hand was lifted to the soldiers face.
"Well, I wanna state first that I'm a anti boarding soldier, so other than the big dogfight, I don't know much. I was told that we were transporting medical supplies to an outer colonies in need. We had received orders to come into this system to check out a strange signal that was picked up, we tried to find the source. When came out of our jump, we were directly in front of a C.F.M. fleet! They opened fire immediately! Shit hit the deck fast! My CO gave me orders to get my weapons and be prepared for any possible boarding parties! See? This is my rifle. A precision laser rifle, me and my squad were held up on the starboard section. No one attempted to board us, but when we realized the ship was falling into the atmosphere, we found a shock absorption room and we mana---"
The screen flickered and suddenly C.F.M. news network came up.
"We bring you news of the front! On tonight's report, a Taunis cruiser attempted to take the 6th C.F.M. fleet head on! Is Taunis over confident or just plain stupid? G.T.M.I. sent a cruiser to attack one of our training exercises!" said a male reporter.
"What a load of bullshit. Both news networks don't even have the right story! Even the C.F.M. is full of propaganda!!" Dutch said with a angered tone
"Hold on, there's one more!" Vetra said mockingly.
The screen flickered to citadel news.
"Tonight story, the C.F.M. and G.T.M.I. at it again! Rumors that the C.F.M. unprovoked attacked G.T.M.I.? there are no clear answers at this time, but the fight records of these 2, I doubt it was unprovoked on either sides, the fight took plac--"
The screen was cut off with a blue screen. Suddenly the G.T.M.I. logo with a cross out mark appeared.
A distorted voice came on "People of Helios! Don't listen to the lies! Taunis industries is always paying people to change the stories up for their benefit! Though the C.F.M. aren't as strong like they say, their cause is good and they have been fighting like hell! Taunis knew the C.F.M. would be on that planet and set an ambush! The C.F.M. were evacuating a small group of assets but Taunis got to them first! They tortured them for information!"
It clipped to a video that showed a Taunis marine torturing a Exile Brasnik, one of the 4 armed creatures.
The voice came back on.
"How did we get this video? How do we know this? The C.F.M. may not know, but those beings were associates of ours! We recorded the whole thing on their surveillance system! C.F.M. I'm sorry for the loss of the soldiers in the battle. That is all!"
The screen went right back to the citadel news
"Sorry folks! We had a small connection issue!"
"I'm going to go rest, I'm sick of the vids today!" Said Vetra, disgusted.
Dutch replied as he finished his food "Me too...."
They both headed to their quarters for rest.