Dutch was breathing heavy, laser bolts were flying everywhere.
Defense bots were surrounding the ship as Dutch and his team boarded the ship. The pilot began to yell over the radio.
Vetra began to shut the back door as the ship began to lift, lights and systems were being restored, a clear sign to get the hell out.
Vetra went onto comms.
"Lieutenant Lisnova to Admiral Suad! Open fire on the station! Danger close!!" Vetra had manage to get a message through, as the ship flew out of the hanger with shots flying out.
The main ship and a battleship began opening fire. The station was ripped to pieces in mere seconds.
The whole team fell to the ground in relief.
"FOR FUCK SAKES!!" Vall said panting.
Vetra was shaking and Revan looked like he needed a nap. Tale was next to Dutch, definitely had enough excitement for the day.
"Well I hope that was worth the trouble, because that place is fucked!" The pilot shouted.
They had landed in the hanger of the main fleet ship, the door had opened and the team had all walked out. Only to be ambushed by a latched defense bot. It hopped down and immediately claws Tale, a nice big slash down his chest and right through his suit.
Dutch was shocked but enraged moments later and started wailing on the defense bot. Vetra and Vall ran to check on Tale. The new Recon rookie didn't have much luck at that moment.
"It looks like his armor took most of the damage but he needs medical care right away!" Vall said as him and Vetra picked up Tale over their shoulders.
Dutch ripped the limbs off and smashed the head of the defense bot.
Admiral Suad stood there, astounded.
"Well it looks like Private Tale was short on luck, but everything was going so well up till that! I assume you will be taking responsibility for Private Tale's injury?" The Admiral raised a brow at Dutch. Dutch knodded in agreement.
The Admiral clapped his hands together, "Good! Well, you will need to fill the paperwork and report out! So what did you find?" Suad asked Excitedly.
Reven opened his TIC, "Alot actually, like 1, this wasn't a normal data station. They help information that caused Taunis to kill their own people! Also we recovered all the available data, may I mention there was a blood thirsty A.I.?" Reven stated, the Admiral stood there with a bit of disbelief.
"I'm trafering the data to the ships main computer for decryption, a few of them are heavily encrypted. I think the G.T.M.I were expecting possible data breaches but not a seige. Some of the files seemed to be under a serious firewall of some sort, hopefully we can review them soon." Revan had uploaded a whole terabyte of data to the Bridge.
The Admiral laughed and patted Revan on his back, than walked away. Dutch sighed as he knew, that was gonna be one hell of a report.
The pilot was exiting the ship as Revan and Dutch were walking away.
"That was one hell of a Cluster fuck, am I right?" He said.
Dutch turned and with a joking tone, "That was probably the smoothest OP we've done in awhile, I guess it was to much for you?"
The pilot laughed and flipped Dutch off, he laughed.
As Revan and Dutch entered the armory, Dutch had met an expected turn. He opened the door to the armory and Suvi flew out and onto him. Revan and Dutch were shocked, Suvi flirted with Dutch often but this was unusual. She seemed upset, her face was burried into his chest plate. She looked up and with a upset face, she shouted.
"God damn it! I thought you were dead!!"
Dutch was confused, "What would make you think that? They would of told you if i was KIA!"
She shook her head, "They didn't tell us anything! You lost connection shortly after going in and the last anyone knew, they had vid feed of gunfire through the windows. All anyone saw was the station being blown to bits! I didn't see your ship anywhere!" She seemed very upset.
He held her tightly and rubbed her head.
"Calm down, I'm fine! I know you were worried! (No, he didn't) I'm here now! Let's go back our quarters for some Liquier!" He said in a joyful tone. Him and Revan quickly got their gear put away.
As him and Suvi walked back to the Star Corps Quarters, a question went through his mind. Why was she acting like this? He's been on more dangerous ops before and she's remained more calm than this.
As they were walking, Suvi held onto Dutchs right arm, his left was beeping. His TIC had recieved a message, from Revan.
So she wouldn't notice, he actived visor mode, so he could interact with it through his cyber lenses.
Revan wasn't far behind, luckily Dutch didn't need to talk out loud to interact with his TIC.
He opened the message from Revan.
///Revan- techy dickhead\\\
Revan: Hey, what's with her?
Dutch: IDK, this was a light op compared to others. She doesn't smell like booze!
Revan: We know you 2 aren't an item but this would be a girlfriend reaction. You 2 hiding something? ;)
Dutch: No! We joke but we keep things professional!
Revan: "Professional" yeah, right. Don't act like we can't hear those bunks squeak at lights out! XD
Dutch: -.- dude, you know I toss and turn from my nightmares and so does she! do does she! We haven't even kissed, I don't see her that way. Not seriously that is.
Revan: She did say that, she wasn't kept informed. Isn't she 2nd of the Star Corps and your replacement if u die?
Dutch: I mean yeah, maybe she panicked from stress?
Revan: This is Suvi dude, Saud would get a replacement fast!! XD
Dutch: IDK, I'll talk to her.
///Exit chat\\\
He looked down at her, he took a deep breath.
"Suvi, why are you acting like this? This isn't my first op and it most certainly wasn't that dangerous!"
She walked closer and gripped his arm.
"Dutch, you are probably one of the only people I actually care about. Plus if you die, I'm left with the Star Corps!"
He laughed, "You know Suad wouldn't let that happen, but hey. I appreciate the concern. I get it, you weren't up to date on anything and didn't see us leave as it blew up. You gotta relax or the new guys will think you're soft!"
She chuckled, "I'll knock their lights out if that happens!"
He laughed, "You good?"
"Yeah I'm good!" She replied, letting go of his arm.
All 3 of them walked into the Star Corps quaters, to find many of the men laughing and sharing stupid stories.
Dutch headed to the Commander Quaters, but was stopped by some of the newbies. 3 men, 2 humans and a Yu' na.
One of the men, a tall and built black man with a shorter but equally built white man behind him. A thin but battle scarred Yu' na on the side but with them. All 3 had Skulls with knives on their shoulders.
The black man spoke first, "So Captain, how many Taunis Marines have you killed?"
Dutch did not feel the need to reply but was keen too.
"Well, give or take. Maybe a few hundred?" Dutch replied.
They laughed, the black man spoke again.
"Well, I hope can rack the count up more together. The G.T.M.I left us to die and refused to pay us for a job, that almost cost us our lives." He stated.
Dutch crossed his arms, "We will see." He said with a smirk.
The white man spoke up, "So some of the guys here said you been to and actually survived Vernon 8, is that true? If so, are the rumors and stories true?" He asked.
Dutch sighed, "Well what rumors and stories do you refer to? Also, they probably are."
He was shocked, "How all the factions involved were under a temporary truce and that all factions involved lost almost all their men? Maybe even how the planet is a conjured nightmare?"
Suvi, Dutch, and a few of the preenlisted members were all tensed up.
In a slightly angry tone, Dutch replied "Yeah, all of it's true. Its actually where I got put into top Command of the Star Corps. We lost our Colonel there, Colonel Ghesh. Good man too... we went down with 400 soldiers and only 3 of us returned. Me, Suvi, and our recently retired Warrent officer. That planet is hell and every night mare to exist!"
The whole room was quiet and an unsettling feel set in the room
The Yu' na asked the last question, he has claw marks across his face.
"Is it True, that you are one of the 2 actual PAS survivors in the fleet?"
Dutch was filled with anger but manage to calmly answer.
"Take one good look at me, does a human normally looks like this? Yes though, me and a Valarian girl named Vetra, she leads the 35th Recon in the 6th fleet. Now, I'd like to rest before the breifing."
Both of the men stepped away, letting Dutch and Suvi through.
As they walked in and the door closed behind them, Suvi put her hand on Dutch's shoulder.
"Hey, relax. They are just curious. Now rest, please!" Suvi said.
He sighed and went to lay down, he sat down and removed his boots.
Just before he layed down, he glanced at Suvi. Admiring her Lovely black silked hair, her beautiful blue eyes, and her beautiful clear skin.
She looked at him and laughed. "You know, my mom told me that my peoples culture had many ways to help unwind. One was rock gardens, don't ask. I have no clue how it worked but maybe, give it a try?"
Dutch laughed, "Yes, I will grow rocks for fun!" He said with a smartass tone.
She laughed and laid down.
They had closed their eyes and went to sleep till breifing....
A few hours later.....
Vetra and Suvi were walking to the breifing room.
"Hey, so did you hear? Apparently the Gola infestation isn't the main focus but rather dealing with the native wild life!" Said Vetra.
"I know some life is more dangerous that others but are Gola really less important?" Asked Suvi.
Vetra shrugged, "I mean, with how flirty you are, wouldn't you be a bigger threat than the Gola too?" Asked Vetra.
Suvi laughed and punched her shoulder as they walked in.
Dutch signaled for Suvi and Vetra to come sit by him.
The Briefing hall is a big room and it has a vast area for seating. Split into 4 different sections.
Basic, team leaders, division commanders, and Top ranking.
Basic and Team leaders were pretty much together but with Team leaders up front. They had to sit with their division and branch.
Division Commanders is a meeting table expanded around the rim of the breifing point. Top ranking, was the center and the ones who did the briefing.
As the girls sat next to Dutch, Suad had walked onto a holo platform. He stood there waiting for everyone to be seated.
A few moments later the room lights dimmed and the holo platform began to glow.
With a loud voice and speakers, Suad began.
"Thanks you for coming, well it's not like you had a choice! (Crowd laughs) okay, let's get serious. One of our allies/Patreons, recently bought a solar system from the G.T.M.I., for those of you wondering. It was marked down as a "no longer profitable sector" and was offered to them, for a cheap price.
Well we discovered why, the system has 5 planets and 2 are in the habital zone. There are 3 different astroid belts through out the solar system. These belts are also home to many pirates but our focus is the planets.
Wel pretty much this whole system just hates people.
Minus the pirates, the planets are completely dangerous, 1 had working Old remnant tech on it that had shot ships out of orbit and the other is a lush jungle planet with many predators and a Gola infestation.
We have already been attacked 7 times by the pirates since we entered the system. Many of you may not of known that, thats how weak they are. We will be patrolling the system to eliminate the pirates but our main objective is the Gola infestated planet.
Our plan is to bring the 6th fleet into orbit and orbital bomb the areas of Gola hive entrances. After that, the 204th Assault Battalion and the 89th Iron Division will touch down first and clear out strangler Gola and hold the entrances until the 133rd Spartan V's touch down with the 182nd Armour Division.
204th and 89th will clear any threats remaining and any surfacing threats.
The 133rd and 182nd are to set up defense perimeters, once those are established. The 204th will set up camp and forward outposts in the areas and the 89th will guard the entrances.
There are 5 different Gola entrances, once all 5 are under control and are set. We will bring in the 223rd Flamer unit to begin the extermination of thd Gola, while being backed by the 204th. Once we have rid the planet of Gola, Ta' Sonka will come in and take over and claim the system officially. We will than hunt and eliminate the pirates till Ta' Sonka gets forces in. Any questions?" Admiral Suad said quite astoundingly.
Dutch spoke up, "what will the 163rd and 35th be doing?"
The Admiral sneared a little, "Your 2 divisions have a different task in the Operation. The 163rd will drop in and clear a LZ for the 35th. The groups will than push in, clear and scout facilities or made structures listed by scout imagery."
Dutch was cofused, but he wouldn't question any further.
A holo imagery showing the 5 areas and lit up blips appeared. Representing the units and showing how the plan should go down.
Vetra leaned over and began whispering, "Hey Dutch. What do you think they want us doing? I feel the scouting and expedition plan isn't for fun!"
Dutch shrugged and whispered back, "No idea, maybe data extract or something? Like the station but you know... not of our choosing! HA!"
She chuckled and whispered to Suvi, "If we land together, you stay with me! Sisters got to watch eachothers backs!"
Suvi knodded in agreement and fist bumped Vetra.
"Now! We will start the OP at 0900 hours tomorrow! Any questions?" Suad said loudly.
A Reaver corps infantryman raised his hand, "What are we fighting? Well besides Gola?"
Suad pointed at him, "Well predator based animals, all carnivorous and large beasts. Not 1 is immune to bullets. So don't worry!"
The soldier knodded and than a Flammergeier pilot raised his hand, "Will we be engaging the 2nd habital world? If not, will we encounter any aerial predators?" He said loudly.
Suad shrugged, "Well we won't be touching the 2nd habital world at all. Also I am not sure. Alot is unknown about this world. So we will see!"
The room went quiet, assuming no more questions were going to be asked, he dismissed everyone. Dutch looked at the clock, it read 1429 hours. Well, he either best rest or relax until the OP.
Vetra tapped on Dutch's shoulder, "Hey, the mamba doctor from earlier. He called me down, I'm heading down. Lets get a bite before the OP when I'm back, ok?" She said.
Suvi chirped up, "Mind if I join you? I heard it's Shesck Day!" She said excitedly.
Dutch knodded, "Isn't that just the Draco word for BBQ beef?"
Suvi smiled, "yep!"
Vetra laughed, "Well, we can't let it upshesck our moods!"
Dutch shook his head, "Bad pun, hell maybe I could get some of the guys to join us, but um... I got told to see the Admiral after the breifing, so... I'll see you there?"
Suvi sighed, "yeah, have fun! See you there Vetra!"
Vetra waved and headed off down to the infirmary, moments after entering a lift. She fell to wall from pain in her chest. She began coughing, she was trying to hold it in.
She took a few deep breaths, she was worried. As she stood up striaght again. She turned to the door before anyone saw her.
As the doors opened, she walked out and to the infirmary. She was met by the mamba doctor, he was waiting for her with charts in his hand and he seemed to be nervous.
"Vetra, I got some bad news. Come in please..."
At that moment, Dutch was entering Admirals Suads Quarters.
"Ah, Dutch! Have a seat, would you like anything to drink? Brandy? Juice? Water?" Suad asked as Dutch entered.
"I'm fine sir, but thanks. What did you need to talk about?" Dutch had asked as Suad poured some brandy into a cup, this large lizard took up alot of room in the quarters. Good thing he isn't claustrophobic.
Suad had walked overnto his desk and at down, "Dutch, do you know why I called you in here?" Suad asked.
"No sir." Dutch replied.
"Well, do you know why I didn't question or deny you that OP on the station?" Suad asked.
"I was wondering about that, but no sir." Dutch replied.
"We had orders to seek out ALL G.T.M.I. structures left behind. Do you have any idea why?" Suad asked as he took a drink of his brandy.
"To uncover information? Sir." Dutch replied.
"Because long range scanners and telescopes showed that the G.T.M.I. built something here. Something massive! That station was already on the list, it took top priority. Now, why were you interested in it?" Suad asked as 2 MP's entered his quarter's.
Meanwhile on the G.T.M.I. homeworld, an officer is entering a pent house with a man at a desk.
The officer approaches the desk as the man is on the call.
The officer had a pad and set it down, "Sir, the C.F.M. found evidence and a fleet has been deployed."
The man swooped around, "WHOA!! NO!!! CALL THE FLEET OFF! THAT VIOLATES OUR CITADEL SALE LAW!! I'LL CONTACT AN ALLY!!" said the Industries representive...