Stable But Shaking

An army was deployed at once. Countless adventurers and royal guards were headed straight for Yakeru and Kana. They were armed to the teeth, relentless and cunning.

Kana was in no position to fight. Yet, Yakeru didn’t waver. Although he was up against an entire guild and a noble platoon, he still had the confidence of a fire dragon. The young man was ready to sever anyone who would dare come in close range.

All of a sudden, a dagger flew by Yakeru’s skin, and landed deep inside the wall behind him, missing his neck by an inch. The young man focused his glare at Nora. In her mind, she threw that whirling weapon in greeting. As soon as the dagger pierced the stone wall, three elves from the platoon became an unstoppable storm of destructive power. They focused all their mana to conjure a bladestorm out of thin air and trap the young man in a single place. The blades fell quickly, creating a veil so thick it obscured the view completely.

Then came a slam. Another one of the elven warriors had jumped in the middle of that bladestorm to land a heavy blow. He raised his massive hammer, which was an actual extension of his arm, and bashed it over Yakeru’s head.

When the first group of elves took a step back to gather their strength for another attack, a second squad took over. This created the perfect opportunity for Nora’s guild to make their move. Over a dozen assassins joined the fray, swarming him from each side like a mass of insects. Together with the elves, they thrust their daggers and swords forward.

- “No!!!” – Aiko screamed.

Many tried to hit their foe with multiple strikes. Some threw their greatswords at Yakeru as they waited for the weapon to return and cripple him along the way. Others slammed their shields against the floor, creating powerful fissures that shook the ground. They were in for the kill.

- “Kana!! We have to do something! He is going to die!”

When Aiko turned to face the sorceress, her eyes were losing their focus. Kana’s skin was as pale as the face of a china doll. Her lips were crumpled and dry, which blended perfectly with the rest of her skin. The gash in her stomach wasn’t healing as fast as she expected it would. The young girl took a good look at Kana’s system. She focused her gaze the same way she observed Yakeru’s weapon.

That’s when she saw it. A powerful venom coursing through her veins. It was spreading to every section of her body, enveloping her organs with a dark and powerful matter.

- “Nora’s poison!” – Aiko added.

- “It is still in her system?” – mumbled Ren.

- “Yes!”

- “But you healed her. Why is it still there?!”

- “I couldn’t get the entire thing out before I got knocked out. If I don’t remove it now, she will die!”

- “Oh no!”

- “But, Yakeru! He…”

Then came a powerful wind. It howled like some sort of opener from a horror movie. It covered the prison in darkness, not letting even the light from the open roof enlighten the place. Aiko and Kana’s hair whipped violently, forcing them to keep their eyes shut. They could barely see.

The walls began to crack. Suddenly loud screams enveloped the prison. Aiko, Kana, and Ren could hear the enemies’ limbs tare wide open. Although they couldn’t see the scythe meet their flesh, they could hear the squish as the sharp blade punctured the skin. But, the moment the weapon sunk deeply into someone’s body, it quickly found another victim. In a matter of seconds, over a dozen heads, severed limbs, and bodies covered the ground.

Only a few enemies remained, including Nora with a couple of her guildmates and elves. Nora remained steadfast, watching from afar and waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal itself. Some of the elven fighters, however quickly lost their resolve. Their heart was racing. All they wanted to do was curl up behind her.

Aiko glanced at the tall young man. There was no mercy in the way he moved, no remorse or hatred. Red and purple blood squirted all around him. Yet, his eyes, black as coal, remained devoid of any emotion. The way Yakeru held himself reminded her of Kana.

That’s when Yakeru turned around to face the sorceress. Visualizing her smile brought him a sense of relief. It kept his mind at ease. The darkness in his eyes disappeared and an earnest smile softly took over. It emanated a feeling of comfort and safety.

- “See? Done. Easy.”

- “Never doubted you.”

Kana smiled back. As her skin turned paler, his heart jumped a bit. Out of the blue, the woman coughed blood. Aiko hurried to her aid. But, his heart sank.

That was it. That moment of weakness.

Nora squinted at Yakeru through hardened eyes. Every muscle in her face relaxed. Without a word, she communicated unwavering determination, as if this is exactly what she was born to do. She slowly reached for the upper part of her clothes and took out a small weapon. The dagger she hid under her bra released a menacing aura. Its blade was drenched in some kind of poison. The woman leaped like a panther from the other side of the room. She moved like the shadows, silent, but deadly.

That speed and agility made her a fearsome foe. If she were up against an entire village, she could take them down with ease. No wonder why her remaining guildmates never made a move when she decided to react. They wouldn’t dare stand in her way.

Aiko, Ren, and Kana stood defenseless, not realizing the imminent threat. Their backs were wide open. Their vulnerable necks were clear as day. Just one swipe and they would all go down in an instant.

Nora quickly reduced the distance between her and her target. As her sharp blade was just about to reach Yakeru’s exposed nape, his body released a massive surge of dark energy. It moved faster than lighting and felt hotter than lava.

- “ENOUGH!” – he screamed.

Never before has Nora noticed how in moments like these, time can feel so much like water. It passed slowly, a single drop at a time. Nora has fought countless foes before. Even so, no one on her list was as swift as this red-haired man. Every breath she took, she used it to challenge her limits.

The moment she swiveled to dodge the attack, the eerie energy brushed against her right cheek. It burned. She could smell it. She could feel a narrow scar forming under her eye. Still, not a single drop of blood dripped. The heat was so intense, it cauterized the wound instantly.

In spite of that, the woman didn’t back down. It was now or never. Yakeru expected her attacks. He was prepared to take her down even if she survives this surge of energy. But, there was one thing he was unprepared for.

Him not being the target.

The second the woman dodged the energy, she merged with the shadows and teleported to a different enemy. She landed behind Ren. The pup stood there defenseless. As he gazed into her eyes, his mind froze. Nora was too close. He could feel her warm breath against his fur. He could sense her cold eyes. They pierced his soul. Her touch across his Adam’s apple seeped into his very being. It shook Ren to his core. Everything happened too fast, Aiko didn’t even realize it. She was too focused on keeping Kana from tumbling to the floor.

- “Shit.”

Yakeru reacted instantly. He focused another wave of energy directly in his legs and bolted towards Nora, leaving a hole in the ground where he used to stand. He got to her in the nick of time, but Nora used the shadows once more to escape Yakeru’s thirsty blade and returned to her previous location. Where she moved, shadows followed. The moment she stood on solid ground, the shadows dissolved.

Lucky for her, she survived. But, behind her, it was a different story. There was a huge swathe of destruction. That powerful surge of energy leveled the prison. Even the severed limbs that covered the floor earlier were now reduced to kindling. Another two assassins who stood at the wrong place at the wrong time were erased from existence. Just like that, their bodies vanished. It took Yakeru a second to create so much damage.

- “Yo, furball! You OK?”

Ren panicked. He searched his body for open wounds. Anything that might have been injected with poison. But, there was nothing. Not a single scratch.

- “I think so.”

- “What just happened?!” – Aiko tried to make sense of it all.

- “I…don’t know.” – the pup mumbled with doubt.

Aiko suddenly realized the death and devastation that laid before her. Though only enemies died, she still found it difficult to grasp the reality. To her, they too were living beings. They too had families and loved ones who waited for them to come back home. Who knows how many have lost their lives in this senseless battle. But, the weight in her arms slowly knocked her back to her senses. Kana lost her balance. The young girl’s legs couldn’t handle the weight.

Yakeru prepared to make the final stand and get rid of Nora once and for all. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the scythe and got ready to charge at the woman.

- “Stop this!!!” – Aiko’s screams echoed around the prison, or at least what was left of it. “Yakeru! Kana needs your help! I can’t do it! I can’t heal her!”

The young man was at a loss for words. Seeing Kana so helpless forced his heart to fall silent.

- “And Nora, you want me?! Take me! I never asked for any of this! I never wanted them to fight for me! Just do it! No one else deserves to die!”

Aiko’s voice wavered. She knew she was scared of that woman. If Nora were to take her, she would definitely bring her back to the elves. Aiko was terrified.

In that brief second, the young girl heard the taunting voices of years past. When she was a skinny toddler who just learned how to walk, a Wolfmore guard found her abandoned close to the village. So, he took her and threw her into the mines. They beat her into submission. They fed her food that not even animals would eat. She never knew her parents’ loving embrace. She never saw the world outside. All she has ever known was the cold floor of that little hut she calls home. Being with Kana gave her the first taste of freedom. Real freedom. But, to put an end to the slaughter, she was willing to give it all up.

In a flash, Yakeru regained focus and when he turned to face Nora, he realized she was gone. The woman disappeared without a trace.

- “She…just left?!” – Aiko stared in disbelief.

- “It looks like it.” – Yakeru added.

- “Why?! I was going to surrender.”

- “Well… She gave up pretty easily.” – Ren joined.

- “No. Nora never makes a move without a plan. Every step she takes is calculated.” – Yakeru explained. Then he took something from his pocket and proceeded to put it in his mouth. “I think she got exactly what she wanted. I just don’t know what it is, yet. But, I have a feeling we will find out soon enough.”

- “What about Kana?!”- Aiko pleaded.

That’s when Yakeru took a bite of that strange crystal and bright yellow liquid started pouring into his mouth. It was pulsating with powerful magical essence. When the last drop tinted his lips, the man went for Kana. It was the kind of movement that spoke of a mind so focused; nothing could break his gaze.

He grabbed Kana, took her from Aiko’s frail hands, and wrapped his arms around her neck. He loomed over her, swept her lustrous black hair aside, and sank his tongue into her mouth. In that single moment, there was a sweetness of passion. Although Kana could barely keep her eyes open, his smell, his touch, his warmth…to her it all felt intoxicating. Her hands hang loose as the liquid from Yakeru’s lips transferred to her mouth and dripped down her skin. The woman swallowed the substance.

Having witnessed such a passionate moment, Aiko and Ren melted. When Yakeru pulled back, Kana’s eyes shined like the purest diamond. Her body started pulsing with energy. Everyone watched as blue magics flickered from her fingertips, spread across her limbs, and enveloped her body. Threads of arcane winds filled the space, lifting the woman off the ground and away from Yakeru’s gentle embrace. As the magic burned brighter, her eyes glowed stronger. Suddenly, all the blood she lost found its way back into her body, and the wound in her stomach closed.

She got her power back.

The woman finally stood on solid ground all by herself. When the magic dimmed, her eyes gained their usual warmth. Her strength and posture were now back to normal.

But, to Aiko, she felt somehow different.